Shop Order Pick List

A pick list is created based on the shop order material reservations. It shows the inventory locations at which the parts will be picked. It is used for finding and picking of reserved material from inventory. The pick list does imply a physical reservation of parts and it points out the locations at which the parts have to be picked.

When printing a pick list for a project connected shop order the PPSA (PPSA - Program, Project, Sub-project, Activity) information are included. For all lines to be picked from project inventory the exact activity belonging is included on the pick list.

There are two options of how to create a pick list for a shop order;

Shop Order Pick List

This pick list type can be used when it is required to create a pick list for one specific shop order. What kind of pick print options are there and how the pick list is composed is described below.

Specify Operations

If there are operation linked material then is it possible to create a pick list for just this specific operation, this by entering the operation number(s) in the Operation No field. If using this function then is a pick list is created for the reserved material linked to the defined Operations.

Split Operations

Material linked to the original operation is not divided between the split Operations. The split operations are considered as a group that consumes the operation linked material.

The Reserve Material for Operation dialog considers the operation quantity when performing the reservation, not the component quantity required. This means that even if you reserve from a split operation then is the reservation done for material linked to the original operation and the operation quantity determines how much components that will be reserved. Independent which split  operation that you perform the reservation from is there a checkbox that gives an opportunity to reserve material for all split operations, i.e. reserve full quantity of the material linked to the original split operation.

All components which are linked to the original operation are free to consume for the group of split operations.

This has has the following impact on the shop order pick list; it is possible to create a pick list from each split operation if reserved operation linked material exists. if a pick list is created for a specific split operation then is it created based on the entire quantity of reserved material linked to the original operation. This means that the pick list will contain the same records independent of from which split operation it is created. if it is a requirement to get a pick list for operation linked material to be consumed by a specific split operation then is this something that can be controlled by differentiating the reservation data.

Pick List Options

Pick List Sections

The Pick List Report includes three distinct sections. Each one is divided into a summary section and two detail sections. Any combination of the three sections can be included in a report.

Consolidated Pick List for Shop Orders

This pick list type can be used when there is a need to include materials from several shop orders in a single pick list. Consolidated pick list for shop order improves the flexibility and streamline the shop order picking process. The following characteristics distinguish when it could be a good idea to create consolidated pick list

Consolidation Parameters

It is possible to create consolidated pick list(s) per:

This determines how the reserved material lines will be split between consolidated pick lists.

When the pick lists are consolidated by warehouse, bay, row, tier or bin, the picking is facilitated based on the physical structure of the warehouse. For an example, if the selected value is Warehouse, all the reserved material in the specific warehouse will be included in a single pick list. If the selected value is Bay, and warehouse 1 has two bays, bay number 1 and bay number 2, two consolidated pick lists will be printed, one for warehouse 1 and bay 1 and another for warehouse 1 and bay 2.

It is also possible to define additional selection parameters such as order numbers, parent part numbers, connected work centers, etc.

Consolidated Pick List Sections

The Consolidated Pick List Report includes two distinct sections. First section contains the consolidation– and shop order information and the second section includes the picking details.