Enter One-Time Supplier Information


This activity is used to enter, modify and view information which is specific to a selected one-time supplier. You can reuse previously created one-time specific information if the same address is needed a second time, e.g. for a debit invoice or a difference item.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Manual Supplier Invoice
Outgoing Supplier Invoice
Supplier Analysis
Supplier Payment Proposals
External Supplier Invoices

Related Window Descriptions

Manual Supplier Invoice
Outgoing Supplier Invoice
Supplier Analysis
Supplier Payment Proposals
Supplier Payment Proposal Details
One-Time Specific Information
External Supplier Invoices
External One-Time Supplier Specific Information


To enter new one-time specific information for a new invoice at invoice entry:

  1. Open the Manual Supplier Invoice or the Outgoing Supplier Invoice window and create a new record.
  2. Enter the ID of a one-time supplier in the Supplier ID field. The List of Values can be used to select the supplier ID.
  3. Enter the required information for the invoice. Note: You cannot enter the payment method and payment address ID for a one-time supplier invoice in the Outgoing Supplier Invoice or Installment Plan and Discount window.
  4. Save the information. The One-Time Specific Information dialog box will open.
  5. Enter the name of the one-time supplier to whom the invoice belongs in the Supplier Name field.
  6. Enter values in the  Address 1, Address 2, Zip Code, City, County and State fields in order to specify the address.
  7. Select a value for the Country field.
  8. Enter a value in the Tax ID Type field if you want to enter document tax information when tax ID types are defined for the country in the supplier address. The List of Values can be used to select the required tax ID type.
  9. In the Tax ID Number field, enter the tax ID number of the one time supplier.
  10. To validate whether the the entered tax ID number is an existing tax number, click Validate Tax ID. If the tax ID number is an existing tax number, the system date will appear in the Validated Date field. If not, an error message will appear. Note: Only EU tax numbers can be validated.  
  11. Click Save to save the entered address and documentation tax information. The next numeric address ID of the supplier will automatically appear in the Address ID field. Note: If the default payment method of the supplier is a document payment method, it is updated to the installments with the one time address ID as the document payment address ID. If the default payment method of the supplier is not a document payment method and the payment terms ID used for the invoice has a payment method assigned to it, that payment method should be already updated to the invoice and to the installments when the invoice was saved. To modify the default values fetched from the payment terms, the payment terms in one-time specific information should be modified.
  12. To enter AP supplier contact and payment information, click the Payment Information tab.
  13. Enter the name of the supplier contact person or department in the Name field of the AP Supplier Contact group box.
  14. Select the appropriate communication method for the Comm. Method field. If E-Mail or Mail to Fax output media is used to communicate with this one-time address, it is required to select the corresponding communication method.
  15. Enter the address (e.g. the e-mail address or the fax number) for the selected communication method in the Value field.
  16. Select a value for the Output Media field to specify which output medium should be used to send documents to the one-time address. Note that E-Mail or Mail to Fax can be selected only when the same value is selected as the communication method.
  17. Modify the value in the Payment Method field if required. The List of Values can be used to select the required payment method.
  18. If an electronic payment method was selected, you enter the electronic payment address information (e.g. IBAN) in the Electronic Payment Address fields. The fields are presented as defined in the client mapping of the payment format.
  19. Click OK to save the information and to return to the Manual Supplier Invoice or the Outgoing Supplier Invoice window.

To connect existing one-time specific information to a new invoice at invoice entry using the One-Time Specific Information dialog box:

  1. Open the Manual Supplier Invoice or the Outgoing Supplier Invoice window and create a new record.
  2. Enter the ID of a one-time supplier in the Supplier ID field. The List of Values can be used to select the supplier ID.
  3. Enter the required information for the invoice. (Note: You cannot enter the payment method and payment address ID for a one-time supplier invoice in the Outgoing Supplier Invoice or Installment Plan and Discount window.)
  4. Save the information. The One-Time Specific Information dialog box will open.
  5. Click List in the Supplier Name field. The list of address IDs of the one-time supplier will appear. Select the address ID which you want to connect to the invoice. The supplier name, address and tax information as well as AP supplier contact information of the selected one-time address ID will be fetched into the One-Time Specific Information dialog box.
  6. Save the information. The address ID with all information will be connected to the invoice both as invoice and as one-time address ID.
  7. Click on the Payment Information tab. AP supplier contact information will be displayed.
  8. Modify the value in the Payment Method field if required. The List of Values can be used to select the required payment method. The one-time address ID will automatically appear in the Payment Address ID field (except for manual payment methods without payment addresses).   
  9. If an electronic payment method was selected and the electronic payment address ID does not yet exist, enter the electronic payment address information (e.g. IBAN) in the Electronic Payment Address fields. The fields are presented as defined in the client mapping of the payment format.
  10. Click OK to save the information and to return to the Manual Supplier Invoice or the Outgoing Supplier Invoice window.

To modify existing one-time specific information in the invoice entry windows:

  1. Open the Manual Supplier Invoice or the Outgoing Supplier Invoice window and search for the invoice of a one-time supplier.
  2. Right-click and then click One-Time Specific Information to open the One-Time Specific Information dialog box.
  3. Modify the supplier name, address or tax information and save. The existing address ID will be updated with the new information.
  4. Click on the Payment Information tab if you want to modify AP supplier contact or payment information, or click Cancel to close the dialog box and to return to the Manual Supplier Invoice or the Outgoing Supplier Invoice window.
  5. In the Payment Information tab, modify AP supplier contact information in Name, Comm. Method and Value fields.
  6. Save the information. A new communication ID will be created and connected to the one-time address ID.
  7. To modify output medium, select a new value for the Output Media field and save. The new output medium will be updated to the one-time address of the supplier.
  8. Modify the payment method which should be used for this invoice in the Payment Method field, or select a payment method from the List. The one-time address ID will automatically appear in the Payment Address ID field (except for manual payment methods without payment addresses).
  9. If an electronic payment method was selected and the electronic payment address ID does not yet exist, enter the electronic payment address information (e.g. IBAN) in the Electronic Payment Address fields. The fields are presented as defined in the client mapping of the payment format.
  10. Click OK to save the information and to return to the Manual Supplier Invoice or the Outgoing Supplier Invoice window.

To modify existing one-time specific information in the Supplier Analysis window:

  1. Open the Supplier Analysis window and search for a one-time supplier with invoices.
  2. Select the Auto Populate check box if you want to automatically populate the window. If not, search for one or more specific ledger items.
  3. Select the invoice or difference item for which you want to view or modify one-time specific information. Note: One-time specific information can only be connected to invoices and not to payments on account.
  4. Right-click and then click One-Time Specific Information to open the One-Time Specific Information dialog box.
  5. Modify supplier name, address or tax information. Save. The existing address ID will be updated with the new information.
  6. Click the Payment Information tab if you want to modify AP supplier contact or payment information, else click the Cancel button to close the dialog box.
  7. Modify AP supplier contact information in Name, Comm. Method and Value fields and save.
  8. To modify output medium, select the new value for the Output Media fields and save. The new output medium will be updated to the one-time address of this supplier. Note:
  9. Modify the payment method which should be used for this invoice in the Payment Method field, or select a payment method from the List. The address ID will automatically appear in the Payment Address ID field (except for manual payment methods without payment addresses).
  10. If an electronic payment method was selected and the electronic payment address ID does not yet exist, enter the electronic payment address information (e.g. IBAN) in the Electronic Payment Address fields. The fields are presented as defined in the client mapping of the payment format.
  11. Click OK to save the information.

To modify existing one-time specific information in the Supplier Payment Proposal Details window:

  1. Open the Supplier Payment Proposals window and populate.
  2. Select the proposal you want to modify, right-click and then click Details to open the Supplier Payment Proposal Details window.
  3. Select an item with an invoice of a one-time supplier, or create a new record with an open invoice of a one-time supplier and save it as a new item. Note: One-time specific information can only be connected to invoices and not to payments on account.
  4. Right-click and then click One-Time Specific Information to open the One-Time Specific Information dialog box.
  5. Modify the supplier name, address and tax information as appropriate and save. The existing address ID will be updated with the new information.
  6. Click the Payment Information tab if you want to modify AP supplier contact or payment information. If not, click Cancel to close the dialog box.
  7. Modify AP supplier contact information in the Name, Comm. Method and Value fields and save. A new communication ID will be created and connected to the one-time address.
  8. To modify the output medium, select the new value for the Output Media field and save. The new output medium will be updated to the one-time address of this supplier.
  9. Modify the payment method which should be used for this invoice in the Payment Method field, or select a payment method from the List. The address ID will automatically appear in the Payment Address ID field (except for manual payment methods without payment addresses).
  10. If an electronic payment method was selected and the electronic payment address ID does not yet exist, enter the electronic payment address information (e.g. IBAN) in the Electronic Payment Address fields. The fields are presented as defined in the client mapping of the payment format.
  11. Click OK to save the information and to return to the Supplier Payment Proposal Details window. The modified payment method and payment address ID will automatically be updated to the payment proposal item.

To enter or modify one-time specific information after loading an external supplier invoice:

  1. Open the External Supplier Invoices window and populate or search for a one-time supplier invoice which is not yet in Created status.
  2. Select the invoice, right-click and then click One-Time Specific Information to open the External One-Time Supplier Specific Information window.
  3. Enter or modify the supplier specific information for this invoice. Note that at least the name, city and the country should be specified in order to create a new one-time address ID when the external invoice is created. 
  4. Enter or modify the value for the Tax ID Number field. The List of Values can be used to select the required tax ID number.
  5. Modify other fields if required.
  6. Enter or modify the name of the supplier contact person or department in the AP Contact Name field, select the appropriate communication method for the AP Comm. Method field, and enter the corresponding contact address (e.g. an email address, a mobile number) in the AP Contact Value field. The communication method should correspond with the selected output medium. (e.g. If the output medium is E-Mail, the communication method also should be E-Mail.)
  7. If an electronic payment method is connected to the invoice, electronic payment address information (e.g. IBAN) should be entered in the Electronic Payment Address fields. Note: The payment address ID will automatically be created for one-time supplier invoices with a connected payment method. A payment address ID loaded or entered in the installment will be ignored.
  8. Save the information..

Note: It is possible to enter and modify one-time specific information after the invoice is created using the One-Time Specific Information dialog box either in the Manual Supplier Invoice window and in the Supplier Analysis window.