Register Job Description


Use this function to define detailed information about a specific job ID. 

Information that you can register in the description are Responsibilities and Duties, Authorities Exercised, Work Relationship, Confidentialities, Work Related Problems, Equipment Required, Work Condition, Key Performance Indicators, Group Structure, and Functional Areas. In the Job Description General you define a brief Job Summary, Job Grade, and Valid From/To.

Responsibilities and Duties: 

Use this function to list the responsibilities that are assumed by the job holder and whether  the job holder may be required to execute certain duties or tasks.

Permissions Exercised: 

Use this function to define whether a employee may exercise various permissions related to the job performed. The ascendancy may be classified into user-defined groups.

Work Relationship: 

Use this function to describe the work relationship between a employee and an internal entity (e.g., other employees) or external entity (e.g., customers, suppliers).


Use this function to describe the confidentiality a employee must exercise in performing his/her function.

Work Related Problems: 

Use this function to describe work related problems which may arise when performing job functions.

Equipment Required: 

Use this function to describe the equipment (tools, materials, etc.) required by the employee to perform job functions. This assets and belongings should not be considered as company assets or belongings lent or given to the employee, although they may be included in this process. It should also not be considered as a facility to handle health and safety procedures.

Work Condition: 

Use this function to describe the working conditions (ergonomics) required by the employee to perform the job function.

Key Performance Indicators:  

Use this function to identify the key performance indicator, as a tool to measure the performance of the employee in performing the job responsibilities. It will be used later on in the goal-setting process, where measurement values will be assigned to each performance criterion. KPI is also known as job performance standard or key success criteria.

Group Structure:

Use this function to define the structure of the job groups. It allows a job to be classified into multiple groups. One job can be in only one job group for each job group category.

Functional Areas: 

Use this function to select a functional area for the Job ID. A functional area can be described as, e.g., Power Plant, Pulp & Paper, Hospital, etc.


Job Description

Related Window Descriptions

Job Details
Job Description


  1. Select the desired job identity in the Job ID list box. To enter a new job identity select New in this field.
  2. Add or view the information for each tab in the window.
  3. Save.