Register Participants


This activity is used to register details and roles of persons participating in the incident investigation.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

There are no system effects.



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Incident window. Ensure that the required incident case is selected in the header.
  2. Go to the Incident/Investigation/Participants sub-tab.
  3. Create a new record in order to start the registration of people.
  4. Select the External check box if you want to enter details of a person who is not already registered in the system or is not in the company.
  5. In the Person ID field, specify the ID of a person in company who you want to register. You can use the list of values. All employee data -  the person's name, company in which the employee has the master employment, the position assignment, address information etc.- is fetched automatically from employee files and will show in the respective fields.
  6. In the Emp ID field, select the employee ID from the list for that person.
  7. Enter the role of the person in the investigation in the Role field. Select a value from the list.
  8. If required, especially for an external person, enter the address information in the respective fields.
  9. Save the information. Note that the identifier for the external person will be automatically created by the system. This unique identifier will show in the Person ID field. Such identifier, created for the external person, will not be connected to person ID's saved in the Person window.
  10. Repeat the steps to enter more persons.