Enable Part for Lot Batch Tracking


You will define the part as a lot-tracked part in IFS/Part Catalog. You can define a lot-tracked part as using regular lot tracking or order based lot tracking. Parts that are lot-tracked may also be serial tracked. In addition, you can specify if the part can create more than one lot/batch per production order, or if there can only be one lot/batch for each production order.

For information on handling lot/batch tracked parts, please refer the document About Lot/Batch Tracking (see link on Part/General window description).



System Effects

The value selected in the Lot/Batch Tracking list box determines whether lot/batch tracking is used. If Order Based is selected, the system automatically creates a lot/batch number based on the purchase or shop order number combined with the receipt number. Changes are only allowed under certain conditions. If Lot Tracked is selected, then a lot/batch number is needed, but it is either entered manually or generated with values that might not match the order number and receipt.

The lot quantity rule will identify whether a single production order can produce only one lot (or batch) or multiple lots (or batches). The sub-lot rule will identify whether a single lot or batch can be divided into one or more sub-lots.



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Part window and click the General tab.
  2. Populate or search to select the part to which you want to enable lot/batch tracking.
  3. Select a value from the Lot/batch Tracking list box.
  4. Select a value from the Lot Quantity Rule list box. If the part is a lot-tracked part, you can set this setting to either value.
  5. Select a value from the Sub Lot Rule list box. If the part is lot-tracked, you can choose whether to allow sub-lots. If the part is not lot-tracked, the system automatically sets the value to No Sub-Lots Allowed.
  6. Select a value from the Component Lot Rule list box.  Regardless of whether the part is lot-tracked, the system defaults the value to Many Lots Allowed.  If the part is lot-tracked (or serial tracked), you can choose to limit each lot tracked component of this part to a single lot per production receipt or shop order by setting the value to One Lot Allowed
  7. Save the changes.