Warehouse Navigator/Remote Warehouse

[About Inventory Locations] [About Remote Warehouse]

[To Maintain Inventory]


This tab is used to view the available stock in the remote warehouse, connected assortments and connected users. On the Remote Warehouse tab it is also possible to set the warehouse to appear as a putaway zone and the corresponding ranking. The Remote check box should have been selected for this tab to be enabled.

On the General tab it is possible to make the remote warehouse appear as a putaway zone. It is possible to set the ranking and the maximum number of bins for the putaway zone. 

The available stock in the remote warehouse can be viewed on the Parts tab. The quantities for each part in the remote warehouse is aggregated. It is also possible to see the prioritized assortment for each part. If the assortment field is empty the corresponding part does not exist on any connected assortment to the remote warehouse. The refill-to quantity is the same as the connected prioritized assortment.

On the Assortments tab, you can view the connected assortments with the corresponding priority, it is possible to connect assortments on this tab.

On the Users tab, you can view and connect the users.

On the Address tab, you can view and set up data related to parts having external refill via purchase. This includes data for remote warehouse address, default receive case and default locations. You can use the address type as the Supplier if you want to refill a remote warehouse defined at supplier which could be used to backflush components when you have purchase orders with outsourcing.

On the Purchase Order Arrivals tab, you can view and handle all pending purchase orders due to be delivered to this remote warehouse.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for Inventory Locations


Connect Assortment to Remote Warehouse
Enter and Maintain Putaway Zones