Execution Logic Structure Template


An Execution Logic Structure (ELS) template is used to create Execution Logic Structures (ELSs) and Execution Logic Orders (ELOs).

The grouping criteria must be defined for the valid combination of product model and grouping ID. Once the grouping criteria is defined, it must be completed in order to retrieve basic data based on the criteria. The basic data is used to define the grouping nodes of the ELS template. This functionality is defined in detail below.

Execution Logic Grouping Criteria

It is possible to define which attributes, located on the instruction or subtask, should be used to define the ELS. This is done by using the predefined grouping criteria available on the ELS template. The grouping criteria is made up of five grouping elements that can be grouped, sequenced and ordered according to your requirements. Following is a list of the predefined grouping elements valid for grouping on the ELS template:

The grouping criteria is defined per product model and grouping ID. The main purpose of the grouping ID is to provide you with higher flexibility on the number of grouping criteria that can be defined per product model, for instance, when you need to handle different types of maintenance visits.

To limit the amount of basic data that will be included when generating an ELS template, you can define which basic data should or should not be included when generating. This is done by selecting or clearing the Include in Execution Logic Planning check box for the relevant basic data records.

Following is an example of grouping criteria and how it works:

Product Number Model Number Grouping ID Grouping Description Status
Fighter F-16 MAJ Major Check Active
Grouping Element Group By Sequence By Level in Structure
Execution Phase ID 1 1
Function Number      
Instruction Location      
Zone ID 2 2

Using the data in this example we see that the grouping criteria is first grouped by Execution Phase and then by Zone. The Level in Structure is used to determine the number of levels on which grouping nodes are to be created. Here we see that grouping nodes will be created on two levels of the structure. Observe the graphical illustration below. The first grouping node is created for each execution phase that has the Include in Execution Logic Planning check box selected. The second grouping node is for the combination of valid execution phase and zone. The actual ELS node is located on the third level of the structure. Note that when a structure level is not entered, the structure will be created with just one level.

The grouping ID is status dependent. The following table shows the valid statuses for a grouping ID:

Status Description
  • At creation, the grouping ID is set to this status automatically.
  • In this status grouping criteria can be defined or changed.
  • When the Redefine Grouping Criteria option is selected, the grouping ID is reset to this status.
Under Preparation
  • The grouping ID is set to this status automatically when the Complete Grouping Criteria menu option is selected.
  • In this status grouping criteria cannot be defined or changed.
  • The generated ELS template can be adjusted to set up the correct execution logic sequence by adding predecessor information etc.
  • Move the ELS template to this status once you have finished setting up the correct execution logic sequence for performing maintenance work.
  • The grouping ID can be used to create an ELS on a maintenance order.
  • In this status grouping criteria cannot be defined or changed.
  • Use this option to change the status back to Under Preparation from Active, provided that a maintenance order is not connected to the ELS template.
  • When this is done, the grouping ID cannot be used on maintenance orders.
  • The grouping ID cannot be used to create an ELS on a maintenance order.
  • If a maintenance order is connected to the ELS template, it will not be possible to set the template to obsolete.
  • Use this option to change the status back to Active from Obsolete.

The following table shows the different menu options available for the grouping ID:

Menu Option Description
Complete Grouping Criteria Used to retrieve basic data and create the ELS template based on the grouping criteria defined. When this option is executed, all basic data values for the grouping elements that have been selected for sequencing will be retrieved and displayed in the Gantt chart and in a table format (i.e., in the ELS Sequencing tab and in the ELS Nodes tab). Only the basic data that has the Include in Execution Logic Planning check box selected will be considered when generating the template.
Redefine Grouping Criteria Use this feature when you want to change the grouping criteria and start over. When this is done all execution logic sequencing defined for the ELS template will be deleted and the status of the grouping ID will be reset to New.
Copy Grouping Template Use this feature to copy information, such as grouping criteria and sequencing from one grouping template to another. This is useful when the grouping templates are similar in their setup.
Remove Grouping Used to remove an ELS template. The grouping ID, connected grouping criteria and performed sequencing will be removed.

Execution Logic Structure Template

The ELS template is generated automatically when you perform the Complete Grouping Criteria menu option.

Once grouping criteria is defined and the Complete Grouping Criteria menu option performed, data defined in the basic data for the grouping elements which are selected to support sequencing will be retrieved. When this is done, the grouping elements will be concatenated based on the priority set by the given sequence. The generated ELS template can be viewed in the Gantt chart or in a table format. Note: Since predecessor information cannot be set automatically, you will need to manually define predecessor information either in the Gantt or in the table. You can also easily define predecessors and successors for a grouping node by using the Define Predecessors and Successors right mouse button option.

Following is an example of an ELS template. We will continue with the example data given above. Further, assume that the following values have been defined in the basic data for Execution Phase and Zone:

  Execution Phase Zone
1) Induct 100
2) Strip 200
3) Inspect 300
4) Assemble -

Based on the example data, the ELS template will be generated as follows. Note that an example of predecessor information that can be entered is shown in the Predecessor column in this table.

Product Number Model Number Grouping ID Grouping Description
Fighter F-16 MAJ Major Check
Node ID Grouping Node Predecessor
1 Induct-100  
2 Induct-200 Induct-100
3 Induct-300 Induct-200
4 Strip-100 Induct-300
5 Strip-200 Strip-100
6 Strip-300 Strip-200
7 Inspect-100 Strip-300
8 Inspect-200 Inspect-100
9 Inspect-300 Inspect-200
10 Assemble-100 Inspect-300
11 Assemble-200 Assemble-100
12 Assemble-300 Assemble-200

Through the ELS template you can set up an execution logic sequence to be the generic sequence for performing work during a maintenance visit. Once the visit has an ELS associated, all instructions and subtasks assigned to the various task codes of the maintenance visit will be assigned automatically to the various ELS grouping nodes within the structure.

ELS Template Gantt

Often large amounts of data will be generated in the ELS template and it can be complicated to work with a table view. At such instances, the Gantt can be used to obtain a graphical view of the ELS template and to define sequencing between the different nodes. The Gantt is made up of two parts - the Execution Logic Structure area which can be used to view the nodes in the structure textually and the Graph area which can be used to graphically view the grouping nodes and drag them into a correct sequence by drawing dependencies.

To create links (predecessors and successors) between the different nodes, you need to have the Create Dependencies Mode activated in the Gantt. In this mode you’ll see that the cursor becomes a pen, which can be used to draw the dependencies between different nodes in the structure. Note that any change done to the ELS template in the Gantt will be reflected automatically in the table and vice versa.