Copy Modification Data


This activity is used to copy data from one modification revision to another.


System Effects


Define Modification
Modification Details

Related Window Descriptions

Define Modification 
Modification Details


  1. Open the Define Modification window and query (F3) for the modification revision to which data is to be copied.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the header of the window and then click Copy Modification. The Copy Modification To assistant will open.
  3. In the Mod Code field, enter the the modification code for the modification from which data is to be copied. Click List to select a value.
  4. When a modification code is entered a value in the Mod Rev field appears by default. If needed, click List to enter a different modification revision.
  5. Select the Supersedes Modification copied from check box if a superseded reference record is to be created for the modification to which data is to be copied.
  6. In the Copy Options area, select the relevant check boxes that refer to the data you want copied to the modification.
  7. Click Finish.