Acknowledge Offline Move Part


When there is a record in the offline move window that hasn’t been acknowledged by a second synchronization there is a possibility to manual acknowledge.

The reason for not having a acknowledge the normal way by synchronization could for example be that the second handheld device involved in the move has gone missing or is broke.

 In that case the manual acknowledge makes it possible to complete the offline move transaction flow.


The offline move record must have been created and also executed a real move in inventory before it can be manually acknowledge.

System Effects

The offline move record is acknowledged and an acknowledge user, reason code and optionally a note text is added. The status of the offline move record is set to complete.


Inventory Part Offline Move Transactions

Related Window Descriptions

Inventory Part Offline Move Transactions


  1. Either query for a record with error or click Populate.
  2. Select the line with the desired offline move record.
  3. Right-click and then click Acknowledge...
  4. In the dialog an Acknowledge Reason and optionally an Acknowledge Note could be entered.