Copy Canceled Customer Check in Mixed Payment


This activity is used to copy a canceled customer check and the parked payment created for the cancellation. This functionality is used when a canceled customer check has to be entered again in another mixed payment.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

Two customer payment transactions will be created in the mixed payment:

After the approval of the mixed payment a customer check with the copied original check number will be created and cashed again.The parked payment which was created when the original check was canceled will be offset.


Mixed Payment

Related Window Descriptions

Mixed Payment
Copy Canceled Check


To copy a canceled check in Mixed Payment:

  1. Open the Mixed Payment window and query for the mixed payment in which you you want to include the customer check.
  2.  In the Transactions tab right click and click Copy Canceled Customer Check... to open the Canceled Checks dialog box with all customer checks cashed and canceled in Mixed Payment.
  3. Select the customer check you want to copy and click OK.
  4. The check payment and the parked payment created at the check cancellation are fetched into the Mixed Payment.
  5. Modify the information as applicable.
  6. Save.