Register Damages from Incident


This activity is used to register damages to facilities/property caused by the incident.


In order to perform this activity,

System Effects

There are no system effects.



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Incident window. Ensure that the required incident case is selected in the header.
  2. Go to the Incident/Damages tab create record.
  3. You can enter the damage type by selecting a value from the list.
  4. Describe the damage in the damage description field.
  5. You can connect a site to the damage record in the Site field. Select a site using the list.
  6. You can connect a functional object to the damage record in the Functional Object ID field. Alternately, you can connect a serial object to the damage record in the Serial Object ID field. You can select a value using the list.
  7. You can connect a serial object to the damage record in the Serial Object ID field. Select a value using the list.
  8. Describe the impact of the damage in the Damage Impact field.
  9. Specify the cost of the damage in the Estimated Damage Cost field.
  10. In the Currency field, specify the currency in which the damage cost is measured.
  11. In the Estimated Number of Days to Repair field, enter the number of days that is required in order to repair the damage caused.
  12. You can enter any additional remarks in the Remark field.
  13. Save the information.