Customer Invoices with Errors

[To Customer Order Invoicing, To Interest Invoicing, To Customer Invoices without Customer Order] 


Use this window to recreate vouchers that were not created when the invoices were printed or sent, or when the Create Collective Voucher right mouse button option in the Instant Invoice window was used to create a collective voucher. The reason a voucher is not created could be, for example, that the posting control is not correct. The error can be corrected in posting control or basic data before the voucher is recreated using the Create Voucher right mouse button option in this window.

This window is also used to handle invoice messages sent with E-INVOICE media code that has send errors (i.e. invoices that were not sent to IFS/Connect). A send error occurs when IFS Application fails to send an invoice to a customer due to a validation error (e.g. when an invoice is sent with an attachment enclosed with a file extension that is not defined in EDM Basic/File Types tab), or due to technical errors (e.g. if the Extended Server was not working at the time the invoice was sent). If a send error occurs, you are required to change the basic data or contact your system administrator, depending on the cause of the error. After the send error(s) is corrected, it will be possible to send the invoice from this window.

Activity Diagrams

Handle, Print and Post Customer Order Invoice
Create Interest Invoice
Instant Invoicing


Customer Invoices with Errors