Define Reporting Entities per Reporting Transaction Type


This activity is used to connect reporting entities to a selected reporting transaction type.


In order to perform this activity, the required reporting transaction type and the reporting entities should be defined in the master company you are working with.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a reporting transaction type with reporting entities connected to it will be available for group consolidation purposes.


Reporting Entities per Reporting Transaction Type

Related Window Descriptions

Reporting Entities per Reporting Transaction Type


To connect reporting entities to a reporting transaction type:

  1. Open the Reporting Entities per Reporting Transaction Type window and search for the reporting transaction type to which you want to connect reporting entities.
  2. Create a new record in the table and select the required reporting entity from the List of Values for the Reporting Entity field. Repeat this step until you have entered all the reporting entities you want to connect to the reporting transaction type.
  3. Save the information.