Change Transaction Access Period


This activity is used to change the transaction access period for a supervisor.

By default, every supervisor can access transactions of his subordinates during his access assignment validity period. Every transaction registered by a subordinate during this period will be available to the supervisor. This can be changed so that a supervisor can see transactions registered during a different period.
Note: This setting does not influence the validity period of the assignment itself and only what transactions the supervisor can see.


In order to perform this activity, an employee has to receive supervision assignment.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the supervisor will be able able to access transactions from a different period.


Supervisor - Access Setup

Related Window Descriptions

Supervisor - Access Setup, Supervisor - Access Setup/Access to Business Unit


  1. Open the Supervisor - Access Setup window.
  2. Search or populate to find the relevant supervisor.
  3. On the Access Setup tab, use the graphical organization structure (Organization Tree) to find the organization unit to which the supervisor has been assigned
  4. On the Access to Business Unit tab, select the access assignment over the organization unit selected in step 3.
  5. By default, the supervisor will only see transactions registered during his access validity period. To make him see transactions from a different period, you can:
  6. Save the information.