Enter National Bank Codes


In this activity, you enter National Bank Codes, i.e. statistical information needed for reporting to a "national" bank of a country. The reporting includes a certain code and additional information about the nature of transaction. The National Bank Code is used when entering invoice information for a supplier and one code is valid for the entire invoice. The National Bank Code must be used when creating foreign supplier payment files in many countries.


There are no prerequisites for this activity.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a national bank code is entered in the system.


National Bank Codes

Related Window Descriptions

National Bank Codes


To enter a National Bank Code:

  1. In the National Bank Codes window, select New.
  2. In the Country column, select a country from the dropdown list.
  3. In the National Bank Code column, enter a code number.
  4. Enter a description in the Description column.
  5. You can save at this point.
  6. In the Nature of Business column, you can enter the nature of business.
  7. In the Amount Limit column, you can enter a limit which, if exceeded, causes reporting, ohterwise not.
  8. In the Conditions column, you can enter any special conditions.
  9. Enter a category in the Category column.
  10. Save.