Resolve Structure Mismatch Log Entry


This activity is used to resolve a serial structure mismatch, and retain the corresponding record in the system. Ideally, a structure mismatch should be resolved after you have performed the necessary changes to the serial structure. For more information on structure mismatch logs, refer to Structure Mismatch Log.


A generated serial structure mismatch record must exist.

System Effects

The resolved structure mismatch record is transferred to the structure mismatch log history.


Serial Structure Mismatch Log

Related Window Descriptions

Serial Structure Mismatch Log
Serial Structure Mismatch Log History


  1. Open the Serial Structure Mismatch Log window and query (F3) for the structure mismatch you want to resolve.
  2. Select the row, right-click, and then click Resolve. A message appears.
  3. Click Yes to retain the resolved structure mismatch as a historical record. Historical structure mismatch records can be viewed in the Serial Structure Mismatch History window.
    The Resolved check box will be selected in serial structure history for your structure mismatch record.