Adjust Proportionally


Use this activity to adjust the recipe proportionally until the total weight share is 100%.


This activity requires that the component quantity be entered either by weight percentage or component unit of measure (UOM). 

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system adjusts the recipe proportionally until the total weight share is 100%.


Recipe Structure

Related Window Descriptions

Recipe Structure
Recipe Structure/Recipe Structure


  1. Populate or make a selective query to display the parent part.
  2. If you selected Weight Percent in the Enter By list box, change the percent quantity in the Weight Share column. If you selected Component UOM in the Enter By list box, change the quantity per assembly in the Qty per Assembly column.
  3. Right-click in the Recipe Structure tab, then click Adjust Proportionally. In the Recipe Structure tab window, the value in the Weight Share column is adjusted proportionally, according to the changes you made, until the total weight share is 100%.
  4. To approve the adjustment, click Save (F12).