Enter Part Manufacturers


Use this activity to enter manufacturers that supply a company part number.

For each of your company's parts, you enter one or more manufacturers that make that part. You can enter part manufacturers either in IFS/Part Catalog or as a step when you create a new engineering part using the Create New Engineering Part.

When you enter manufacturers, one (and only one) must be selected as the preferred manufacturer for the part. By default, the system automatically selects the first manufacturer record entered as the preferred manufacturer.


The manufacturer must exist in the Manufacturer window.

System Effects


Part Manufacturers

Related Window Descriptions

Part/Part Manufacturer
Part Manufacturers
Create New Engineering Part
Part Manufacturers (Step in Create New Engineering Part)


In the Part/Part Manufacturer tab

  1. Create a new record in the upper table, and enter the manufacturer number or select one from the List of Values.
  2. Optionally add notes about this manufacturer into the Note field.
  3. Save the record.
  4. If you have entered more than one manufacturer and want to change the preferred manufacturer, select the record for the manufacturer that will be the new preferred manufacturer, right-click, and then click Set Preferred Manufacturer.

In the Part Manufacturers window

  1. Create a new record.
  2. Enter your company's part number into the Part No field.
  3. In the Manufacturer No field, either enter the manufacturer's ID number or select it from the List of Values.
  4. Optionally add notes about this manufacture into the Note field.
  5. Save the record.
  6. If you have entered more than one manufacturer record for the same part and want to change the preferred manufacturer, select the record for the manufacturer that will be the new preferred manufacturer for the part, right-click, and then click Set Preferred Manufacturer.

In the Part Manufacturers step of the Create New Engineering Part

  1. In the Manufacturer No field, either enter the manufacturer's ID number or select it from the List of Values.
  2. Optionally add notes about this manufacture into the Note field.
  3. Click Next to go to the wizard's next step.

Note: To change the preferred manufacturer, you must use either the Part/Part Manufacturer tab or the Part Manufacturers window.