Organization Basic Data/Craft To Site
Instruction Basic Data/Competence per Site

[About Organization Basic Data] [To Define Maintenance Basics] [To Manage Maintenance Program]


Use this tab to connect crafts to a particular site and to create craft structures. The default cost of the craft will be converted to the company's default currency through this tab. A craft identity generally represents a certain competency level, such as welder or operations engineer. 

If IFS Human Resources is installed, it is also possible to connect the craft to a HR (human resource) job ID. By connecting a craft ID to a HR job ID, you can utilize any HR competencies and licenses defined for the HR job ID. These qualifications are an addition to the skills provided through the maintenance craft, and makes it possible to define qualification requirements in more detail. These qualification requirements are utilized when searching for employees who fulfill the necessary requirements to perform work on a work order operation. 

If IFS/Vehicle Information Management is installed, this tab can be accessed from the Instruction Basic Data window. Please note that within IFS/Vehicle Information Management the term Craft is referred to as Competence.

Activity Diagrams

Define Organization Basic Data
BDR for Instructions


Connect Craft to Site