Approve Counting Result on Count Report


Use this function to approve the counting results that have previously been rejected. If a line is approved, the quantities will be updated with the result from the counting.


System Effects

Note: You cannot carry out counting in the project inventory for a closed project activity, as it is not possible to increase the counting quantity for such a location. Instead, a positive counting difference should be added to a standard inventory location, or to another project inventory location where the activity has not already been closed.


Count Result Per Count Report

Related Window Descriptions

Count Result Per Count Report
Count Result Per Count Report/General
Count Result Per Count Report/Pallet


  1. Select the count report or part that you wish to approve.
  2. Select the General or Pallets tab, depending on whether the part is single-handled or pallet-handled.
  3. Optionally, you can alter the quantity counted as long as the line is not approved. Do this in the Qty Counted field.
  4. Optionally, if the part is catch-unit-enabled, you can alter the catch quantity counted as long as the line is not approved. The value can be changed in the Catch Qty Counted field.
  5. Mark the line, then use the Operations menu in the lower part of the window and select Approve in order to approve the part. To approve all lines that are not already approved or canceled, use the Operations menu in the upper part of the window and select Approve All Rejected Lines.
  6. If the count result has been altered before approving and the part is serial tracked at receipt and issue but not serial tracked in inventory, a dialog box will appear automatically. If the altered counting difference is positive, then enter the new serial number(s). If the counting difference is negative, then select the missing serial number(s) using the list of values. Click OK when completed.