Acquisition Register

[To Group Consolidation]


In consolidated accounts, the investment of the parent company should be matched against the equity of the subsidiary company as at the date of acquisition and goodwill or negative goodwill should be recognized accordingly. Further, provisions should be made to the non-controlling interest parties if relevant. In such instances, balances such as parent investment and subsidiary equity items should be eliminated while recognizing certain items such as goodwill, non-controlling interest, etc. 

Use this window to enter acquisition transactions between reporting entities and to define equity elimination postings that should be considered when calculating consolidated balances in the consolidation process. The elimination postings should be entered in the currencies of both subsidiary reporting entity and parent reporting entity, if the currencies are different. These balances will be translated to the currency of the consolidation node in the consolidation process.

Note that the elimination details should be entered in the way that the elimination postings should be generated, as the debit or credit side of the entered postings will not be changed during the consolidation process. If the Generate Equity Eliminations check box is selected for the used consolidation structure, the elimination entries will be generated during the consolidation process for the consolidation node where the investor reporting entity and the investee reporting entity meets.

There are three types of transaction types generated by using the Acquisition Register. They are,

1. Equity Elimination - Group

2. Equity Elimination - NCI (NCI = Non-Controlling Interest)

3. Exchange Difference - Equity

E.g.: Parent Company has acquired 75% of Subsidiary Company. The currency of P Company is USD and S Company is GBP. The goodwill calculation and non-controlling interest are as follows,

Goodwill Calculation:

Description Account Debit Amount in USD Credit Amount in USD
Parent Investment 1404 5000  
Subsidiary Share Capital 2081   2400
Subsidiary Pre-Acquisition Reserves 2067   1600
Goodwill 1070   1000

Non-Controlling Interest:

Description Account Debit Amount in USD Credit Amount in USD
Subsidiary Share Capital 2081   600
Subsidiary Pre-Acquisition Reserves 2067   400

The elimination entries in the Acquisition Register are entered as follows,

Elimination Type Account Group Debit

 in GBP

Group Credit

in GBP

Group Debit

 in USD

Group Credit

 in USD

NCI Debit

 in GBP

NCI Credit

 in GBP

NCI Debit

 in USD

NCI Credit

 in USD

Parent Investment 1404   3000   5000        
Subsidiary Share Capital 2081 1440   2400   360   600  
Pre-Acquisition Reserves 2067 960   1600   240   400  
Goodwill 1070 600   1000          
Non-Controlling Interest 2862           600   1000


Activity Diagrams



Define Acquisition Register