Disposition Line Status

[About Disposition Shop Order]

[To Execute Work Scope] [To Execute CRO Work Scope, Shop Order]


Use this dialog to view the status of the actions to be performed for a disposition line. The displayed status would indicate the following:

Receipt Required: Indicates whether or not the disposition part is to be received into inventory.

Receipt Complete: Indicates whether the part has been received into inventory.

Scrap Required: Used to indicate whether or not the item being disposed is to be scrapped.

Scrap Complete: Used to indicate whether or not the item has been scrapped.

Discrepancies Required: Used to indicate whether or not discrepancies are to be reported.

Discrepancies Complete: Used to indicate whether or not discrepancies have been reported.

Repair Required: Used to indicate whether or not repairs and/or modifications are to be performed on the disposition part.

Repair Complete: Used to indicate whether or not the repair codes for discrepancies and/or modifications have been defined for this disposition line.

Modifications Complete: Used to indicate whether or not modifications have been defined for this disposition line.

Activity Diagrams

Disposition overhaul object
Reserve and issue components
Report operations
