Action Configuration

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Use this tab in order to configure actions and links for the Object Information dialog box in GIS Map window. Select how they should be shown in Object Information dialog box:

Parameters define the target window to be opened when an action is executed. To populate the window with data, the defined parameters should be in correct format, for example:

Enable Customer Order window (frmCustomerOrder) to be opened when coming from a work order in GIS map by using values for customer number (CUSTOMER_NO) and site (CONTRACT):

The character "^" is the separator between each parameter. An expression of the format “[#NAME]” is replaced by the value of the attribute with the name NAME. An expression starting with “[&” is a function call. As can be seen from the example, function calls can also use attributes from the object as arguments.

You can open target window using all key values of business object if parameter value is set as key_val. Else, set value as key_ref to open target window filtering the key_ref column.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for GIS Integration


Define Business Object Actions