Enter Book


This activity is used to enter a book. Only one book can be assigned as a rotable pool book.


Before a book can be entered, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, it is possible to enter and change books for objects and object groups.


Fixed Assets Books

Related Window Descriptions

Fixed Assets books


Use the following procedure to enter a book:

  1. Open the Fixed Assets Books window.
  2. Use the New function, and enter the book and the book description. 
  3. Select the Create Accounting check box if the book should create accounting.
  4. Select the Simulate Postings for Planned Depreciation check box if you want posting control instructions for FAP5 and FAP6 posting types to be simulated for depreciation plans connected to the book by default.
  5. If you have selected the Create Accounting check box, enter a value in the Voucher Type field to specify the voucher type to be used for object transactions related to the book. The List of Values can be used to select an appropriate value. (Note: You are required to enter a value in the Voucher Type field if you have selected Gross Cost or Net Cost for the Disposal Posting Method field. If only one voucher type exists for function group A then this voucher type should not be connected to books which have Only Account Depreciation selected in the Disposal Method field.)
  6. If you have selected the Create Accounting check box, select a value from the list for the Disposal Posting Method field to specify a method to be used to create postings for disposals of fixed asset objects. (Note: Each ledger can have only one book of which the disposal posting method is Gross Cost or Net Cost.)
  7. Select the Post Profit/Loss from Sales check box if you want to calculate the profit or loss for a sale and post them to the selected books. FAP35 and FAP36 posting types will be used to post a profit whereas FAP37 and FAP38 posting types will be used to post a loss.
  8. Select the Depreciation with Decimals check box if you want depreciation to be calculated with decimal points for this book.
  9. If the book is to be used for rotable pool objects, select the Rotable Pool Book check box.
  10. Select the depreciation calendar to be used with the book.
  11. Save the information.