MRP Part Information/Bottom up Planning

[About Material Requirements Planning] [About Project Material Requirements Planning]

[To Make to Stock Planning] [To Repetitive Planning]


Use this tab to study the gross demand for the part calculated by MRP. Gross demand is the demand when MRP considers only receipts and deliveries, not the quantity on hand. You can also study the shop order that generated the demand. The bottom up planning navigator shows the requirement hierarchy for the part that is displayed in the header. Lower level parts in the bottom up planning navigator are needed when supplying (acquiring or manufacturing) the immediate upper level part. This means when the supply demand situation is replanned for the part which is on the lower level of the navigator, it would affect the parts that it requires. Clicking on the parts in the bottom up planning navigator, the planner can study the gross requirement for the part. This navigator makes it possible to investigate the gross requirements of the parts in the entire supply demand structure. The part icons on the navigator will indicate whether the part is MRP planned, project MRP planned or planned. The system will mark certain MRP information as alarms if the planner turns them on using the right mouse button on the navigator items.

Activity Diagrams

Perform MRP


Study MRP part information