Rebate Agreement

[About Customer Rebates]

[To Sales, Order


Use this window to work with rebate agreements for customers. Rebates are retrospective discounts or end-of-period refunds granted by the supplier to customers with the purpose of increasing sales. In this agreement the supplier defines the terms and conditions for the rebate calculation and invoicing.

It is possible to work with rebate rates based on sales volumes forecasted at the beginning of the year, which means working with the periodic settlements. It is also possible to run a subsequent rebate calculation based on the actual sales volume at the end of a specific period, which means working with the final settlement. At the end of the specified final settlement period, a comparison is done and if the actual sales volume is larger than the estimated sales volume, a higher rebate percentage is applied and a final settlement is done to the customer. At the time of creating the rebate agreement, the rebate percentages that will be applicable for different levels of actual sales volume are defined. These percentages will be considered when calculating the final settlement.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: General, Deal per Rebates Group, Deal per Assortment, Receivers.

Activity Diagrams

Enter rebate agreement
Handle rebates


Enter rebate agreement header and general terms
Copy rebate agreement
Activate agreement
Close Agreement
Plan Agreement