Use GIS Map Tools

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This activity explains how to use GIS Map tools.


In order to edit GIS Object in GIS Map window:

The measurement tools might require a geometry service to work, if the map's coordinate system is not Web Mercator or geographic. This is described here: GIS Concepts

System Effects

Edit, move and delete operations modifies information in ArcGIS system and not in IFS.



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the GIS Map window.
  2. Toggle on editable layers in Layers panel.
  3. Open the Tools panel and continue with below tools.

Enable Measurement Tools

  1. Select the Enable Measurement Tools checkbox.
  2. Click on an icon to select a measurement method.
  3. Click on the map to complete the measurement.

Enable Attribute Inspector

  1. Select Enable Attribute Inspector checkbox.
  2. Click on an object in the map to open an attribute dialog box with values from ArcGIS system.
  3. Select another object and read about its attribute information.
  4. Unselect Attribute Inspector checkbox to close the dialog.

Edit GIS Attributes

  1. Click on Enable Editing Tools checkbox.
  2. Click on a GIS object in the map.
  3. Modify attribute values in the dialog.
  4. Click on another object to edit its values.
  5. Unselect the Edit Tool check box to close the dialog.

Move GIS object

  1. Click on Enable Editing Tools checkbox.
  2. Click on a GIS object in the map.
  3. Hover over the GIS object and notice that the cursor changes to a hand.
  4. Hold down mouse button and move GIS object to a new location.
  5. Finalize the move operation by selecting the Enable Edit Tools check box a second time.

Add GIS object

  1. Click on Enable Editing Tools checkbox.
  2. Click on a legend below the Enable Editing Tools check box. (The description and symbols is defined in ArcGIS system and not in IFS.)
  3. Click on the map to start drawing.
  4. Unselect Edit Tools to stop editing.

Delete GIS object

  1. Click on Enable Editing Tools check box in Tools panel.
  2. Click on a GIS object in the map.
  3. Click on the Delete button in the dialog.
  4. Click on another object to delete it.
  5. Finalize the delete operation by selecting the Edit Tools check box a second time.

Hide editing tool

  1. Right-mouse click on the GIS Map entry in Enterprise Explorer navigator.
  2. Select Properties in the option menu.
  3. Enter the following parameter: HTML_PAGE_PARAMS=enableedit=false
  4. Click OK.

Enable Attribute Table

  1. Open Layers panel.
  2. Expand the group for editable layers.
  3. Click on the icon showing a table and this opens an attribute table.
  4. Click on the icon a second time to close the attribute table.

Select and unselect GIS objects

  1. Open Search and Select panel.
  2. Activate Click to Select checkbox.
  3. Click on GIS objects to select and unselect.

Show Legends

  1. Open Legend panel and it shows legends as defined in ArcGIS system. (The symbol is defined in ArcGIS system and not in IFS. The description is defined in IFS by using the Layer Display Name in GIS Layer Mapping window.)

Prevent layer navigator from expanding nodes to show activated layers

  1. Right-mouse click on the GIS Map entry in Enterprise Explorer navigator.
  2. Select Properties in the option menu.
  3. Enter the following parameter: HTML_PAGE_PARAMS=expandtosavedlayers=false
  4. Click OK.