Verify Resource Availability


This activity is used to verify the resource availability for the defined work scope. For maintenance orders which are distributed and followed up in IFS/Work Order Management, employees can be searched for and allocated to the operations planned on a work order. For maintenance orders which are distributed as simplified work orders, allocating resources will be a manual process but the resource demand can be viewed.


To perform this activity, a maintenance order must have been created and released.

System Effects


Maintenance Order
Prepare Work Order
Work Order Execution Logic

Related Window Descriptions

Maintenance Order
Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str.
Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str./Demand Roll Up
Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str./Demand Roll Up/Resources
Maintenance Order/Exec. Logic/Demand Roll Up
Maintenance Order/Exec. Logic/Demand Roll Up/Resources
Prepare Work Order
Prepare Work Order/Operations
Work Order Execution Logic
Work Order Execution Logic/Operations
Allocate Employees


Follow this procedure to view resource demand on a maintenance order. Be aware that verifying if resources are available is a manual process when working with maintenance orders distributed as simplified work orders.

  1. Open the Maintenance Order window and query (F3) for the necessary maintenance order.
  2. Depending on your requirements you can either click the Maint Order Str. tab or the Exec. Logic tab.
  3. In the relevant graphical object structure, select the structure node for which demand information is to be displayed.
  4. Click the Demand Roll Up tab.
  5. In the Period Type list, select the period type by which data is to be aggregated.
  6. Click the Resources tab and view or analyze the resource demand.

Follow this procedure to allocate employees to the operations planned on a work order:

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window and query (F3) for the necessary work order. This activity can also be performed in the Work Order Execution Logic window.
  2. Click the Operations tab.
  3. Right-click on the operation line and then click Allocate Employees. The Allocate Employees window opens. The fields on the window will be populated based on the information entered on the operation line.
  4. Enter additional details or change the existing ones according to your requirement. Use the List of Values where applicable.
  5. Select the Exclude Schedule check box if the employee is considered to be available twenty four hours a day.
  6. Clear the Include Sub Craft check box if you want to exclude the sub crafts (if applicable) in the search. Note: The Include Sub Craft is selected by default if the craft contains a structure.
  7. Select the Show All check box if you want to view all the employees who fulfill the search criteria regardless of their availability.
  8. Click Search.
  9. Click the Allocate Employees/Results tab and select the Allocate check box against the employees that should be allocated to the operation (alternatively you can select multiple rows, right-click and then click Allocate).
  10. Click OK.