Calculate Period Balances


This activity is used to calculate consolidated period balances by using the balances with Consolidated Balances transaction type generated in the group consolidation process.


In order to perform this activity, one or more structure nodes should be in the consolidation status Consolidated in the Consolidation Status window.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, consolidated period balances will be calculated by using consolidated balances generated for one or more consolidation structure nodes.


Consolidation Status

Related Window Descriptions

Consolidation Status

Calculate Period Balances


To calculate consolidated period balances:

  1. Open the Consolidation Status window and search for the consolidation for which the consolidated period balances should be calculated.
  2. Right-click on the node(s) on which the period balances should be calculated and click Calculate Period Balances... to open Calculate Period Balances dialog box.
  3. Select Include Previous Periods check box in order to calculate consolidated period balances for the previous periods in the same accounting year.
  4. Select Run In Background check box to run the consolidation as a background job.
  5. Click OK.