Update the Template Structure


This activity is used to update the template structure with changes introduced by modifications. A modification may require,

Note that the required structure change must have been pre-registered on the modification (when it was in the Preliminary status) to be able to perform this activity. For more information refer the activities, Define a new Prime Part, Define a New Structure Position and Define the Structure Position to Remove.


System Effects


Define Modification
Serial Structure Template
Template Structure Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Define Modification/Structure Impacts/Template Changes
Serial Structure Template/Consist Of
Serial Structure Template/Multilevel
Template Structure Navigator/Consist Of
Change Prime Part
Add Structure Position
Remove Structure Position


Use the following procedure to change the prime part for a structure position:

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window or the Template Structure Navigator window, and query (F3) for the necessary template.
  2. Click the Consist Of tab.
  3. Select the row containing the required structure position, right-click, and then click Change Prime Part. The Change Prime Part dialog box opens.
  4. Enter the new prime part number in the Part No field. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value.
  5. Click OK.

Use the following procedure to add a new structure position to the template structure:

  1. Open the Define Modification window and query (F3) for the modification revision you want.
  2. Click the Structure Impacts tab and then click the Template Changes sub tab.
  3. Select the necessary row (containing the structure impact type New Structure Position), right-click and then click Add Position to Template. The Add Structure Position dialog box opens with the new structure position registered on the modification.
  4. If needed, enter suitable values in the Position and Quantity fields. Note that the quantity you define can only exceed one (1), for the lowest level in the structure.
  5. Select a suitable value from the Life Limited Part list. If the same value exists for the life limited part of the new structure position and the serial part, entering a value in this field is optional.
  6. The check boxes in the Connect To Template Structure area illustrate how particular data for the new structure position can be defined. Following is a list of the available check boxes together with a description of what each check box is used to accomplish:
  1. Click OK.

Use the following procedure to remove an existing structure position from the template structure:

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window or the Template Structure Navigator window, and query (F3) for the necessary template.
  2. You can either, click the Consist Of tab found in the above mentioned windows, or click the Multilevel tab in the Serial Structure Template window.
  3. Select the row that consists of the structure position you want to remove, right-click and then click Remove Structure Position. The Remove Structure Position dialog box will open.
  4. If you want to make the structure position obsolete, select the Make Position Obsolete check box.
  5. Click OK.