Customer Invoice Types

[To Define Financials Basics]


Use this window to enter and view details of invoice types. Invoice types are used for linking a special type of customer invoice, e.g. interest invoice (INTRINV) to a certain invoice series (IR). An invoice series must be stated for each invoice type but first defined in Invoice Series. The number series for the invoice series is defined in Invoice Number Series. A default set of invoice types will be created automatically depending on the template the company is created. If you want the invoice type to be used when creating correction invoices for customers, you should select the Correction Invoice check box.

You can define one or multiple definite (final) number series for each invoice type. To define more than one definite number series, select the invoice type record, right-click and then click Combinations per Invoice Type. The Combinations per Invoice Type window will open and you can specify a definite number series ID for each specific invoice type combination. (A combination is invoice type + numeration group + branch.) Keep in mind that any definite number series defined for a specific invoice type combination will override the value defined in the Definite Number Series ID field in this window.

Activity Diagrams

Specify General Customer Invoice Information


Enter Invoice Types for Customers