Enter or Modify Reminder Templates


This activity is used to enter reminder templates. All customers entered should be linked to a reminder template. Reminder templates are used for creating reminders on outstanding balances. When a customer is entered for the first time, a default template is provided. Only one template can be the default template, but it can be replaced by another. When a new customer invoice is entered, the reminder template entered for the customer is automatically linked to the invoice. Changing a reminder template does not change individual invoices previously entered. If there is a need to update reminder template for open invoices, the function can be used in Customer/Payment window. Use the reminder template you define instructions on how open items are loaded into the reminder proposal. You can connect up to 99 reminder levels with associated text to a single reminder template. You can select several print options to meet specific needs regarding content and structure of the reminder printout.


The entry of a reminder template requires that IFS/Payment is installed. A new template can be entered at anytime.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, a new reminder templates can be used for sending reminders for outstanding customer invoices and balances. When a new reminder proposal is created, the due open items connected to the reminder template will be loaded into the reminder proposal according to the parameter specified in the reminder template. The reminder is printed with content and structure as defined in the print options.


Reminder Templates

Related Window Descriptions

Reminder Templates
Reminder Templates/General
Reminder Templates/Reminder Levels
Reminder Templates/Print Options


To enter a reminder template:

  1. Open Reminder Templates. Click on New beside the General tab.
  2. Enter Template ID and Description. Fill in the number of days in the Accepted Delay field and check the Default Template box if this template is to be the default when a new customer is entered. Only one template can be a default template. The Create Reminder box is checked automatically.
  3. Mark the Invoices Not Due box if these are to be included in the reminder. Mark the Customer Credits box if credit invoices are to be included. Select the Include Invoices check box if you want to include all the invoices that has reached the highest number of reminder levels of the reminder template. Mark the Accrued Interest box if accrued interest is to be shown.
  4. Enter a threshold in Installment Amount Due, if an open item with amount due less than the threshold shall be loaded into the proposal with status Excluded. If you leave this field empty, Installment Amount Due below will not be checked when a reminder proposal is created.
  5. Enter a threshold in Reminder Amount Due, if a payer with total amount due per currency and reminder template less than the threshold shall be loaded into the reminder proposal with status Excluded. If you leave this field empty, Reminder Amount Due below will not be checked when a reminder proposal is created.
  6. Save entered data by clicking Save.
  7. Choose the Reminder Levels tab to continue entry.
  8. Mark the second row and click on New. Enter Title and Min Days to Next Reminder. Note that level 0 is given automatically when the system is entered. The level is set by the system in chronological order, depending on how many reminders are to be included in the reminder template.
  9. Select the Collection Level check box for that level for, which a customer shall be loaded into the reminder proposal with status Excluded. If the collection level has been reached for this particular customer, the company can initiate a debt collection routine
  10. .
  11. Click Save.
  12. If you have selected the Collection Level check box, go to the General tab and select Customer in Collection Identity check box, in order to activate the check for that collection level.
  13. Save the information in General tab and return to the Reminder Levels tab.
  14. Choose the Print Options tab to continue entry.
  15. The Layout ID to be used when printing reminders is displayed by default if one of the existing Reminder Layouts is indicated as default. You can also select a layout ID from the list of values.
  16. Select the Print AR Contact Data check box if the payer's AR Contact with Name, Phone, Fax and Email should be printed in the reminder report. If no AR Contact is defined for the payer then AR contact selected as default in AR Contact window is printed in the reminder.
  17. Select the Notes check box if the notes of the invoice, credit item, payment on account, payment in advance or difference item should be printed in the reminder.
  18. Select the Text of Highest Level check box only, if the reminder text for the highest reminder level of reminder should be printed only. The reminder text of a lower level will not be printed in the reminder report and the actual reminder level of the reminded item is printed in the report line.
  19. Select the Consider Credit Items check box for Reminder Text and Fee if you want to print the reminder text and reminder fee of a lower level when credit items are included in the reminder for the payer. The debit items of the highest reminder level are deducted first by the credit items to lower the reminder level to be used to print reminder text and fee. This option is available if you select on tab General the check box Include Credit Items.
  20. Click Save.