Send Customer Invoice

Resend Customer Invoice

[To Customer Invoicing


Use this dialog box to send invoice messages or resend an already sent customer invoice using the E-INVOICE, INET_TRANS, EDI or MHS media codes.

If you resend a customer invoice using the E-INVOICE media code, a new xml file will be created and a new invoice image (a PDF file) will be created in the Report Archive. Any changes done to the VAT number, delivery address and/or invoice address before the invoice was resent will be reflected in the invoice image and the message. You can select documents to connect to the invoice that you want to send. Any attachments that were previously sent with the invoice will not be resent. If the Add Invoice Connected Objects check box is selected, files that are connected to the invoice and saved in IFS/Document Management with the same document class defined in the Company/Invoice/Document Management tab will be fetched and included in the message.

If you resend a customer invoice with media code EDI, INET_TRANS or MHS the same message will be resent. 

Activity Diagrams

Handle, print and post customer order invoice


Send Customer Invoice
Resend Customer Invoice