CAMRO Interim Order/Component

[About Interim Demand Structures] [About CAMRO Interim Order Structures] [About Part Ownership] [About Condition Codes]

[To Execute Work Scope]


Use this tab to view the components required for this interim order. The significance of these components depends on the type of interim order. When dealing with a disassembly interim order, the components represent the part to be disassembled. For an assembly interim order, the components are the individual parts or subassemblies that will be combined to produce the assembly. For a disposition interim order, the components are the part to be inspected, plus any materials needed to perform the inspection (as defined in the disposition structure). For a repair interim order, the components represent the part to be repaired, plus any spare or repair parts needed to perform the repair (as defined in the repair structure).

Activity Diagrams

Handle order structure


Evaluate MRO interim order components