Create Inspection


This activity is used to create an inspection line. This allows the Material Review Board (MRB) members to record the inspection details in the MRB case. 


System Effects


MRB Case

Related Window Descriptions

MRB Case
MRB Case/Inspection


  1. Open the MRB Case window.
  2. Query for the required MRB case ID.
  3. Click the Inspection tab. 
  4. Create a new record.
  5. Enter the inspection instructions in the Inspection Instructions field.
  6. Enter the ID of the person responsible for the inspection in the Responsible Person field, or select a suitable value from the List of Values.
  7. Enter the required date in the Required Date field.
  8. Save the record.
  9. Select the created row, right-click and then click Select Parts. The MRB Case Part Selection dialog box opens.
  10. Enter the quantity of the particular part that needs to be inspected on the inspection line in the Qty Selected field and click OK. You also have the option of manually entering the quantity in the Inspection Detail Qty field in the Inspection Parts table. (To do this, select the desired inspection line and then enter the quantity.)
  11. Save the changes you make.