Add Handling Unit

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[To Shipment


Use this dialog box to add a new handling unit to the handling unit structure. A handling unit structure is built using handling units. When adding a handling unit, you must always connect it to a handling unit type. A handling unit type is what consists of the final wrapping for a sales part. Note that a handling unit structure can be generated automatically by using the functions for either Apply Packing Instruction (will generate an empty handling unit structure - shipment lines can be attached manually), Pack Into Handling Units (will generate the lowest level handling units needed for the shipment lines, where all are directly attached to the shipment node) or Pack According to Packing Instruction (will generate a handling unit structure based on the packing instruction and the shipment lines to be packed - a handling unit structure with attached shipment lines and reservations (if existing) is created).

Activity Diagrams

Packing of Goods


Add Handling Unit