Visualization for Labor Availability

The visualization for the labor availability category shows graphical information that makes it possible for the Manufacturing personnel to know the allocated labor hours for each labor class, work center, production line, department or load source.

The following criteria must be fulfilled in order that a labor class is loaded into Manufacturing Visualizer:

Specific descriptions for each labor availability chart can be found using the links below:

The labor class is connected to a site. The labor load for shop orders, shop order requisitions and unreleased DOP orders are connected to a work center, and the work center can be connected to a production line and/or a department.

The labor load categories are described in the table below.

Load Category Description
Not Loaded The labor class has capacity, but has not been assigned any work for the time period.
Partially Loaded The labor class has excess capacity that can be utilized.

Theoretical - The total theoretical labor capacity per workday. The theoretical labor capacity is calculated as:
            Theoretical Capacity = S (Hours Available)

The total available labor capacity per workday. This value is calculated by summarizing the employees' capacity multiplied with each employee’s utilization.
            Available Capacity = S (Hours Available * Utilization)

If IFS Human Resources is installed, planned absence of the employees will be excluded from the available capacity calculation.

Fully Loaded The labor class has been fully assigned.
No Capacity Load The labor class has been assigned work on a day without capacity.
Overloaded The labor class has been assigned work exceeding its maximum capacity.
Past Due The load that was due in the past that has not been completed as yet. The site date is considered as the current date when calculating the past due load for the time period regardless of whether the information is grouped by days or weeks

Load Sources

There are several different load sources that are displayed in the labor visualization. Definitions for each of the load sources are as follows:

Planned: The labor load from shop orders in the Planned status.

Released: The labor load from shop orders in the Released status.

Started: The labor load from shop orders in the Started status.

Parked: The labor load from shop orders in the Parked status. The load will only be displayed in the visualization if the parked shop order has the Include as Load check box selected.

Unreleased DOP: The expected labor load for unreleased DOP orders, when they are released.

Requisitioned: The expected labor load for shop order requisitions, master schedule and production schedules, when they are converted to shop orders.

Promised: The expected labor load for interim orders from capability checked customer order lines for CBS and APB enabled sites. When the customer order will be released, this labor load will be converted to shop order labor load.

Resource Break: The labor time for resource break connected to employees for CBS and APB enabled sites. Capacity will be booked for the resource break.

General Navigation and Configuration

When you right-click on one or several selected segment(s) you will get several navigation options. You could either navigate to another relevant visualization chart, or to the relevant page in the application. When you navigate in this manner, the new visualization or page will be filtered to only show the objects selected.

The following navigation possibilities are available in the labor charts, if applicable.



Publish and Subscribe Parameters

Charts can be published so that the chart is used as a master and changes in one chart are reflected in others. The following parameters are published from each chart.

Publishing Chart Parameters
Labor Class Work Center Date Range Work Day Shop Order Shop Order Operation CRP Order Reference
Labor Load Summary Yes Yes Yes No No No No
Labor Load In Standard Hours Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes
Labor Operation Load In Standard Hours Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Labor Load Yes Yes No Yes No No No
Shop Order (Operation) Labor Load Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No

When the chart is set up as a subscriber, it is possible to subscribe to the parameters below for the given chart set up as publisher. To be able to subscribe to a parameter, another chart needs to be set up as publisher and that chart must be able to publish the parameter.

Subscribing Chart Parameters
Labor Class Work Center Work Center Resource Date Range Work Day Shop Order Shop Order Operation
Labor Load Summary Yes Yes No No Yes Yes* Yes*
Labor Load In Standard Hours Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes* Yes*
Labor Operation Load In Standard Hours Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes* Yes*
Labor Load Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes* Yes*
Shop Order (Operation) Labor Load Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes

* When subscribing to shop order and/or shop order operation this information will be translated into a work day, work center and work center resource. I.e. all the load on the specific day, work center and work center resource will be shown in the chart and not only the specific shop order/shop order operation published.