View Mixed Payment Voucher


This activity is used to view detailed information relating to a selected mixed payment voucher. Several vouchers can exist for a single mixed payment, e.g. when the mixed payment is cancelled and/or a multi-company payment is created with the mixed payment. A separate voucher is displayed for each company in a multi-company payment.


In order to perform this activity, a mixed payment of the Approved or Cancelled status should exist.

System Effects

This activity has no system effects.


Mixed Payment

Related Window Descriptions

Mixed Payment
Mixed Payment Vouchers


To view a mixed payment voucher:

  1. Open the Mixed Payment window and search for the mixed payment for which you want to view the voucher.
  2. Right-click in the window header and then click View Vouchers to open the Mixed Payment Vouchers window. The voucher created for the mixed payment will be displayed.

To view and select a mixed payment voucher if several vouchers exists for a mixed payment:

  1. Open the Mixed Payment window and search for the mixed payment for which you want to view the voucher.
  2. Right-click in the window header and then click View Vouchers to open the Mixed Payment Vouchers window.