Define Consolidated Balance Security


This activity is used to define security rules for for the consolidation part of the Group Consolidation process. Security rules determine which users are allowed to consolidate balances and view consolidated balances.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, security rules controlling which users are allowed to carry out what operations will be available for the consolidation part of the Group Consolidation process.


Consolidation Security

Related Window Descriptions

Consolidation Security
Consolidated Balance Security


To define consolidated balance security:

  1. Open the Consolidation Security window.
  2. Create a new record in the Consolidated Balance Security tab.
  3. In the User ID field, enter the user ID for which the rule should be valid. The List of Values can be used to select the relevant user. If the rule should be valid for all users, a single % sign should be entered.
  4. In the Structure field, enter the ID of the consolidation structure for which the rule should be valid. The List of Values can be used to select the relevant structure. If the rule should be valid for all structures, a single % sign should be entered.
  5. In the Structure Node field, enter the ID of the structure node for which the rule should be valid. The List of Values can be used to select the relevant structure node. When access is given to a specific node, the user will also have access to all structure nodes below that node. If the rule should be valid for all structure nodes, a single % sign should be entered.
  6. In the Balance Version field, enter the ID of the balance version for which the rule should be valid. The List of Values can be used to select the relevant balance version. If the rule should be valid for all balance versions, a single % sign should be entered.
  7. Select the Consolidate Balances check box if the user should be allowed to consolidate balances for the selected combination of structure, balance version and structure node.
  8. Select the View Consolidated Balance check box if the user should be allowed to view consolidated balances for the selected combination of structure, balance version and structure node.
  9. Specify the time period for which the security rule should be valid by entering the relevant periods in the Valid From Period and Valid Until Period fields.
  10. Repeat steps 2-9 to enter all the required consolidation security rules.
  11. Save the information.