Modify Posting Instructions


The Modify Posting Instructions activity is used to find errors that occur in connection with the printout of an instant invoice or interest invoice. If for any reason no voucher was created or transferred to the hold table in IFS/Accounting Rules, these vouchers must be manually created. Posting lines are created, correct or erroneous, but there is no voucher created unless all posting lines are correct. The errors must be corrected before a voucher can be created manually. The error can be corrected in posting control or basic data. Different errors require different corrections.


Posting instructions can only be modified if an error arose in connection with printing a customer invoice so that no voucher was created.

System Effects

As a result of the modification, the invoice can be reprinted and a voucher created.


Customer Invoice Postings Analysis

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Invoice Postings Analysis


Use the following procedure to find errors that arose in connection with printing:

  1. Open Customer Invoice Postings Analysis. Select the desired invoice(s) by using the Query or Populate function.
  2. Click in the Customer field and select an invoice. The voucher lines for the invoices are then shown. Any customer invoice for which no voucher was printed is marked with an error code in the Error field. The corresponding error message is shown in the Text field.