Create Fault Report

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This activity is used to create a fault report in GIS Map window by using a right-mouse option. A fault report can be created on a free space in the map or by right-mouse clicking on a GIS object. Fault reports can be created on equipment objects and linear asset objects.


A layer representing fault report should have been created in the GIS system.

GIS object's layer used for fault report should have a field named IFSID.

Logical unit (LU) ActiveSeparate should have been defined with service name GisintConnections and VirtMapPosition in Object Connections window.

The layer should have been defined as Editable in GIS Layer Mapping window.

The layer should have been defined with a LU named ActiveSeparate in GIS Layer Mapping window.

The layer should have been made available for the user in GIS Layer Group window.

System Effects

A fault report is created and it also creates a GIS object.

A fault report is created on an existing GIS object where a business object connection exist. This creates a connection between the fault report and the business object.



Related Window Descriptions

Fault Report


  1. Open the GIS Map window.
  2. Right mouse click on a free space in the map.
  3. Select the option Create Fault Report and enter information.
  4. Finish Fault Report assistant and it creates a GIS object in the map and a fault report in IFS.


  1. Right mouse click on a GIS object and where a connection to a equipment object or a linear asset object already exist.
  2. Select the option Create Fault Report and enter information.
  3. Finish Fault Report assistant and it creates a GIS object in the map and a fault report in IFS.