Automatic Transaction Matching

[To Bank Reconciliation]


Use this window to match transactions in the loaded bank statements with unmatched transactions in the cash book. All cash and bank transactions until the reconciliation date on the statement are shown. 

You can perform automatic matching by right clicking on the header part of the window. After the automatic matching is completed, it is possible to undo the matching using the right mouse button option Undo Matching. Transactions which are not matched during the automatic matching process can be matched in three ways.

  1. You can manually match the unmatched transactions. 
  2. You can create transactions in the cashbook using information in the bank statement.
  3. Cashed check transactions in the bank statement can be used to automatically cash the open checks, which would result in the automatic matching of those transactions.

Right mouse button options will be available to perform each of the above activities. 

You can also use this window to perform various other activities which are detailed in the activities section. 

Activity Diagrams

          Match Transactions


Automatic Transaction Matching
Manual Transaction Matching

Cash and Match Check
Final Match Transactions
Undo Matching
Create Transactions
View Matched Transactions
Create Exchange Gain-Loss Transaction