Supplier Payment Cash Box


This activity is used to enter supplier payments which are managed only using cash. Only cash box payment institutes perform such transactions. The supplier payment can be matched with existing invoices or installments. If a supplier is not specified and only the amount is specified, a Parked Supplier Payment will be automatically created when cash box is approved. If only part of the payment is matched, a Payment On Account will be automatically created for the unmatched amount when cash box is approved. Payments on Account and Parked Payments can be pre-posted.

After a supplier payment transaction is entered, it is printed as a Cash Paid Document. The document type relevant to the payment is defined in the Payment Documents window.


This activity requires that information has been entered in the Header Details tab of the Cash Box window.

System Effects

This entry allows the supplier payment to be printed as a receipt. Receipts have to be printed for all entered transactions.


Cash Box

Related Window Descriptions

Cash Box
Cash Boxes Analysis
Cash Box Analysiss


To enter a supplier payment in cash box:

  1. Open the Cash Box window and enter general information for the cash box in the Header Details tab.
  2. Select the Transactions tab and enter a new transaction. Choose option Enter Supplier Payment from the drop down list in the Transaction Type field.
  3. Enter the supplier in the Payer/Payee field or use List of Values to select supplier.
  4. Enter the transaction amount in the Amount field.
  5. Save the record.