Supplier Invoices for Final Posting Analysis

[To Follow-up and Analysis, Supplier Invoicing]


Use this window to view or query for supplier invoices ready for final posting. No information can be entered through this window. You can reach the Manual Supplier Invoice window from here (right-click and then click on the line).

This window can also be used to finally post invoices connected to a company, in which the Create Postings as Invoice Entry check box and the Use Posting Proposal check box are not selected on the Company/Invoice/General sub tab. The window will display all the invoices that have not been finally posted (i.e. in Preliminary status). You can select multiple invoices to be finally posted, and use the Final Invoice Posting right mouse button option to finally post the invoices.

Activity Diagrams

Queries Supplier Invoice Control


Query Supplier Invoices for Final Posting