Select Input UoM and Enter Parameters


This activity is used when input unit of measures (UoMs) are selected and one or more input unit parameters have to be entered. This is a key point at which you would be using multiple units of measure. For example, when you manually enter customer order lines, make manual reservations, report arrival, report picking, deliver orders, reserve and issue shop order components, etc. 

To select an input UoM and enter the parameters, you must open the Input UoM Parameters dialog box from the relevant main window. The method of obtaining this dialog box depends on the window from which it will be opened (please refer the procedure).

The input UoMs available for selection, depends on the input UoM group attached to the part, as well as the input UoMs that can be used in the current process (sales, purchasing, or manufacturing) as specified in the Input UoM Group window. 

Once you select an input UoM, you must enter a value for each of the input variables.  After entering the values, you can calculate the input quantity in the inventory unit of measure. This value will be rounded to the number of decimals as specified on the Input UoM Group window. 


This activity has the following prerequisites:

Note: If you are performing this activity to test the input UoM group (as is possible from the Input UoM Group window), the above prerequisites do not apply. You can test the group with hypothetical values as soon as you have entered the group: There is no need to connect the group to a part or enable the units for a process.

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Customer Order
Sales Quotation
Manual Reservations for Customer Order Lines

Report Picking with Differences
Warehouse Task

Deliver Customer Order with Differences
Deliver Customer Order Line with Differences

Shop Order

Manual Issue Shop Order
Receive Shop Order
Register Purchase Order Arrivals

Related Window Descriptions

Input UoM Parameters
Customer Order/Order Lines
Sales Quotation/Quatation Lines
Manual Reservations for Customer Order Lines 
Manual Reservations for Customer Order Lines/Single

Report Picking with Differences/Single
Warehouse Task/Report Picking of Customer Order/Single
Deliver Customer Order with Differences/Inventory Parts
Make Changes in Delivery of Single Parts
Deliver Customer Order Line with Differences/Single
Shop Order/Material
Manual Issue Shop Order
Receive Shop Order
Receive Shop Order/Inventory Receipt
Register Purchase Order Arrivals


  1. Open the window for which you need to select an input UoM. Next, open the Input UoM Parameters dialog box using an applicable method given below:
  1. In the Input UoM Parameters dialog box, select a value from the Input UoM list, i.e., the input UoM to be used to enter the input quantity.
  2. In the Value field, enter the values for the input variables, as applicable. If the input variable type is User, a value for the input variable is required. If the input variable type is Default, the system will use the default value. If the input variable type is Fixed, you cannot change the predefined value displayed in the Value field. 
  3. Click Calculate to calculate the quantity in inventory UoM.

When you click Calculate, the following will occur simultaneously: 

Note: If you click OK without performing this step, the calculation will take place as described below, and the values will be returned directly to the main window, without being displayed in the dialog box.
If you click Cancel, the window will close without returning any values.

  1. If you are satisfied with the value in the Output Quantity field, click OK to return this value to the main window. If not, repeat above steps 2, 3 and 4 with different values for the variables.
  1. Upon returning to the main window, save the record.

Note: There is an option available in some windows (e.g. the Customer Order window), which entirely excludes the use of the Input UoM Parameters dialog box when entering parameters. This option is only available if the main window has an Input UoM list, and if the input UoM you intend on selecting uses a direct conversion factor and no formulas.

  1. Open the window for which you need to select an input UoM.
  2. Select an input UoM from the Input UoM list, for the relevant line.
  3. In the Input Qty field, enter a quantity of parts in the input UoM.
  4. Save the record. The quantity of parts in the inventory UoM will be calculated and displayed in the relevant field in the main window.