Delivery Types

[About Supplier Invoice Enclosure] [To Define Financials Basics]


Use this window to enter and view details of delivery types. Delivery types are used for distinguishing between different types of trade within the European Union (EU). The following types of trade are reported separately: goods supplied for processing or refinement in another EU country, goods relating to what is known as tripartite trade where your company is the middle party, and services. When you enter customer and supplier invoices, you enter the delivery type for the trade to be reported separately. You can enter one delivery type per invoice line. Delivery types control the printout of the tax report. If you want to use the delivery type to create invoice enclosures, select the Include in Invoice Enclosure - EU Taxes check box. If this check box is selected for a delivery type, an invoice enclosure can be printed for any supplier invoice line using this particular delivery type.

Activity Diagrams

Specify General Customer Invoice Information
Specify General Supplier Invoice Information


Delivery Types