About EDI/MHS Messages

This help file will give you a brief description of EDI and the EDI/MHS messages that are available in IFS Applications and how they are used in an internal and an external order flow. At the end of the file, you will also find tables that cover the fields included in the messages.

EDI is an abbreviation for Electronic Data Interchange. EDI is a structured way of exchanging business information electronically. It is a set of standards for controlling the transfer of business documents between computers. Business documents that can be transferred include purchase orders, order confirmations, and invoices. Due to the structured format, the electronic documents can be transmitted from one computer application to another computer application without manual interaction. That is, EDI can be used in a supply chain where the parties are using different ERP systems because the EDI messages will be mapped against each company's system.

MHS is an abbreviation for Message Handling System. MHS is used in the same way as EDI, but both companies (or sites) must be using IFS Applications.

By using EDI/MHS, you can more easily and quickly maintain communication with your customers and suppliers since the transactions are performed electronically. Both the amount of time spent and the number of errors will be reduced since the information does not have to be entered manually.

The EDI/ITS messages in IFS Applications are based on the EDIFACT (Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport) standard with special focus on the ODETTE (Organization for Data Exchange by Tele Transmission in Europe ) variant. The following incoming and outgoing messages are implemented in IFS Applications:

There is no guarantee that the EDI/ITS messages in IFS Applications are in exact correspondence with the ODETTE standard and IFS does not proactively follow the development of the standard. Although the aim is to correspond to ODETTE in all relevant aspects. This means that any deviation from the standard concerning data that is present in IFS Applications will be considered when reported (there might be cases though where it is not possible to apply fully to the standard).

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The Messages

Below you will find a list of the EDI/MHS messages that exist in IFS Applications (in alphabetical order) and a description of their usage. By clicking a specific message abbreviation you will come to a somewhat longer description of the message and a table with the fields of that message.

Message Description Sender Receiver
DELSCH Delivery Plans IFS/Supplier Schedules IFS/Customer Schedules
DESADV Dispatch Advice IFS/Customer Orders IFS/Purchasing
DIRDEL Direct Delivery Notification Message IFS/Customer Orders IFS/Purchasing
INVOIC Customer Invoices IFS/Invoice (customer invoice) IFS/Invoice (supplier invoice)
SBIINV Self-Billing Invoice IFS/Purchasing IFS/Customer Orders
RECADV Receiving Advice IFS/Purchasing IFS/Customer Orders
ORDCHG Purchase Order Change Requests IFS/Purchasing IFS/Customer Orders
ORDERS Purchase Orders IFS/Purchasing IFS/Customer Orders
ORDRSP Customer Order Confirmations IFS/Customer Orders IFS/Purchasing
PRICAT Agreements and Price Lists IFS/Customer Orders IFS/Purchasing

The picture below illustrates the messages that can be used in an internal order flow, and shows which components in IFS Application send and receive the messages.

Picture 1: EDI/MHS messages used in the internal order flow.

The picture below illustrates which messages can be used in an external order flow with an external customer, and which components in IFS Applications send or receive the messages.

Picture 2: EDI/MHS messages used in the external order flow.

Delivery Plans [DELSCH]

Delivery Plans [DELSCH] is the message used for sending and receiving delivery plans. The message is sent from a supplier schedule in IFS/Supplier Schedules and received in IFS/Customer Schedules. The delivery plan message contains both the long-term and short-term demands of a customer. In IFS/Customer Schedules, the message is the basis for creating customer schedules, which later leads to releases of customer orders. This message has five types of rows; header, article, package, demand line and previous dispatch note.

The information in the delivery plan message is defined differently by different standards and should not be seen as a message corresponding to a certain EDI standard. In the ANSI world, this message would be called 830, in EDIFACT it is called DELFOR.

The DELSCH message can be sent by either MHS or EDI, but is handled in the same manner since the information looks the same from either source when it reaches the application.

This message has five types of rows:

Delivery Plan Header Row

DATA TYPE COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID EDI message no Unique ID of message generated by IFS/Connectivity.       EDI message no Unique ID of message generated by IFS/Connectivity.        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Header should always be row number 1.       Row of message Header should always be row number 1.        
VARCHAR2 NAME HEADER Type of message line.       HEADER Type of message line.        
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter.       Error message for line Generated by EDI converter.        
VARCHAR2 C00 VENDOR_NO Identity of supplier for which the agreement is created 20 M         VENDOR_NO
VARCHAR2 C01 VENDOR_NAME Name of supplier for which the agreement is created. 100 M         VENDOR_NAME
VARCHAR2 CO2 CONTRACT Site for which agreement is created 5 M     N   CONTRACT
VARCHAR2 C03       Information_type The type of message that has generated the incoming schedule. 2000 N   INFORMATION_TYPE
VARCHAR2 C04       Ship_from Supplementary information received from the customer about the location from which the parts are to be delivered 2000 N   SHIP_FROM
VARCHAR2 C05       Ship_to To which factory or site, the part is going to be be shipped. 2000 N   SHIP_TO
VARCHAR2 C07 SUPP_SCHEDULE_TYPE_DB Type of schedule i.e Plan, Call-off 20 M   CUST_SCHEDULE_TYPE Schedule Type, Plan or Call-off.   M   SUPP_SCHED_TYPE
VARCHAR2 C09 SUPP_COUNTRY Document Country of Supplier 2000 C         SUPPLIER_COUNTRY
  C10 CONTACT   30 N             CONTACT
VARCHAR2 C11 ADDRESS_NAME Alternative company address name 100 N         ADDRESS_NAME
VARCHAR2 C12 COMPANY_ADDR Company delivery address 180 N         COMPANY_ADDR
VARCHAR2 C13 COMPANY_COUNTRY Country of delivery for company 2000 N         COMPANY_COUNTRY
VARCHAR2 C14 PHONE Company phone 200 N         PHONE
VARCHAR2 C15 FAX Company fax 200 N         FAX
VARCHAR2 C26 EAN_LOCATION Our own ID of the goods receiving address (i.e. our own address ID of the goods receiving site or customer's delivery address). 100 N   EAN_LOCATION_DEL_ADDR Customer's own identification of the delivery address 2000 M   EAN_LOCATION
VARCHAR2 C27 MESSAGE_ID Message identity       DOC_NO Document Number. 35 M   MESSAGE_ID
VARCHAR2 C28 OUR_CUSTOMER_NO Customer ID at supplier. 20 C supplier_info_our_id_tab.our_id, corresponding column is nullable, Both OurCustomerNo and internal supplier are NULL. Raise an error. CUSTOMER_NO Identification of the ordering customer 20 M   OUR_CUSTOMER_NO
VARCHAR2 C30 CONTRACT The ordering site if internal supplier is used 5 M   INT_CUSTOMER_SITE The site if internal supplier is used, will give the customer number.   N   CONTRACT
DATE D03 VALID_FROM Date/Time from which the schedule is valid.   M   VALID_FROM Date/Time from which the schedule is valid.   M   VALID_FROM
DATE D04 VALID_UNTIL Date/Time until which the schedule is valid.   M   VALID_UNTIL Date/Time until which the schedule is valid.   N   VALID_UNTIL
VARCHAR2 RO STATE Status of message line.       STATE Status of message line.        

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Delivery Plan Article Row

DATA TYPE COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID EDI message no Unique ID of the message generated by IFS/Connectivity.       EDI message no Unique ID of the message generated by IFS/Connectivity.        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Header should always be row number 1.       Row of message Header should always be row number 1.        
VARCHAR2 NAME ART Type of message line (article).       ART Type of message line (article).        
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter.       Error message for line Generated by EDI converter.        
VARCHAR2 C00 PART_NO Purchase part number 25 M   CUSTOMER_PART_NO Customer's part number corresponding to the sales part number 2000 M   PART_NO
VARCHAR2 C01 PART_DESCRIPTION Purchase part description 200 M         PART_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C02 LAST_RECEIPT_REFERENCE Any delivery reference from the supplier for the last delivery considered prior to creating this schedule. If customer scheduling is used, this reference is equal to the delivery note number from last received delivery. 15 N   LAST_DELNOTE_NO The delivery note number of the last delivery received by the customer for this part at the time of the customer schedule creation. 2000 N   LAST_RECEIPT_REFERENCE
VARCHAR2 C03 VENDOR_PART_NO Supplier part number 80 N         VENDOR_PART_NO
VARCHAR2 C05 DELIVERY_POINT Point of delivery for the part at the customer's address.       DELIVERY_POINT Details to the delivery address that are specific for this part.        
VARCHAR2 C06 NOTE_TEXT Free note text sent from the customer. 2000 N   NOTE_TEXT Free note text sent from the customer. 2000 N   NOTE_TEXT
VARCHAR2 C07 AGREEMENT_ID Agreement number 17 M         AGREEMENT_ID
VARCHAR2 C08 BUYER_CODE Buyer code on purchase order 20 N         BUYER_CODE
VARCHAR2 C09 BUYER_NAME Buyer name on purchase order 100 N   CONTACT_PERSON Contact person for this customer 2000 N   BUYER_NAME
VARCHAR2 C10 PAY_TERM_ID Payment terms on purchase order 20 N         PAY_TERM_ID
VARCHAR2 C11 CURRENCY_CODE Currency code on purchase order 3 N         CURRENCY_CODE
VARCHAR2 C12 DELIVERY_TERMS Delivery terms on purchase order   N         DELIVERY_TERMS
VARCHAR2 C13 DELIVERY_TERMS_DESC Delivery terms description on purchase order   N         DELIVERY_TERMS_DESC
VARCHAR2 C14 SHIP_VIA_CODE Ship via code on purchase order   N         SHIP_VIA_CODE
VARCHAR2 C15 SHIP_VIA_DESC Ship via code description on purchase order   N         SHIP_VIA_DESC
VARCHAR2 C16 SCHED_REVISION Revision number of the schedule   N   REF_SCHEDULE_NO Customer's identification of the schedule 2000 N   SCHED_REVISION
VARCHAR2 C17 GTIN_NO The default GTIN of the part



DATE D00 CUM_RECEIPT_START_DATE Receipts made on or after this date are included in the cumulative receipt quantity   N   CUM_RECEIPT_DATE Receipts made by the customer on or after this date are included in the cumulative receipt quantity.   N   CUM_RECEIPT_START_DATE
DATE D01 LAST_RECEIPT_DATE Date/Time when the last receipt was made by the customer.   N   LAST_RECEIPT_DATE The date the customer received the latest delivery from our company.   N   LAST_RECEIPT_DATE
DATE D02 CREATE_DATE Date on which the schedule was created.   M         CREATE_DATE
DATE D03 APPROVED_DATE Date on which the approval process was run.   N         APPROVED_DATE
NUMBER N00 QTY_IN_STOCK Quantity of parts in stock when schedule was created   N   STOCK_QTY Quantity of parts the customer has in stock.   N   QTY_IN_STOCK
NUMBER N01 CUM_RECEIPT_QTY Cumulative quantity of parts received from the supplier from a common date that both the supplier and we have agreed to count from   N   CUM_RECEIPT_QTY Total quantity received by the customer from a common date that both the customer and we have agreed to count from   N   CUM_RECEIPT_QTY
NUMBER N02 LAST_RECEIPT_QTY Quantity received last by the customer.   N   LAST_RECEIPT_QTY Quantity of the part received by the customer at the last delivery   N   LAST_RECEIPT_QTY
NUMBER N03 SCHEDULE_NO Schedule number   M         SCHEDULE_NO
NUMBER N20 SEQUENCE_NO DELSCH message sequence number   M         MESSAGE_SEQUENCE_NO
NUMBER N21 VERSION_NO DELSCH message version number   N         MESSAGE_VERSION_NO
VARCHAR2 ROWSTATE STATE Status of the message line.       STATE Status of the message line.        

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

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Delivery Plan Package Row  

Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID EDI message no Unique ID of the message generated by IFS/Connectivity.                  
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Header should always be row number 1.                  
VARCHAR2 NAME PAC Type of message line (package).                  
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter.                  
VARCHAR2 C03 PACKAGE_ID Package type information, for package handling.           2000 M   PACKAGE_ID
NUMBER N02 PACKAGE_QTY Package quantity information, for package handling.             N   PACKAGE_QTY
NUMBER N03 CASE_QTY Case quantity information, for package handling.             N   CASE_QTY
NUMBER N04 FRACTION_QTY Fraction quantity information, for package handling.             N   FRACTION_QTY
VARCHAR2 ROWSTATE STATE Status of message line.                  

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Delivery Plan Demand Line Row

DATA TYPE COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID EDI message no Unique ID of message generated by IFS/Connectivity.       EDI message no Unique ID of message generated by IFS/Connectivity.        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message (Header should always be row number 1).       Row of message (Header should always be row number 1).        
VARCHAR2 NAME LIN Type of message line (demand line).       LIN Type of message line (demand line).        
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter.       Error message for line Generated by EDI converter.        
VARCHAR2 C00 VENDOR_NO Supplier number 20 M         VENDOR_NO
VARCHAR2 C01 CONTRACT Site for which agreement is created. 5 M         DELIVER_TO_SITE
VARCHAR2 C02 PART_NO Purchase part number 25 M         PART_NO
VARCHAR2 C03 NOTE_TEXT Free note text sent from customer. 2000 N   NOTE_TEXT Free note text sent from customer. 2000 N   NOTE_TEXT
VARCHAR2 C04 REF_ID Automatically created unique identifier for the demand and only used in connection with IFS/Kanban 35 N   REF_ID Customer-provided reference ID for a specific demand 35 N   REFERENCE_ID
VARCHAR2 C05 LINE_TYPE_ID Line Type Indicator (Firm, Material, etc). 3 M   LINE_TYPE_ID Specifies whether the schedule line should be used for demand or for information only 3 M   LINE_TYPE_ID
VARCHAR2 C06 LINE_TYPE_DESC Displays whether the schedule line should be delivery authorized 35 M         LINE_TYPE_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C07 CURR_CODE Currency code 3 M         CURRENCY_CODE
VARCHAR2 C08 UNIT_MEAS Purchase unit of measure 10 M         PART_UNIT_MEASURE
VARCHAR2 C09 DOCK_CODE Identifies a larger area within the receivers' facilities where goods are to be delivered. I.e., cargo bay. 35 N   DOCK_CODE Identifies a larger area within the receivers' facilities where goods are to be delivered. I.e., cargo bay. 35 N   DOCK_CODE
VARCHAR2 C10 SUB_DOCK_CODE Identifies a specific area within the area specified by the dock code. I.e., gate on the cargo bay. 35 N   SUB_DOCK_CODE Identifies a specific area within the area specified by the dock code. I.e., gate on the cargo bay. 35 N   SUB_DOCK_CODE
  C11     35 N       35 N   LOCATION_NO
VARCHAR2 C12 LOCATION_NO Identifies an internal plant location beyond the subdock code.       LOCATION_NO Identifies an internal plant location beyond the subdock code.        
VARCHAR2 C13 Customer_po_ no Identifies the customer's purchase order number.       Customer_po_ no Identifies the customer's purchase order number. 50 N   CUSTOMER_PO_NO
VARCHAR2 C14 Customer_po_line no Identifies the customer's purchase order line number.       Customer_po_line no Identifies the customer's purchase order line number. 4 N   CUSTOMER_PO_LINE_NO
VARCHAR2 C15 Customer_po_rel_no Identifies the customer's purchase order release number.       Customer_po_rel_no Identifies the customer's purchase order release number. 4 N   CUSTOMER_PO_REL_NO
VARCHAR2 C16       Pattern_description Information received from the customer about the time frame a specific demand quantity covers 2000 N   PATTERN_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C17       Port_of_loading Information received from the customer about the location at which the parts are to be loaded. 2000 N   PORT_OF_LOADING
VARCHAR2 C18       Manufacturing_Department The manufacturing department to which the part should be delivered. 2000 N   MANUFACTURING_DEPT
VARCHAR2 C19       Use_contract Information received from the customer regarding the price that should be used when releasing a customer schedule and creating customer order lines. 200 N   USE_CONTRACT
VARCHAR2 C20       Provisional_price Provisional price indicator tells if the part price received in the same schedule is provisional or fixed. 200 N   PROVISIONAL_PRICE
DATE D00 DUE_DATE Delivery date/time when goods are to be at customer plant.   M   DUE_DATE Date when the customer wants this particular delivery.       DELIVERY_DUE_DATE
DATE D01       TO_DATE The date and time until which the line quantity is covered.   N   TO_DATE
NUMBER N00 SCHEDULE_NO Schedule number   N         SCHEDULE_NO
NUMBER N01 SEQUENCE_NO Sequence number on schedule   M         LINE_SEQUENCE_NO
NUMBER N02 QTY_DUE Reconciled quantity due for the schedule line or supply qty due if the quantity is not reconciled   M   QTY_DUE The quantity of parts that the customer needs for this schedule line.   N   QUANTITY_DUE
NUMBER N03 QTY_DUE_CUM Quantity of parts that you wish to receive in total.   N   QTY_DUE_CUM The quantity of parts that your customer wish to receive in total.   N   CUMULATIVE_QUANTITY_DUE
NUMBER N04 FBUY_UNIT_PRICE Price per part assumed to be in the customer's default currency.   N   PART_PRICE Information received from the customer regarding the price of a part. The price is usually expressed in the customers default currency.   N   BUY_UNIT_PRICE
NUMBER N05       DELIVERY_SEQUENCE Information received from the customer regarding the order in which the deliveries should be made.   N   DELIVERY_SEQUENCE
VARCHAR2 ROWSTATE STATE Status of the message line.       STATE Status of the message line.        

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Delivery Plan Previous Dispatch Note Row

DATA TYPE COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID EDI message no Unique ID of message generated by IFS/Connectivity.       EDI message no Unique ID of message generated by IFS/Connectivity.        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Header should always be row number 1.       Row of message Header should always be row number 1.        
VARCHAR2 NAME PDN Type of message line (previous dispatch note).       PDN Type of message line (previous dispatch note).        
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter.       Error message for line Generated by EDI converter.        
VARCHAR2 C00 VENDOR_NO Supplier number 20 M         VENDOR_NO
VARCHAR2 C01 CONTRACT Site for which agreement is created. 5 M         DELIVER_TO_SITE
VARCHAR2 C02 PART_NO Purchase part number 25 M         PART_NO
VARCHAR2 C03 RECEIPT_REFERENCE Delivery reference from the supplier for the last delivery considered prior to creating this schedule. 15 N   DELNOTE_NO Delivery note number of the delivery note created for the delivery, or partial delivery, of a customer order. 2000 N   RECEIPT_REFERENCE
VARCHAR2 C04 NOTE_TEXT Free note text sent from customer. 2000 N   NOTE_TEXT Free note text sent from customer. 2000 N   NOTE_TEXT
NUMBER N00 SCHEDULE_NO Schedule number   M             SCHEDULE_NO
NUMBER N01 SEQUENCE_NO Number of the receipt   M         SEQUENCE_NO
NUMBER N02 RECEIPT_QTY Previous received quantity.   M   QTY_RECEIVED Previous received quantity.   N   RECEIPT_QTY
NUMBER N03 BUY_QTY_DUE Advised quantity for previously received dispatch.   N   QTY_ADVISED Advised quantity for previously received dispatch.   N   BUY_QTY_DUE
DATE D00 RECEIPT_DATE Previous received delivery date.   M   DELIVERY_DATE Previous received delivery date.   M   RECEIPT_DATE
VARCHAR2 ROWSTATE STATE Status of the message line.       STATE Status of the message line.        

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

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Dispatch Advice [DESADV]

Dispatch Advice [DESADV] is the message used for sending and receiving dispatch advices. It is sent from a delivery note in IFS/Customer Orders and received in IFS/Purchasing. The message is used to provide the customer detailed information about goods that are to be delivered. The message can be used as basis for the arrival registration. The dispatch advice can cover a number of different items or packages from different orders. The sent information will make it possible to register arrivals automatically using barcode scanning.

A dispatch advice consists of the information on the delivery note such as purchase order number, names and addresses, terms of delivery, and delivery date. Details of all package levels and of the individual dispatched items must be sent and hierarchical packing relationships must be defined. Information about packaging, weight, marks and numbers, quantities, date and time information, and handling information are also included as well as information about forward agent and ship via codes.

This message has four types of rows:

Dispatch Advice Header Row  

DATA TYPE COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS
NUMBER MESSAGE ID message_ ID Unique ID of the message generated by IFS.       MESSAGE_ID Unique ID of the message generated by IFS.        
MESSAGE_LINE Header should always be row number 1.       Row of message Header should always be row number 1.        
VARCHAR2 NAME Header Type of message line.       Header Type of message line.        
Error message
for line
Generated by EDI converter.       Error message for line Generated by EDI converter.        
VARCHAR2 C00 DELNOTE_NO Delivery note number. 15 M   DELNOTE_NO Delivery note number. 50 M   DELIVERY_NOTE_NO
VARCHAR2 C05 VENDOR_NO Consignor/Shipper ID. 20 N   VENDOR_NO Consignor/Shipper ID. 20 M   CONSIGNOR
Consignor/Shipper name. 100 C COMPANY_TAB.NAME,
If shipment id is null this will definitely have a value, else could be nulll
VARCHAR2 C07 Address 1 Consignor/Shipper address 1. 35 N         ADDRESS_1
VARCHAR2 C08 Address 2 Consignor/Shipper address 2. 35 N         ADDRESS_2
VARCHAR2 C09 Zip code Consignor/Shipper zip code. 35 N         ZIP_CODE
VARCHAR2 C10 City Consignor/Shipper city. 35 N         CITY
VARCHAR2 C11 County Consignor/Shipper county. 35 N         COUNTY
VARCHAR2 C12 Consignor state Consignor/Shipper state. 35 N         STATE
VARCHAR2 C13 Consignor
country code
Consignor/Shipper country code. 2 C If shipment_id exists this is not
 mandatory. COMPANY_ADDRESS_
TAB.country, corresponding column
 is not nullable. SHIPMENT_
TAB.shipper_country, corresponding column is nullable.
VARCHAR2 C14 SENDER_REFERENCE Consignor/Shipper reference. 35 N         CONSIGNOR_
VARCHAR2 C20 CUSTOMER_NO Consignee/Receiver. 20 M         CONSIGNEE
VARCHAR2 C21 CUSTOMER_NAME Consignee/Receiver name. 100 C CUST_ORD_CUSTOMER_
name2 - nullable,  CUSTOMER_INFO_
TAB.name - not null, CUSTOMER_ORDER_DELIV_
NOTE_TAB.addr_1 - nullable. If single occurrence address c21 can be null, else not null
RECEIVER_NAME Consignee/Receiver name. 2000 N   CONSIGNEE_NAME
VARCHAR2 C22 ADDRESS1 Consignee/Receiver address 1. 35 N   RECEIVER_ADDRESS1 Consignee/Receiver address 1. 2000 N   ADDRESS_1
VARCHAR2 C23 ADDRESS2 Consignee/Receiver address 2. 35 N   RECEIVER_ADDRESS2 Consignee/Receiver address 2. 2000 N   ADDRESS_2
VARCHAR2 C24 ZIP_CODE Consignee/Receiver zip code. 35 N   RECEIVER_ZIP_CODE Consignee/Receiver zip code. 2000 N   ZIP_CODE
VARCHAR2 C25 CITY Consignee/Receiver city. 35 N   RECEIVER_CITY Consignee/Receiver city. 2000 N   CITY
VARCHAR2 C26 COUNTY Consignee/Receiver county. 35 N   RECEIVER_COUNTY Consignee/Receiver county. 2000 N   COUNTY
VARCHAR2 C27 STATE Consignee/Receiver state. 35 N   RECEIVER_STATE Consignee/Receiver state. 2000 N   STATE
VARCHAR2 C28 COUNTRY Consignee/Receiver country code. 2 C If shipment ID exists and address
is not single occurrence, this is
ADDRESS_TAB.country, corresponding column is not nullable, CUSTOMER_ORDER_
DELIV_NOTE_TAB.country_code, corresponding column is nullable
RECEIVER_COUNTRY_CODE Consignee/Receiver country code. 2000 N   COUNTRY_CODE
VARCHAR2 C29 Consignee_ref Consignee/Receiver reference. 35 N         CONSIGNEE_
VARCHAR2 C30 EAN_DOC_ADDR EAN location no. for customer document address. 100 C CUSTOMER_INFO_ADDRESS_
TAB.EAN_LOCATION , Condition: Will have a value only if customer has a default
address flag for "Document" address type.
VARCHAR2 C31 EAN_DEL_ADDR EAN location no. for customer delivery address. 100 C CUSTOMER_INFO_ADDRESS_
TAB.EAN_LOCATION, if single Occurance,
no value fetch for C31.If delivery address
exists, value for C31 will be fetched.
VARCHAR2 C32 EAN_PAY_ADDR EAN location no. for payer document address. 100 C CUSTOMER_INFO_ADDRESS_
TAB.EAN_LOCATION, If invoice customer at customer->order-> general tab exists and if there exists a default document address, this value will be fetched.
Carrier/Forwarder ID. 20 N   FORWARDER_ID Carrier/Forwarder ID. 20 N   CARRIER
Carrier/Forwarder name. 100 N         CARRIER_NAME
VARCHAR2 C37 address 1 Carrier/Forwarder address 1. 35 N         ADDRESS_1
VARCHAR2 C38 address 2 Carrier/Forwarder address 1. 35 N         ADDRESS_2
VARCHAR2 C39 zip code Carrier/Forwarder zip code. 35 N         ZIP_CODE
VARCHAR2 C40 city Carrier/Forwarder city. 35 N         CITY
VARCHAR2 C41 county Carrier/Forwarder county. 35 N         COUNTY
VARCHAR2 C42 state Carrier/Forwarder state. 35 N         STATE
VARCHAR2 C43 country Carrier/Forwarder country code. 2 M         COUNTRY_CODE
VARCHAR2 C45 ALT_DELNOTE_NO Alternative delivery note number. 50 N   ALT_DELNOTE_NO Alternative delivery note number. 2000 N   ALT_DELIVERY_
VARCHAR2 C50 Airway_bill_ no Airway bill number. 50 N         AIRWAY_BILL_NO
VARCHAR2 C51 Pro_No The tracking or booking number for transport of goods. 50 N         PRO_NO
VARCHAR2 C70 Delivery terms Delivery terms. 3 N         DELIVERY_TERMS
Delivery terms description. 35 M   DELIVERY_TERMS_DESC Delivery terms description. 2000 N   DELIVERY_TERMS_
VARCHAR2 C72 Ship via code Ship via code. 3 N         SHIP_VIA_CODE
VARCHAR2 C73 SHIP_VIA_DESC Ship via description. 35 M   SHIP_VIA_DESC Ship via description. 2000 N   SHIP_VIA_
Free text 200 N         CROSS_
Free text 200 N         CROSS_
Free text 200 N         CROSS_
Free text 200 N         CROSS_
Free text 200 N         CROSS_
VARCHAR2 C79 DEL_TERMS_LOCATION Delivery terms location 100 N   DEL_TERMS_LOCATION Delivery terms location (Received externally only) 100 N   DEL_TERMS_LOCATION
VARCHAR2 C80       SUPPLIER_ORDER_NO Customer Order  (Received externally only)        
VARCHAR2 C81       PO_NO Purchase Order Number (Received externally only)        
VARCHAR2 C82 Label note Label note.       Label note Label note. (Received externally only) 2000 N LABEL_NOTE
VARCHAR2 C83 SHIPMENT_NOTES Shipment notes.       SHIPMENT_NOTES Shipment notes. (Received externally only) 2000 N SHIPMENT_NOTES
VARCHAR2 C84       DOCK_ID Dock identity 2000 N DOCK_ID
VARCHAR2 C85       GATE_ID Gate identity 2000 N GATE_ID
VARCHAR2 C86 CONVEY_REF_NO Convey reference number.       CONVEY_REF_NO Convey reference number. (Received externally only) 2000 N CONVEY_REF_NO
VARCHAR2 C87 MESSAGE_TYPE_DB Message type DB. 80 N   MESSAGE_TYPE_DB Message type DB. (Received externally only) 20 N MESSAGE_TYPE_DB
NUMBER N00 Shipment_ ID Shipment ID.   N         SHIPMENT_ID
NUMBER N01 No_of_pallet Number of pallets on Shipment.   C A count of the number of top node handling units connected to the shipment.       NO_OF_Pallets
NUMBER N02 No_ of _packages Number of packages on Shipment.   C A count of the number of second level node handling units connected to the shipment.       NO_OF_PACKAGES
NUMBER N03 NET_TOTAL Net weight of the shipment.   C Not Mandatory: A value appears
only if the shipment_id is not NULL
NUMBER N04 GROSS_TOTAL Gross weight of the shipment.   C Not Mandatory: A value comes only
if the shipment_id is not NULL
NUMBER N05 Total_volume Total volume of the shipment.   C Not Mandatory: A value comes only
 if the shipment_id is not NULL
NUMBER N10 DELIVERY_LEADTIME Delivery lead time.       DELIVERY_LEADTIME Delivery lead time (Received externally only)   N DELIVERY_LEADTIME
NUMBER N20 SEQUENCE_NO DESADV message sequence number         M   MESSAGE_
NUMBER N21 VERSION_NO DESADV message version number         M   MESSAGE_
DATE D01 ACTUAL_SHIP_DATE Dispatch date and time.   M   DESPATCH_DATE Dispatch date and time.   N DESPATCH_DATE DESPATCH_DATE
DATE D10 DELNOTE_DATE Date and time on the delivery note.       DELNOTE_DATE Date and time on the delivery note. (Received externally only)   N   DELNOTE_DATE
VARCHAR2 STATE Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity.       Status of message line          

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Dispatch Advice Handling Unit Row  

DATA TYPE COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID MESSAGE_ID Unique ID of the message generated by IFS.       MESSAGE_ID Unique ID of the message generated by IFS.      
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Each message can hold several lines.       Row of message Each message can hold several lines.      
VARCHAR2 NAME Handling Unit Type of message line.       Handling Unit Type of message line.      
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by the EDI converter.       Error message for line Generated by the EDI converter.      
VARCHAR2 C01 HANDLING_UNIT_TYPE Handling unit composition. 200 N Displays if the handling unit is SIMPLIFIED/HOMOGENOUS or MIXED HANDLING_UNIT_TYPE Handling unit type. 2000 N   HANDLING_UNIT_TYPE
VARCHAR2 C02 PALLET_TYPE Handling unit type. 4000 N   PALLET_TYPE Handling unit type. 2000 N   PALLET_TYPE
VARCHAR2 C03 ORDER_NO Customer order number. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 12 N   SUPPLIER_ORDER_NO Customer order number. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 2000 N   ORDER_NO
VARCHAR2 C04 LINE_NO Customer order line number. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 4 N   SUPPLIER_LINE_NO Customer order line number. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 2000 N   LINE_NO
VARCHAR2 C05 REL_NO Customer order release number. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 4 N   SUPPLIER_REL_NO Customer order release number. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 2000 N   REL_NO
VARCHAR2 C15 ENG_CHG_LEVEL The engineering revision number of the items placed on the handling unit. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 25 N   ENG_CHG_LEVEL The engineering revision number of the items placed on the handling unit. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 2000 N   ENG_CHG_LEVEL
VARCHAR2 C16 LOT_BATCH_NO The lot/batch number of the items placed on the handling unit. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 25 N   LOT_BATCH_NO The lot/batch number of the items placed on the handling unit. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 2000 N   LOT_BATCH_NO
VARCHAR2 C17 SERIAL_NO The serial number of the items placed on the handling unit. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 50 N   SERIAL_NO The serial number of the items placed on the handling unit. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 2000 N   SERIAL_NO
VARCHAR2 C18 WAIV_DEV_REJ_NO The W/D/R number of the items placed on the handling unit. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 15 N   WAIV_DEV_REJ_NO The W/D/R number of the items placed on the handling unit. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 15 N   WAIV_DEV_REJ_NO
VARCHAR2 C19 SSCC The serial shipping container code for the handling unit.       SSCC The serial shipping container code for the handling unit.       SSCC
VARCHAR2 C20 Alt_transp_label_id The alternative transport label ID for the handling unit.       Alt_transp_label_id The alternative transport label ID for the handling unit.       Alt_transp_label_id
VARCHAR2 C22 Uom_for_weight The UoM used for weight values.       Uom_for_weight The UoM used for weight values.       Uom_for_weight
VARCHAR2 C23 Uom_for_volume The UoM used for volume values.       Uom_for_volume The UoM used for volume values.       Uom_for_volume
VARCHAR2 C24 Uom_for_length The UoM used for length values.       Uom_for_length The UoM used for length values.       Uom_for_length
NUMBER N01 LINE_ITEM_NO Customer order line item number on the handling unit. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines hav common information.   N   SUPPLIER_LINE_ITEM_NO Customer order line item number on the handling unit. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information.   N   LINE_ITEM_NO
NUMBER N02 QTY_IN_HANDLING_UNIT Total number of all items attached on the handling unit.   N   HANDLING_UNIT_QTY Total number of all items attached on the handling unit.   N   QTY_ON_HANDLING_UNIT
NUMBER N03 NO_OF_PACKAGES Total number of handling units that are children to this handling unit (second level in handling unit structure).   N   NO_OF_PACKAGES Total number of handling units that are children to this handling unit (second level in handling unit structure).   N   NO_OF_PACKAGES
NUMBER N04 NET_WEIGHT Total net weight of all parts on the handling unit.   C Total net weight of the handling unit ID. NET_WEIGHT Total net weight of all parts on the handling unit.   N   NET_WEIGHT
NUMBER N05 TARE_WEIGHT The weight of the handling unit itself.   C Total tare weight of the handling unit ID. TARE_WEIGHT The weight of the handling unit itself.   N   TARE_WEIGHT
NUMBER N06 SALES_QTY_ON_HANDLING_UNIT The shipped quantity in handling unit expressed in sales unit of measure.   M              
VARCHAR2 STATE Status of the message line Handled by IFS Connectivity.       Status of the message line Handled by IFS Connectivity.      

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Dispatch Advice Package Unit Row  

DATA TYPE COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID message_ ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS.       EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS.  
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Each message can hold several lines.       Row of message Each message can hold several lines.  
VARCHAR2 NAME Package Unit Type of message line.       Package Unit Type of message line.  
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter.       Error message for line Generated by EDI converter.  
VARCHAR2 C01 PACKAGE_TYPE Handling unit type. 10 N   PACKAGE_TYPE Handling unit type. 2000 N PACKAGE_TYPE
VARCHAR2 C03 ORDER_NO Customer order number. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 12 N   SUPPLIER_ORDER_NO Customer order number. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 2000 N ORDER_NO
VARCHAR2 C04 LINE_NO Customer order line number. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 4 N   SUPPLIER_LINE_NO Customer order line number. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 2000 N LINE_NO
VARCHAR2 C05 REL_NO Customer order release number. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 4 N   SUPPLIER_REL_NO Customer order release number. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 2000 N REL_NO
VARCHAR2 C15 ENG_CHG_LEVEL The engineering revision number of the items in the package unit. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 25 N   ENG_CHG_LEVEL The engineering revision number of the items in the package unit. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 2000 N ENG_CHG_LEVEL
VARCHAR2 C16 LOT_BATCH_NO The lot/batch number of the items in the package unit. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 25 N   LOT_BATCH_NO The lot/batch number of the items in the package unit. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 2000 N LOT_BATCH_NO
VARCHAR2 C17 SERIAL_NO The serial number of the items in the package unit. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 50 N   SERIAL_NO The serial number of the items in the package unit. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 2000 N SERIAL_NO
VARCHAR2 C18 WAIV_DEV_REJ_NO The W/D/R number of the items in the package unit. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 15 N   WAIV_DEV_REJ_NO The W/D/R number of the items in the package unit. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information. 15 N WAIV_DEV_REJ_NO
VARCHAR2 C19 SSCC The serial shipping container code for the handling unit.       SSCC The serial shipping container code for the handling unit.        
VARCHAR2 C20 Alt_transp_label_id The alternative transport label ID for the handling unit.       Alt_transp_label_id The alternative transport label ID for the handling unit.       Alt_transp_label_id
VARCHAR2 C21 HANDLING_UNIT_TYPE Should display the value for “Handling unit composition” – Simplified/Homogenous/Mixed 200 N   HANDLING_UNIT_TYPE Should display the value for “Handling unit composition” – Simplified/Homogenous/Mixed 200 N   HANDLING_UNIT_TYPE
VARCHAR2 C22 Uom_for_weight The UoM used for weight values.       Uom_for_weight The UoM used for weight values.       Uom_for_weight
VARCHAR2 C23 Uom_for_volume The UoM used for volume values.       Uom_for_volume The UoM used for volume values.       Uom_for_volume
VARCHAR2 C24 Uom_for_length The UoM used for length values.       Uom_for_length The UoM used for length values.       Uom_for_length
NUMBER N01 HANDLING_UNIT_ID Parent Handling unit ID.   N   HANDLING_UNIT_ID Parent Handling unit ID.   N HANDLING_UNIT_ID
NUMBER N02 LINE_ITEM_NO Customer order line item number. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information.   N   SUPPLIER_LINE_ITEM_NO Customer order line item number. Only displayed if all attached shipment lines have common information.   N LINE_ITEM_NO
NUMBER N03 QTY_IN_PACKAGE_UNIT The number of items in the package unit.   N   PACKAGE_QTY The number of items in the package unit.   N QTY_IN_PACKAGE
NUMBER N04 NET_WEIGHT Total net weight of all the parts in the package unit.   N Total net weight of the handling unit ID. NET_WEIGHT Total net weight of all the parts in the package unit.   N NET_WEIGHT
NUMBER N05 HANDLING_UNIT_WEIGHT The weight of the package unit.   M Total tare weight of the handling unit ID. TARE_WEIGHT The weight of the package unit.   N TARE_WEIGHT
NUMBER N06 SALES_QTY_IN_PACKAGE The shipped quantity in package unit expressed in sales unit of measure.   M              
VARCHAR2 STATE Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity.       Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity.  

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Dispatch Advice Line Row  

DATA TYPE COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID message_ID Unique ID of the message generated by IFS.       message_ID Unique ID of the message generated by IFS.        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE MESSAGE_LINE Each message can hold several lines.       MESSAGE_LINE Each message can hold several lines.        
VARCHAR2 NAME Line Type of message line.       Line Type of message line.        
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter.       Error message for line Generated by EDI converter.        
VARCHAR2 C00 ORDER_NO Customer order number. 12 N   SUPPLIER_ORDER_NO Customer order number. 2000 N    ORDER_NO
VARCHAR2 C01 LINE_NO Customer order line number. 4 N   SUPPLIER_LINE_NO Customer order line number. 2000 N   LINE_NO
VARCHAR2 C02 REL_NO Customer order release number. 4 N   SUPPLIER_REL_NO Customer order release number. 2000 N   REL_NO
VARCHAR2 C04 PO_NO Purchase order number. 50 N   ORDER_NO Purchase order number. 12 M   CUSTOMER_PO_NO
VARCHAR2 C05 CATALOG_NO Your sales part number. 25 M   SALES_PART_NO Your sales part number. 2000 N   SALES_PART_NO
VARCHAR2 C06 CATALOG_DESC Your sales part description. 200 N         SALES_PART_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C08 CUSTOMER_PART_NO Customer part number. 45 N   PART_NO Customer part number. 25 M CUSTOMER_PART_NO
VARCHAR2 C09 Customer_part_ desc Customer part description. 200 N         CUSTOMER_PART_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C11 SALES_UNIT_MEAS Sales unit of measure. 10 M   SALES_UNIT_MEAS Sales unit of measure. 10 N   UNIT_OF_MEASURE
VARCHAR2 C12 Customer_po_line no Customer’s Purchase Order Line no                  
VARCHAR2 C13 Customer_po_rel_no Customer’s Purchase Order Release no                  
VARCHAR2 C15 Part country of origin Inventory part's country of origin. 3 N         COUNTRY_OF_ORIGIN
VARCHAR2 C16 DOCK_CODE Identifies a large area within the receiver's facilities where goods are to be delivered, i.e., the cargo bay. 35 N   DOCK_CODE Identifies a large area within the receiver's facilities where goods are to be delivered, i.e., the cargo bay. 2000 N   DOCK_CODE
VARCHAR2 C17 SUB_DOCK_CODE Identifies a specific area within the area specified by the dock code, i.e., the gate on the cargo bay. 35 N   SUB_DOCK_CODE Identifies a specific area within the area specified by the dock code, i.e., the gate on the cargo bay. 2000 N   SUB_DOCK_CODE
VARCHAR2 C18 REF_ID Unique identifier for a demand, provided by the customer. 35 N   REFERENCE_ID Unique identifier for a demand, provided by the customer. 2000 N   REFERENCE_ID
VARCHAR2 C19 LOCATION_NO The customer's location number. 35 N   LOCATION_NO The customer's location number. 2000 N   LOCATION_NO
.catalog_type = 'INV' then Mandatory, CUSTOMER_ORDER_RESERVATION
.t_batch_no corresponding column is not nullable
LOT_BATCH_NO Lot/batch number. (Received from external order)   N   LOT_BATCH_NO
.serial_no corresponding column is not nullable
SERIAL_NO Serial number. (Received from external order)   N   SERIAL_NO
VARCHAR2 C82 WAIV_DEV_REJ_NO Waiver, Deviation and Rejection number. 15 C   WAIV_DEV_REJ_NO Waiver, Deviation and Rejection number. (Received from external order)   N   WAIV_DEV_REJ_NO
VARCHAR2 C83 ENG_CHG_LEVEL The engineering revision number. 2 C If CUSTOMER_ORDER_LINE_TAB.catalog_type = 'INV' then MandatoryCUSTOMER_ORDER_RESERVATION
.eng_chg_level corresponding column is not nullable
ENG_CHG_LEVEL The engineering revision number. (Received from external order)   N   ENG_CHG_LEVEL
VARCHAR2 C86 CLASSIFICATION_PART_NO Classification part no(Customer Order information) 25 N   CLASSIFICATION_PART_NO   2000 N   CLASSIFICATION_PART_NO
VARCHAR2 C87 CLASSIFICATION_UNIT_MEAS Classification unit meas(Customer Order information) 10 N   CLASSIFICATION_UNIT_MEAS   2000 N   CLASSIFICATION_UNIT_MEAS
VARCHAR2 C88 GTIN_NO The default GTIN of the part 14 N   GTIN_NO         GTIN_NO
DATE D01 REAL_SHIP_DATE The date on which the cargo was shipped.   N         REAL_SHIP_DATE
VARCHAR2 D02 EXPIRATION_DATE Expiration date   N   EXPIRATION_DATE Expiration date (Received from external order)   N   EXPIRATION_DATE
NUMBER N01 LINE_ITEM_NO Customer order line item number.   N   SUPPLIER_LINE_ITEM_NO Customer order line item number.   N   LINE_ITEM_NO
NUMBER N02 SHIPPED_QTY The shipped quantity expressed in inventory unit of measure.   N DESPATCH_QTY The delivered quantity expressed in inventory unit of measure (Received internal only). N DESPATCHED_QTY
NUMBER N03 SHIPPED_SALES_QTY The shipped quantity expressed in sales unit of measure.   N DESPATCH_SALES_QTY The delivered quantity expressed in sales unit of measure (Received externally only). N DESPATCHED_SALE_QTY
NUMBER N07 HANDLING_UNIT_ID Top node handling unit identity.   N   HANDLING_UNIT_ID Top node handling unit identity.   N   HANDLING_UNIT_ID
NUMBER N08 PACKAGE_UNIT_ID Second level handling unit identity.   N   PACKAGE_UNIT_ID Second level handling unit identity.   N   PACKAGE_UNIT_ID
NUMBER N09 INPUT_QTY Input Qty from CO   N   INPUT_QTY         INPUT_QTY
NUMBER N20 SEQUENCE_NO DESADV message sequence number   M         MESSAGE_SEQUENCE_NO
NUMBER N21 VERSION_NO DESADV message version number   M         MESSAGE_VERSION_NO
VARCHAR2 STATE Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity.       Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity.        

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Delivery Notifications [DIRDEL]

Delivery Notifications [DIRDEL] message is used in a multi-site scenario with direct delivery (from the supply site to an end customer). The supply site can send the DIRDEL message to the ordering site. This message can be sent by MHS or EDI.

This delivery notification is used only when the purchase has been initialized by a customer order.

This message has three types of rows:

Delivery Notification Header Row

Data type COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID (FK) EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity       EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Header should always be row number 1       Row of message Header should always be row number 1        
VARCHAR2 NAME Header Type of message line       Header Type of message line        
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter       Error message for line Generated by EDI converter        
VARCHAR2 c00 ORDER_NO Order number       CUSTOMER_ORDER_NO Customer order number        
VARCHAR2 c01 CUSTOMER_PO_NO Customer PO number       ORDER_NO Purchase number        
VARCHAR2 c02 CONTRACT Customer site (used for internal order)       CONTRACT The site the purchase order is placed on        
VARCHAR2 c03 SALESMAN Supplier's sales person              
VARCHAR2 c04 AUTHORIZER Authorizer (Name)              
DATE d00 DATE_ENTERED Creation date of the order              
VARCHAR2 c05 CUSTOMER_NO Supplier ID of customer              
VARCHAR2 c06 VAT VAT (Coded)              
VARCHAR2 c07 SHIP_ADDR_NO Supplier's address number (document address)              
VARCHAR2 c08 CURRENCY_CODE Customer's currency              
VARCHAR2 c09 DELIVERY ADDRESS Receiver's name for delivery address              
VARCHAR2 c10 ADDRESS1 Delivery address 1              
VARCHAR2 c11 ADDRESS2 Delivery address 2              
VARCHAR2 c12 ZIP_CODE Zip code              
VARCHAR2 c13 CITY City              
VARCHAR2 c14 STATE State              
VARCHAR2 c15 COUNTRY_CODE Customer's country code              
VARCHAR2 c16 CUSTOMER_NO_PAY Supplier customer number for payer              
VARCHAR2 c17 CUSTOMER_NO_PAY_ADDR_NO Payer address number (Document address)              
VARCHAR2 c18 CUST_REF Customer reference              
VARCHAR2 c19 PAY_TERM_ID ID for payment terms (Coded)              
VARCHAR2 c20 DELIVERY_TERMS_DESC Delivery terms description              
DATE d01 WANTED_DELIVERY_DATE Wanted delivery date              
NUMBER n00 DELIVERY LEADTIME Delivery lead time              
VARCHAR2 c21 SHIP_VIA_DESC Ship via description (Full text)              
VARCHAR2 c22 FORWARD_AGENT Forward Agent (Full text)              
VARCHAR2 c23 LABEL_NOTE Label note (Full text)              
VARCHAR2 c25 FAX Supplier's fax number              
VARCHAR2 c26 PHONE Supplier's phone number              
VARCHAR2 c27 POSTAL_ADDRESS Supplier's postal address              
VARCHAR2 c28 POST Supplier postal giro account              
VARCHAR2 c29 BANK Supplier bank giro account              
VARCHAR2 c30 COMPANY Supplier's company name              
VARCHAR2 c31 COMPANY_COUNTRY Supplier company country              
VARCHAR2 c32 OUR_SUPPLIER_NO Supplier ID at customer              
VARCHAR2 c33 NOTE_ID Header document text              
VARCHAR2 c34 AGREEMENT_NOTE_ID Agreement note ID              
VARCHAR2 c35 CUSTOMER_NOTE Customer document text              
VARCHAR2 c36 Receiver address Customer EDI address              
VARCHAR2 c37 Message type In this case, "DIRDEL"              
VARCHAR2 c38 Media code Way of communication (EDI, MHS, etc.)              
VARCHAR2 c39 EAN_DOC_ADDR EAN location no. for customer document address              
VARCHAR2 c40 EAN_DEL_ADDR EAN location no. for customer delivery address              
VARCHAR2 c41 EAN_PAY_ ADDR EAN location no. for payer document address              
VARCHAR2 C42 COUNTY Delivery county              
VARCHAR2 C43 CROSS_REFERENCE_INFO_1 Free text              
VARCHAR2 C44 CROSS_REFERENCE_INFO_2 Free text              
VARCHAR2 C45 CROSS_REFERENCE_INFO_3 Free text              
VARCHAR2 C46 CROSS_REFERENCE_INFO_4 Free text              
VARCHAR2 C86 PAY_TERM_DESC Payment terms description 100            
NUMBER N20 DIRDEL_SEQUENCE_NO Direct delivery message sequence number              
NUMBER N21 DIRDEL_VERSION_NO Direct delivery message version number              
VARCHAR2 STATE Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity       Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity        

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Delivery Notification Line Row

Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID (FK) EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity       EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Each message can hold several lines       Row of message Each message can hold several lines        
VARCHAR2 NAME Row Type of message line       Row Type of message line        
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter       Error message for line Generated by EDI converter        
VARCHAR2 c00 ORDER_NO Supplier's Order number (Customer Order)              
VARCHAR2 c01 CUSTOMER_PO_NO Customer PO number       ORDER_NO Purchase order number        
VARCHAR2 c02 DELIV_NO Delivery number       DELIVERY_NO The delivery note number of the delivered customer order        
VARCHAR2 c03 LINE_NO Our line number       LINE_NO Purchase order line number        
VARCHAR2 c04 REL_NO Release number of row       RELEASE_NO Purchase order release number        
VARCHAR2 c05 CATALOG_NO Your part number              
VARCHAR2 c06 CATALOG_DESC Your sales part description              
NUMBER n00 QTY_SHIPPED Quantity delivered       QTY_DELIVERED Quantity delivered on the customer order line        
NUMBER n01 BUY_QTY_DUE Buy quantity due in sales units              
NUMBER n02 QTY_SHIPPED/CONV_FACTOR Total quantity shipped on CO row              
VARCHAR2 c07 SALES_UNIT_MEAS Supplier sales unit of measure              
VARCHAR2 c08 PRICE_UNIT_MEAS Supplier price unit of measure              
DATE d00 PLANNED_DELIVERY_DATE Planned delivery date              
DATE d01 DATE_DELIVERED Delivery date              
VARCHAR2 c09 STATE State on CO row (Delivered or Partially delivered)       CUSTOMER_ORDER_STATE Status of the supplier's customer order        
VARCHAR2 c10 DELIVERY_NOTE_ID Delivery note ID              
VARCHAR2 c11 BLANKET_DETAIL_NOTE Blanket row document text (empty)              
VARCHAR2 c12 CUSTOMER_PART_NO Customer's part number              
NUMBER n04 CUSTOMER_PART_BUY_QTY Quantity sold, expressed in customer's unit of measure              
VARCHAR2 c13 CUSTOMER_PART_UNIT_MEAS Customer unit meas.              
NUMBER n05 CATCH_QTY_SHIPPED Catch quantity delivered       CATCH_QTY_DELIVERED Catch quantity delivered        
VARCHAR2 STATE Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity       Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity        

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Delivery Notification Transit Row

Data type COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description       Value Description      
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID message_id Message ID       message_id Message ID        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE message_line Message line number       message_line Message line number        
VARCHAR2 NAME TRANSITROW Name of the line, always Transitrow for characteristic lines in the message       TRANSITROW Name of the line, always Transitrow for characteristic lines in the message        
NUMBER C00 order_no Purchase order number       CUSTOMER_ORDER_NO Customer order number        
NUMBER C01 CUSTOMER_PO_NO Customer's Purchase Order Number       ORDER_NO Purchase order number        
NUMBER C02 line_no Purchase line number       LINE_NO Purchase line number        
NUMBER C03 REL_NO Purchase release number       RELEASE_NO Purchase release number        
VARCHAR2 C04 CONFIGURATION_ID Configuration ID       CONFIGURATION_ID Configuration ID        
VARCHAR2 C05 LOT_BATCH_NO Lot batch number       LOT_BATCH_NO Lot batch number        
VARCHAR2 C06 SERIAL_NO Serial number       SERIAL_NO Serial number        
VARCHAR2 C07 WAIV_DEV_REJ_NO Waiver/deviation/rejection number       WAIV_DEV_REJ_NO Waiver/deviation/rejection number        
VARCHAR2 C08 ENG_CHANGE_LEVEL Engineering change level       ENG_CHANGE_LEVEL Engineering change level        
NUMBER N00 TRANSIT_ROW_QTY_SHIPPED Transit row quantity shipped       QUANTITY Quantity delivered        
NUMBER N01 CATCH_QTY_SHIPPED Catch quantity shipped       CATCH_QUANTITY_DELIVERED Catch quantity delivered        
DATE D00 EXPIRATION_DATE Expiration date       EXPIRATION_DATE Expiration date        

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Invoices [INVOIC]

Invoices [INVOIC] message is used to send the invoice information from the supplier to the customer. This message can be sent by MHS or EDI.

This message has two types of rows:

Invoice Header Row

Data type COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT
EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity       MESSAGE_ID (FK) EDI message ID        
Row of message Header should always be row number 1       MESSAGE_LINE Row of message        
VARCHAR2 NAME Header Type of message line       NAME Header        
Error message
for line
Generated by EDI converter       ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line        
VARCHAR2 C00 INVOICE_TYPE Type of invoice 20 M   INVOICE_TYPE Type of invoice 20 N   INVOICE_TYPE
VARCHAR2 C01 INVOICE_SERIES_ID+ INVOICE_NO (concatenated) Invoice identity 70 M   INVOICE_NO Invoice identity 50 M   INVOICE_NO
VARCHAR2 C02 ORDER_NO Supplier order number 12 N   SUPPLIER_ORDER_NO Customer order number 12 N   ORDER_NO
VARCHAR2 C03 PO_REFERENCE Purchase order number 50 N   PO_REFERENCE Purchase order number 2000
VARCHAR2 C04 CURRENCY Invoice currency 3 N   CURRENCY Invoice currency 3 M   CURRENCY_CODE
VARCHAR2 C05 PAY_TERM_DESC Payment terms description 100 M         DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C88 INVOICE_TEXT_ID Identity of invoice text 20 N   INVOICE_TEXT_ID Identity of invoice text 20 N INVOICE_TEXT_ID
VARCHAR2 C93 INVOICE_TEXT Invoice text 2000 N   INVOICE_TEXT Invoice text 2000 N INVOICE_TEXT
DATE D00 INVOICE_DATE Creation date of invoice   M   INVOICE_DATE Creation date of invoice   M   INVOICE_DATE
DATE D01 DUE_DATE Payment due date   M   DUE_DATE Payment due date   M   DUE_DATE
DATE D02 ORDER_DATE The date when the order was entered   N         ORDER_DATE
DATE D03 DELIVERY_DATE The latest date on which the order was delivered   N   DELIVERY_DATE The latest date on which the order was delivered   N   LATEST_DELIVERY_DATE
The date to be used as the base for payment term calculations to calculate the due date   M   PAY_TERM_BASE
The date to be used as the base for payment term calculations to calculate the due date   N   PAY_TERM_BASE_DATE
Date on which the customer wants the order to be delivered at the customer's delivery address.   N         DELIVERY_DATE
DATE D07 REF_DATE The date of the invoice communicated to the customer.   C If debit invoice no has a value       REF_INVOICE_DATE
Due Date - Invoice Date   M         DUE_DAYS
NUMBER N07 INVOICE_FEE Invoicing fee   N   INVOICE_FEE Invoicing fee   N   INVOICE_FEE
Invoice rounding amount   N   INVOICE_ROUNDING Invoice rounding amount   N   INVOICING_ROUNDING
Gross amount of the invoice when it was originally loaded   N   GROSS_CURR_AMOUNT
NUMBER N13 REF_NET_CURR_AMOUNT Reference Invoice Total Net Amount in Invoice Currency   N         REF_NET_CURR_AMOUNT
Reference Invoice Total Tax Amount in Invoice Currency   N         REF_VAT_CURR_AMOUNT
Reference Invoice Total Tax Amount in Accounting Currency   N         REF_VAT_DOM_AMOUNT
NUMBER N16 NET_CURR_AMOUNT Invoice net amount   N         NET_CURR_AMOUNT
NUMBER N20 SEQUENCE_NO INVOIC message sequence number   M         MESSAGE_SEQUENCE_NO
NUMBER N21 VERSION_NO INVOIC message version number   M         MESSAGE_VERSION_NO
VARCHAR2 C06 CUSTOMER_ID Customer identity 20 M   CUSTOMER_ID Supplier identity 20 N   CUSTOMER_NO
VARCHAR2 C07 CUST_NAME Customer name 100 M         CUSTOMER_NAME
VARCHAR2 C08 VAT_NO Customer VAT number 50 N         CUSTOMER_VAT_NO
Invoice address identity 50 N         INVOICE_ADD_ID
VARCHAR2 C10 INV_ADDR1 Invoice address 1 75 N         ADDRESS_1
VARCHAR2 C11 INV_ADDR2 Invoice address 2 35 N         ADDRESS_2
VARCHAR2 C12 INV__ZIP_CODE Invoice address Zip Code 35 N         ZIP_CODE
VARCHAR2 C13 INV_CITY Invoice address City 35 N         CITY
VARCHAR2 C14 INV_STATE Invoice address State 35 N         STATE
Invoice address country code 2 M         COUNTRY
Delivery customer number 200 M         CUSTOMER_NO_DEL
VARCHAR2 C17 VAT_NO Delivery customer VAT number 50 N         CUSTOMER_VAT_NO_DEL
Delivery address identity 50 N         DELIVERY_ADDRESS_ID
VARCHAR2 C19 DELIVERY_ADDRESS Receiver name for delivery address 100 M         DELIV_CUSTOMER_NAME
VARCHAR2 C20 DEL_ADDR1 Delivery address 1 75 N         ADDRESS_1
VARCHAR2 C21 DEL_ADDR2 Delivery address 2 35 N         ADDRESS_2
VARCHAR2 C22 DEL_ZIP_CODE Delivery address Zip code 35 N         ZIP_CODE
VARCHAR2 C23 DEL_CITY Delivery address City 35 N         CITY
VARCHAR2 C24 DEL_STATE Delivery address State 35 N         STATE
Delivery address country code 2 M         COUNTRY
VARCHAR2 C26 SUPPLIER_NO Supplier identity 20 N   SUPPLIER_NO Customer identity 20 N   SUPPLIER_NO
VARCHAR2 C27 SUPPLIER_NAME Name of the company to which the supplier is linked 100 M         SUPPLIER_NAME
Supplier VAT number 50 N         SUPPLIER_VAT_NO
Supplier document address identity 50 C   This will be mandatory when the invoice creator is INSTANT_INVOICE_API or PROJECT_INVOICE_API       COMPANY_ADD_ID
VARCHAR2 C30 SUP_ADDR1 Supplier's Document address 1 75 N         ADDRESS_1
VARCHAR2 C31 SUP_ADDR2 Supplier's Document address 2 35 N         ADDRESS_2
VARCHAR2 C32 SUP_ZIP_CODE Supplier's Document address zip code 35 N         ZIP_CODE
VARCHAR2 C33 SUP_CITY Supplier's Document address city 35 N         CITY
VARCHAR2 C34 SUP_STATE Supplier's Document address state 35 N         STATE
Supplier's document address country code 2 M         COUNTRY
VARCHAR2 C36 YOUR_REFERENCE Customer's reference 100 N   OUR_REFERENCE Name of the contact 200 N   CUSTOMER_REFERENCE
VARCHAR2 C37 OUR_REFERENCE Your reference 100 N   YOUR_REFERENCE Customer's reference 200 N   SUPPLIER_REFERENCE
Delivery terms description 50 N   DELIVERY_TERMS
Delivery terms description 200 N   DELIVERY_TERMS_DESC
VARCHAR2 C39 SHIP_VIA_DESC Ship via description 50 N   SHIP_VIA_DESC Ship via description 200 N   SHIP_VIA_DESC
Forward agent 35 N   FORWARD_AGENT_ID Forward agent 200 N   FORWARD_AGENT
VARCHAR2 C41 LABEL_NOTE Label note 100 N   LABEL_NOTE Label note 200 N   LABEL_NOTE
Header Document Text   N   TEXT Header Note 2000     HEADER_DOC_TEXT
VARCHAR2 C44 CLASS_ID In this case, "INVOIC"            
VARCHAR2 C45 MEDIA_CODE Way of communication (EDI, MHS, etc)            
VARCHAR2 C46 Cust EAN Location
 Doc Addr
EAN location no. for customer document address 100 N         EAN_LOCATION_DOCUMENT_ADDRESS
VARCHAR2 C47 Cust EAN Location
 Del Addr
EAN location no. for customer delivery address 100 N         EAN_LOCATION_DELIVERY_ADDRESS
VARCHAR2 C48 EAN Location Doc
EAN location no. for your document address            
VARCHAR2 C49   100   EDI Receiver EDI receiver ID for company       EAN_LOCATION_OUR_DOCUMENT_ADDRESS
VARCHAR2 C50 CUSTOMER_COMPANY EDI receiver ID for company       COMPANY Company      
VARCHAR2 C51       CREATORS_REFERENCE The name of the person who created the invoice      
VARCHAR2 C52   20 N INVOICE_RECIPIENT The recipient of the invoices for the supplier 20 N   INVOICE_RECIPIENT
VARCHAR2 C53   2000 N RECEIPT_REF Reference to one or more delivery receipts 2000 N   RECEIPT_REFERENCE
VARCHAR2 C54   50 N BATCH If the invoice is processed as a batch job, the ID given to the batch to which the invoice belonged 50 N   BATCH_ID
VARCHAR2 C55 SERIES_REFERENCE + NUMBER_REFERENCE Invoice series and invoice number of the connected debit invoice, when the invoice message is of a credit invoice 70 N   SERIES_REFERENCE + NUMBER_REFERENCE Invoice series and invoice number of the connected debit invoice, when the invoice message is of a credit invoice 70 N   DEBIT_INVOICE_REFERENCE
VARCHAR2 C56 DEL_COUNTY Invoice Address County 3 N       N REF_CURRENCY
VARCHAR2 C57 COUNTY            
VARCHAR2 C58 SUP_COUNTY            
VARCHAR3 C59 NCF_REFERENCE The reference number on the invoice 50 N   NCF_REFERENCE The payment reference number on the supplier invoice 50 N   NCF_REFERENCE
VARCHAR2 C60 REF_CURRENCY Reference Invoice Currency (The reference invoice currency can be specified in the Customer Orders/Invoicing of Customer Orders/Customer Invoice/General tab or in the Invoice/Customer Invoices/Customer Invoice/Line tab.) 3 N       N REF_CURRENCY
VARCHAR2 C61 ACCOUNT The bank account number. 100 M   ACCOUNT The bank account number. 100 M    
VARCHAR2 C62 BIC_CODE The bank identifier code used with the bank account. 20 M              
VARCHAR2 C65 INVOICE_TYPE Correction Invoice /Advance Invoice /Credit Invoice/Collective Invoice /Invoice 2000 M         INVOICE_TITLE
Free text 200 N         CROSS_REFERENCE_INFO_1
Free text 200 N         CROSS_REFERENCE_INFO_2
Free text 200 N         CROSS_REFERENCE_INFO_3
Free text 200 N         CROSS_REFERENCE_INFO_4
Free text 200 N


Free text         200 N CROSS_REFERENCE_INFO_1
Free text         200 N CROSS_REFERENCE_INFO_2
Free text         200 N CROSS_REFERENCE_INFO_3
Free text         200 N CROSS_REFERENCE_INFO_4
Free text         200 N CROSS_REFERENCE_INFO_5
VARCHAR2 C76 DEL_TERMS_LOCATION Delivery terms location 100 N   DEL_TERMS_LOCATION Delivery terms location 100 N   DEL_TERMS_LOCATION
VARCHAR2 C80 SOURCE_COMP_COUNTRY Country Code of the Sender Company 2 M   SOURCE_COMP_COUNTRY Country Code of the Sender Company 2 M    
VARCHAR2 STATE Status of message
Handled by IFS Connectivity       Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity      

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Invoice Line Row

Data type COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID (FK) EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity       EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Each message can hold several lines       Row of message Each message can hold several lines        
VARCHAR2 NAME Row Type of message line       Row Type of message line        
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter       Error message for line Generated by EDI converter        
VARCHAR2 C00 SERIES_ID+ INVOICE_NO (concatenated) Invoice identity 70 M   INVOICE_NO Invoice identity 50 M   INVOICE_NO
VARCHAR2 C01 ITEM_POS Invoice item position 20 M   ITEM_POS Invoice item position 20 M   INVOICE_ITEM_POS
VARCHAR2 C02 CATALOG_NO Supplier part number 25 N   SUP_PART_NO Supplier's part number 80 N   CATALOG_NO
VARCHAR2 C03 DESCRIPTION Supplier part description / Invoice text 200 N   SUP_PART_DESC Supplier's part description 200 N   CATALOG_DESC
VARCHAR2 C04 PURCHASE_PART Purchase part number 50 N   PUR_PART_NO Purchase part number 25 N   PURCHASE_CATALOG_NO
VARCHAR2 C05 PURCHASE_PART_DESCRIPTION Purchase part description 200 N   PUR_PART_DESC Purchase part description 200 N   PURCHASE_CATALOG_DESC
VARCHAR2 C06 SALES_UNIT_MEAS Supplier sales unit measures 100 N   SALES_UM Supplier sales unit measures 20 N   SALES_UNIT_MEAS
VARCHAR2 C07 PRICE_UNIT_MEAS Supplier price unit meas. 100 N   PRICE_UM Supplier price unit meas. 20 N   PRICE_UNIT_MEAS
VARCHAR2 C09 ORDER_NO Supplier order number         100 N ORDER_NO
VARCHAR2 C10 LINE_NO Supplier order line number 100 N   LINE_NO Supplier order line number 2000 N   LINE_NO
VARCHAR2 C11 RELEASE_NO Supplier release number of order line 4 N   RELEASE_NO Supplier release number of order line 2000 N   RELEASE_NO
VARCHAR2 C12 CUSTOMER_PO_NO Customer purchase order number 100 N   PO_REFERENCE A reference to one or more purchase orders 1000 N   PO_REFERENCE
VARCHAR2 C13 TAX_TEXT Tax code text 500 N   TAX_TEXT Tax code text 500 N   TAX_CODE_TEXT
VARCHAR2 C14 SERIES_REFERENCE + NUMBER_REFERENCE The reference to the debit invoice origin of the credit invoice line 70 N   SERIES_REFERENCE + NUMBER_REFERENCE The reference to the debit invoice origin of the credit invoice line 50 N   DEBIT_INVOICE_REFERENCE
VARCHAR2 C15 REF_CURRENCY Reference Invoice Currency 3 N         REF_CURRENCY
VARCHAR2 C16 LINE_DOC_TEXT Line Document Text 2000 N         LINE_DOC_TEXT
VARCHAR2 C18 DELIVERY_ADDRESS    Receiver name for delivery address 100 N         RECEIVER_NAME
VARCHAR2 C19 DELIVERY_ADDRESS1   Delivery address 1 75 N         ADDRESS_1
VARCHAR2 C20 DELIVERY_ADDRESS2   Delivery address 2 35 N         ADDRESS_2
VARCHAR2 C21 DELIVERY_ADDRESS3   Delivery address Zip Code 35 N         ZIP_CODE
VARCHAR2 C22 DELIVERY_ADDRESS4   Delivery address City 35 N         CITY
VARCHAR2 C23 DELIVERY_ADDRESS5 Delivery address State 35 N         STATE
VARCHAR2 C24 DELIVERY_ADDRESS6 Delivery address County 35 N         COUNTY
VARCHAR2 C25 DELIVERY_COUNTRY    Delivery address Country Code 35 N         COUNTRY_CODE
VARCHAR2 C29** DELIVERY_NOTE_NOS Delivery note number(s) 2000 N           DELIVERY_NOTE_NOS
VARCHAR2 C31 INVOICE_TEXT_ID Identity of invoice text 20 N   INVOICE_TEXT_ID Identity of invoice text 20 N INVOICE_TEXT_ID
VARCHAR2 C32 INVOICE_TEXT Invoice text 2000 N   INVOICE_TEXT Invoice text 2000 N INVOICE_TEXT


  GTIN_NO GTIN used for identification of the part       GTIN_NO
NUMBER N00 SALES_UNIT_PRICE Supplier sales unit price in order currency   N   SALES_UNIT_PRICE Supplier sales unit price in order currency       SALES_UNIT_PRICE
NUMBER N01 PRICE_CONV Price conversion factor   N         PRICE_CONVERSION_FACTOR
NUMBER N02 INV_QTY Invoiced quantity   N   INVOICED_QTY Invoiced quantity   N   INVOICED_QTY
NUMBER N03 NET_CURR_AMOUNT Line net amount in invoice currency   M   NET_CURR_AMOUNT Line net amount in invoice currency   N   NET_AMOUNT
NUMBER N04 VAT_CURR_AMOUNT Line VAT amount in invoice currency   M   VAT_CURR_AMOUNT Line VAT amount in invoice currency   N   VAT_AMOUNT
NUMBER N05 VAT_PERCENT VAT percentage   N   TAX_RATE Tax expressed as a percentage   N   VAT_PERCENT
NUMBER N07 DISCOUNT Line discount   N   LINE_DISCOUNT Line discount   N   LINE_DISCOUNT
NUMBER N09 REF_NET_CURR_AMOUNT Reference Invoice Total Net Amount in Invoice Currency   N       N REF_NET_CURR_AMOUNT
NUMBER N10 REF_VAT_CURR_AMOUNT Reference Invoice Total Tax Amount in Invoice Currency   N       N REF_VAT_CURR_AMOUNT
NUMBER N11 REF_VAT_DOM_AMOUNT Reference Invoice Total Tax Amount in Accounting Currency   N         REF_VAT_DOM_AMOUNT
NUMBER N13 TOTAL_DISCOUNT      Total discount   N         TOTAL_DISCOUNT
DATE D00 DELIVERY_DATE Delivery date of the order   N   DELIVERY DATE Delivery date of the order   N   DELIVERY_DATE
DATE D01     N MAN_TAX_LIABILITY_DATE Date on which the invoice line amount becomes liable for tax.   N   MAN_TAX_LIABILITY_DATE
VARCHAR2 STATE Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity       Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity        

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

** Consists of the alternative delivery note number, if applicable.

Back to the messages

Installment Row

Data type COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID (FK) EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity       EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Each message can hold several lines       Row of message Each message can hold several lines        
VARCHAR2 NAME Installment Type of message line       Installment Type of message line        
INVOICE_NO (concatenated)
Invoice identity 70 M    INVOICE_NO Invoice identity 50 M   INVOICE_NO
NUMBER N00 CURR_AMOUNT Installment amount   M   AMOUNT Installment amount   M   CURRENCY_AMOUNT
DATE D00 DUE_DATE Due Date   M   DUE_DATE Due Date   M   DUE_DATE
DATE D01 DISC_DATE First Discount Date Filled only if discount exists. Up to 3 discount lines handled.       DISCOUNT_DATE_1 First Discount Date   N   DISC_DATE_1
NUMBER N01 TAX_AMOUNT Tax Amount   N   TAX Tax amount   N   TAX_AMOUNT
NUMBER N02 DISC_PERCENT First Discount Percent   C This will be mandatory when there are discounts available for the invoice DISCOUNT_PERC1 First Discount Percent   N   DISC_PERC_1
First Discount Amount       DISCOUNT_CURRAMOUNT1 First Discount Amount   N   DISC_AMOUNT_1
DATE D02 DISC_DATE Second Discount Date       DISCOUNT_DATE2 Second Discount Date   N   DISC_DATE_2
NUMBER N04 DISC_PERCENT Second Discount Percent   C This will be mandatory when there is a second discount available for the invoice DISCOUNT_PERC2 Second Discount Percent   N   DISC_PERC_2
Second Discount Amount       DISCOUNT_CURRAMOUNT2 Second Discount Amount   N   DISC_AMOUNT_2
DATE D03 DISC_DATE Third Discount Date       DISCOUNT_DATE3 Third Discount Date   N   DISC_DATE_3
NUMBER N06 DISC_PERCENT Third Discount Percent   C This will be mandatory when there is a third discount available for the invoice DISCOUNT_PERC3 Third Discount Percent   N   DISC_PERC_3
Third Discount Amount       DISCOUNT_CURRAMOUNT3 Third Discount Amount   N   DISC_AMOUNT_3
message line
Handled by IFS Connectivity              

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Tax Total Row

NUMBER MESSAGE_ID (FK) EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity                  
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Each message can hold several lines                  
VARCHAR2 NAME Tax Total Type of message line                  
VARCHAR2 C00 SERIES_ID+ INVOICE_NO (concatenated) Invoice identity 70 M             INVOICE_NO
VARCHAR2 C01 VAT_CODE VAT code 20 M             VAT_CODE
VARCHAR2 C02 VAT_CODE_DESC VAT code description 100 N             VAT_CODE_DESC
VARCHAR2 C03 TAX_CODE_TEXT Tax Code Text 500 N             TAX_CODE_TEXT
NUMBER N03 SUM_VAT_DOM_AMOUNT VAT Amount in accounting currency   M             SUM_VAT_DOM_AMOUNT

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages


Self-billing Invoices [SBIINV]

Self-billing Invoices [SBIINV] is the message used to send and receive self-billing invoices. Self-billing of customer orders in IFS Applications, makes it possible for you as a supplier, to receive and work with self-billing invoices from a customer. On the other hand, it is possible for you to send self-billing invoices to your supplier using the Send Self-Billing Invoice operation on the Receiving Advice window. You do not even have to use receiving advice for deliverysupplier using the Send Self-Billing Invoice operation on the Receiving Advice window. You do not even have to use receiving advice for delivery confirmation; simply connect receipts to a receiving advice and then create and send the self-billing invoice.

This message has two types of rows:

Self-Billing Header Row

DATA TYPE COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity       EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Header should always be row number 1       Row of message Header should always be row number 1        
VARCHAR2 STATE Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity       Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity        
VARCHAR2 NAME HEADER Type of message line       HEADER Type of message line        
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter       Error message for line Generated by EDI converter        
VARCHAR2 C00 invoice_no Invoice Identity 50 M   invoice_no Invoice Identity 2000 N   INVOICE_NO
VARCHAR2 C01 currency Invoice currency 3 N   currency Invoice currency 3 N   CURRENCY
VARCHAR2 C02 OUR_ID Customer Identity 20 N   CUSTOMER_NO Customer Identity 20 M   OUR_ID_AT_SUPPLIER
VARCHAR2 C03 BUYER_NAME Name of buyer belonging to invoicing supplier 100 M   CUSTOMER_REFERENCE Name of buyer belonging to invoicing supplier 2000 N   BUYER_NAME
VARCHAR2 C04 PAY_TERM_DESC Payment terms description 100 M   PAYMENT_TERMS_DESC Payment terms description 2000 N   PAY_TERM_DESC
VARCHAR2 C05 COMPANY_NAME Name of company 100 M   COMPANY_NAME Name of company 2000 N   COMPANY_NAME
DATE D00 invoice_date Create Date of Invoice   M   invoice_date Create Date of Invoice   N   INVOICE_DATE
DATE D01 due_date Due date of invoice   M   payment_date Invoice payment date   N   DUE_DATE
  D02                     APPROVAL_DATE
NUMBER N00 tot_invoiced_amount Total invoiced net amount   M   tot_invoiced_amount Total invoiced net amount   N   TOTAL_INVOICED_AMOUNT
NUMBER N01 tot_tax_amount Total tax amount   M   tot_tax_amount Total tax amount   N   TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT
NUMBER N02 tot_invoiced_gross_amount Total invoiced gross amount   M   tot_invoiced_gross_amount Total invoiced gross amount   N   TOTAL_INVOICED_GROSS_AMOUNT
NUMBER N20 SEQUENCE_NO SBIINV message sequence number   M           MESSAGE_SEQUENCE_NO
NUMBER N21 VERSION_NO SBIINV message version number   M           MESSAGE_VERSION_NO

Delivery Note Row

DATA TYPE COLUMN Receive Message
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity      
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Header should always be row number 1      
VARCHAR2 STATE Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity      
VARCHAR2 C00 DELNOTE_NO Delivery note number      
VARCHAR2 C01 CUSTOMER_PLANT Customer Plant      
VARCHAR2 C02 CUSTOMER_ORDER_NO Customer Order Number      
VARCHAR2 C03 UNLOADING_PLACE Place of discharge      
VARCHAR2 C04 CONTACT_PERSON Customer contact person      
DATE D00 DELIVERY_DATE Delivery Date      
DATE D01 RECEIPT_DATE Receipt Date      

Self-billing Invoice Line Row

DATA TYPE COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT
number MESSAGE_ID EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity       EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity      
number MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Header should always be row number 1       Row of message Header should always be row number 1        
varchar2 STATE Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity       Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity        
varchar2 NAME INVOICEITEM Invoice Item       INVOICEITEM Invoice Item        
varchar2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter       Error message for line Generated by EDI converter        
varchar2 C00 RECEIPT_REFERENCE Receipt reference 10 N   RECEIPT_REFERENCE Receipt reference 15 N   RECEIPT_REFERENCE
varchar2 C01 VENDOR_PART_NO Supplier part number 80 N   CATALOG_NO Sales Part No 25 N   SUPPLIER_PART_NO
varchar2 C02 VENDOR_PART_DESCRIPTION Supplier part description 200 N   CATALOG_DESC Sales Part Description 2000 N   SUPPLIER_PART_NO_DESC
varchar2 C03 PART_NO Part number 25 N   CUSTOMER_PART_NO Customers Purchase Part No 45 M   PURCHASE_PART_NO
varchar2 C04 PURCHASE_PART_DESC Purchase part description 200 M   CUSTOMER_PART_DESC Customers Purchase Part Description 2000 N   PURCHASE_PART_NO_DESC
varchar2 C05 BUY_UNIT_MEAS Supplier purchase unit of measure 10 M   sales_unit_meas Supplier Sales unit measures 2000 N   UNIT_MEAS
varchar2 C06 price_unit_meas Price unit of measure 10 N   price_unit_meas Price unit of measure 2000 N   PRICE_UNIT_MEAS
varchar2 C07 ORDER_NO Purchase order number 12 M   customer_po_no Customer Purchase order number 50 N   PO_REFERENCE
varchar2 C08 LINE_NO Purchase order line number 4 M   customer_po_line_no Customer Purchase order line number 4 N   PO_REFERENCE_LINE
varchar2 C09 RELEASE_NO Purchase order release number 4 M   customer_po_rel_no Customer Purchase order release number 4 N   PO_REFERENCE_REL
varchar2 C10 REFERENCE_ID Reference identity 35 N   reference_id Existing Ref Id on CO line 35 N   REFERENCE_ID
varchar2 C11       order_no Order Number - document number        
varchar2 C12       serial_number Serial number – when used in Self-Billing Invoice        
varchar2 C13       price_information Free text field with text about why the message price is what it is        
number N00 UNIT_PRICE Unit price in Order Currency       sales_unit_price Unit price in Order Currency 2000 M    
number N01 invoiced_qty Invoiced quantity   M   inv_qty Invoiced quantity/ Received qty (Self-Billing Invoice)   M   INVOICE_QTY
number N02 line_net_amount Line net amount   M   net_amount Line net amount/ total price   N   NET_AMOUNT
number N03 line_tax_amount Line tax amount   M   tax_amount Line VAT Amount   N   TAX_AMOUNT
number N04 discount Line discount percentage   M   discount Line discount percentage   N   DISCOUNT
number N05 line_gross_amount Line gross amount   M   gross_amount Line gross amount/ total price   N   GROSS_AMOUNT
number N06 additional_cost Additional cost   M   additional_cost Additional cost   N   ADDITIONAL_COST
number N07 PRICE_CONV_FACTOR Price conversion factor   N   PRICE_CONV_FACTOR Price conversion factor   N   PRICE_CONV_FACTOR
date D00 arrival_date The date the goods were actually delivered at the delivery address 10 M   goods_receipt_date Goods receipt date – for Self-Billing Invoice 2000 N   ARRIVAL_DATE
date D01 approved_date The date goods were accepted/received into stock by customer   N   approval_date The date goods were accepted/received into stock by customer 2000 N   ACCEPTED_DATE

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages


Receiving Advices [RECADV]

Receiving Advices [RECADV] is the message used for sending and receiving receiving advice. It is sent from the Receiving Advice window in receiving advice. It is sent from the Receiving Advice window in IFS/Purchasing and received in IFS/Customer Orders. The message is used to provide the supplier detailed information about quantities arrived and approved as well as receipt dates. This enables suppliers to confirm deliveries that they have made to us.

This message has two types of rows:

Receiving Advice Header Row

DATA TYPE COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT
number MESSAGE_ID EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity       EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity        
number MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Header should always be row number 1       Row of message Header should always be row number 1        
message line
Handled by IFS Connectivity       Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity        
VARCHAR2 NAME Header Type of message line       Header Type of message line        
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter       Error message for line Generated by EDI converter        
varchar2 C01 MEDIA_CODE Way of communication (EDI, MHS etc) 30 M         MEDIA_CODE
varchar2 C02 ADVICE_ID Id of the Receiving Advice 12 M   ADVICE_ID Id of the Receiving Advice   N   ADVICE_ID
varchar2 C03 RECEIVING_
Type of Receiving Advice (Arrived goods or Approved goods) 30 M   RECEIVING_ADVICE_TYPE Type of Receiving Advice (Arrived goods or Approved goods) 30 N   RECEIVING_ADVICE_TYPE
varchar2 C04 CURRENCY_CODE Currency on receiving advice 3 M   CURRENCY_CODE Currency on receiving advice 2000 N   CURRENCY_CODE
varchar2 C05 CONTRACT Supplier site used for internal orders (This is not the site that sends the Receiving Advice). 5 N   CONTRACT Supplier site used for internal orders (This is not the site that sends the Receiving Advice). 2000 N   CONTRACT
varchar2 C06 OUR_SUPPLIER_ID Supplier Identity 20 M   CUSTOMER_NO Customer number       OUR_SUPPLIER_ID
varchar2 C07 INTERNAL_
Sending site used for internal orders (The site that sends the Receiving Advice). 5 C If supplier is an internal supplier and connected receipts exist then this is mandatory. purchase_order_line
INTERNAL_CUSTOMER_SITE Sending site used for internal orders (The site that sends the Receiving Advice). 2000 N   INTERNAL_CUSTOMER_SITE
varchar2 C08 COMPANY Our company name 20 M   COMPANY Our company name 2000 N   COMPANY
varchar2 C09 OUR_ ID_AT_SUPPL Our identity at Supplier 20 N   20 N   OUR_ID_AT_SUPPLIER
varchar2 C10 BUYER_CODE Buyer registered on the supplier 20 M   BUYER_CODE Buyer registered on the supplier 2000 N   BUYER_CODE
DATe D00 RECADV_DATE Creation date of receiving advice   N   RECEIVING_ADVICE_DATE Creation date of receiving advice   N   RECADV_DATE
date D01 DATE_FROM Start date of Receiving Advice   N   DATE_FROM Start date of Receiving Advice   N   DATE_FROM
date D02 DATE_TO End date of Receiving Advice   N   DATE_TO End date of Receiving Advice   N   DATE_TO
number N20 SEQUENCE_NO RECADV message sequence number   M         MESSAGE_SEQUENCE_NO
number N21 VERSION_NO RECADV message version number   M         MESSAGE_VERSION_NO

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Receiving Advice Line Row

DATA TYPE COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity       EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Header should always be row number 1       Row of message Header should always be row number 1        
VARCHAR2 STATE Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity       Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity        
VARCHAR2 NAME LINE Type of message line       LINE Type of message line        
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter       Error message for line Generated by EDI converter        
VARCHAR2 C00 RECEIPT_REFERENCE Receipt reference from receipt record that can be used for the delivery note number (generated in ORDER). 10 N   RECEIPT_REFERENCE Receipt reference from receipt record that can be used for the delivery note number (generated in ORDER). 2000 N   RECEIPT_REFERENCE
VARCHAR2 C01 ORDER_NO Purchase Order Number 12 M   CUSTOMER_PO_NO The purchase order number of the customer, as entered on the customer order header when the order was created.  50 N   ORDER_NO
VARCHAR2 C02 LINE_NO Purchase Order line number 4 M   CUSTOMER_PO_LINE_NO The line number of the customer's purchase order. 4 N   LINE_NO
VARCHAR2 C03 RELEASE_NO Purchase order release number 4 M   CUSTOMER_PO_RELEASE_NO The release number of the customer's purchase order 4 N   RELEASE_NO
VARCHAR2 C04 RECEIPT_NO Purchase Order Receipt Number( Only for RECADV received from an external source)       CUSTOMER_PO_RECEIPT_NO The receipt number of the customer's purchase order. 2000 N   RECEIPT_NO
VARCHAR2 C05 REF_ID Reference identity from the purchase order line ( Only for RECADV received from an external source) 35 N   CUSTOMER_REF_ID The reference identity from the customer's purchase order line 35 N   REFERENCE_ID
VARCHAR2 C06 PART_NO Customer's Part No 25 N   CATALOG_NO The sales part number 45 N   PART_NO
VARCHAR2 C07 VENDOR_PART_NO Supplier's Part No 80 N   CUSTOMER_PART_NO The customer's part number corresponding to the sales part 25 N   VENDOR_PART_NO
VARCHAR2 C08 EAN_NO Supplier's GTIN 35 N   EAN_NO Supplier's GTIN 2000 N   EAN_PART_NO
VARCHAR2 C09 BUY_UNIT_MEAS Buy unit meas. from supplier 10 N   SALES_UNIT_MEAS The customer's unit of measure 2000 N   BUY_UNIT_MEAS
VARCHAR2 C10 GTIN_NO The Default GTIN of the part 14     GTIN_NO GTIN used for identification of the part 14 N   GTIN_NO
NUMBER N00 ARRIVED_QTY The quantity arrived in purchase unit of measure.   M   QTY_CONFIRMED_ARRIVED The quantity, expressed in the sales unit of measure, that the customer has reported as arrived.   N   QTY_ARRIVED
NUMBER N01 RECEIVED_QTY The quantity approved in purchase unit of measure.   M   QTY_CONFIRMED_APPROVED The quantity, in the sales unit of measure, that the customer has approved for invoicing.   N   QTY_RECEIVED
DATE D00 ARRIVAL_DATE Date when the Arrival was registered.   M   ARRIVAL_DATE The date on which the parts were reported, by the customer, as actually delivered.   N   ARRIVAL_DATE
DATE D01 RECEIPT_DATE The date when the receipt record reached the Received status (i.e., when all of the goods have been moved into stock, scrapped or returned)   N   RECEIPT_DATE The date when the receipt record reached the Received status (i.e., when all of the goods have been moved into stock, scrapped or returned)   N   RECEIPT_DATE
DATE D02 PROMISED_DELIVERY_DATE The promised delivery date on the purchase order   M   DELIVERY_DATE The date on which the goods are promised to be delivered to the customer's address.   N   DELIVERY_DATE

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Order Changes [ORDCHG]

The use of the Order Changes [ORDCHG] message is dependent upon whether the customer order to be updated has been created by an already-sent ORDER message. If no ORDER message has been sent for the purchase order, you cannot send an ORDCHG message.

This is a purchase order change request which is sent to the supplier.

This message has three types of rows:

Order Change Request Header Row

Data type COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID (FK) EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity       EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Header should always be row number 1       Row of message Header should always be row number 1        
VARCHAR2 NAME Header Type of message line       Header Type of message line        
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter       Error message for line Generated by EDI converter        
VARCHAR2 c00 ORDER_NO Internal PO number 12 M   INTERNAL_PO_NO The order number of the corresponding internal purchase order, for internal customer orders. 2000 N   ORDER_NO
VARCHAR2 c01 ACQUISITION_SITE Supplier site (used for internal order) 5 N   CONTRACT Supplier site 5 C In ORDERS message if receiving contact is null get the value from CUST_ORD_CUSTOMER_TAB.edi_site(nullable) . But insert the value into Customer_Order_Tab.contract which is a not null column. Hence if CUST_ORD_CUSTOMER_TAB.edi_site is null it is required to receive the value from the message. In ORDCHG message this no use for CO hence only stored in ext_cust_order_change_tab.contract is a NULLable column CONTRACT
VARCHAR2 c02 BUYER Customer buyer 100 M         BUYER
VARCHAR2 c04 VENDOR_NO Customer ID of supplier 20 M   20     VENDOR_NO
VARCHAR2 c05 ADDR_NO Supplier address number (Document address) 50     50 M   SUPPLIER_ADDRESS_NO
VARCHAR2 c06 CURRENCY_CODE Supplier's currency 3 M   CURRENCY_CODE Supplier's currency 3 N   CURRENCY_CODE
VARCHAR2 c07 DLY_ ADDR_NAME Receiver's name for delivery address 100 N   DELIVERY_ADDRESS_NAME Receiver's name for delivery address 100 N   RECEIVER_NAME
VARCHAR2 c08 DLY_ADDR1 Delivery address 1 35 N   SHIP_ADDRESS1 Delivery address 1 35 N   ADDRESS_1
VARCHAR2 c09 DLY_ADDR2 Delivery address 2 35 N   SHIP_ADDRESS2 Delivery address 2 35 N   ADDRESS_2
VARCHAR2 c10 DLY_ADDR3 Delivery address Zip code 35 N   SHIP_ZIP_CODE Zip code 35 N   ZIP_CODE
VARCHAR2 c11 DLY_ADDR4 Delivery address City 35 N   SHIP_CITY City 35 N   CITY
VARCHAR2 c12 DLY_ADDR5 Delivery address State 35 N   SHIP_STATE State 35 N   STATE
VARCHAR2 C49 DLY_ADDR6 Delivery address County 35 N   SHIP_COUNTY County 35 N   COUNTY
VARCHAR2 c13 COUNTRY_CODE Delivery address country code 35 N   COUNTRY_CODE Receiver's country code 35 N   COUNTRY_CODE
VARCHAR2 c14 PO_REF / CONTACT (If not order code=4) Company contact person 100 N   INTERNAL_REF The reference of the corresponding internal purchase order, for internal customer orders. 30 N   CONTACT_REFERENCE
VARCHAR2 c15 DELIVERY_TERMS_DESC Delivery terms description 35 M   DELIVERY_TERMS_DESC Delivery terms description 35 N   DELIVERY_TERMS_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 c16 SHIP_VIA_DESC Ship via description (Full text) 35 M   SHIP_VIA_DESC Ship via description (Full text) 2000 N   SHIP_VIA_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 c17 FORWARD_ID Forward agent ID 20 N   FORWARD_AGENT_ID Forward agent ID 20 N   FORWARD_AGENT
VARCHAR2 c18 LABEL_NOTE External CO label note 50 N If at least one purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line having supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the external label note of the pegged customer order.

If the label note is NULL in the purchase order and any purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line having Purchase Direct (PD) or Purchase Transit (PT), the value is taken from the external label note of pegged customer order.

Otherwise if the header order code does not equal 4, the value is taken from the label note in the purchase order.

LABEL_NOTE External CO label note 50 N   LABEL_NOTE
VARCHAR2 c19 BLANKET_ORDER Customer agreement number 12 N         CUSTOMER_BLANKET_NO
VARCHAR2 c20 COMPANY_FAX Customer's fax number 200 N         CUSTOMER_FAX_NO
VARCHAR2 c21 COMPANY_PHONE Customer's phone number 200 N         CUSTOMER_PHONE_NO
VARCHAR2 c22 POSTAL_ADDRESS Customer's postal address (Complete address) 180 N         CUSTOMER_POSTAL_ADDRESS
VARCHAR2 c23 COMPANY_NAME Customer's company name 100 M         CUSTOMER_COMPANY_NAME
VARCHAR2 c25 OUR_ID Customer ID at supplier 20 N   CUSTOMER_NO Customer number 2000 C In ORDERS message if internal customer site (c39) is not null then take the value for customer_no from CUST_ORD_CUSTOMER_TAB.customer_no where it is a not null column else it should be possible to get a unique customer from the EAN Address Location otherwise it is mandatory to send the customer_no with the message. In ORDCHG the receiving value is ony used for logic handling hence stored in ext_cust_order_change_tab.customer_no is a nuallable column OUR_CUSTOMER_NO
VARCHAR2 c26 HEADER_NOTE Header document text 2000 N   NOTE_TEXT Document text entered on the purchase order 2000 N   HEADER_NOTE
VARCHAR2 c27 BLANKET_HEADER_NOTE Agreement header document text 2000 N         BLANKET_HEADER_NOTE
VARCHAR2 c29 Receiver_address Supplier EDI address 200     200     RECEIVER_COMMUNICATION_ID
VARCHAR2 c30 MESSAGE_CLASS In this case, "ORDCHG" 30     30     MESSAGE_CLASS
VARCHAR2 c31 Media_code Way of communication (EDI, MHS, etc) 30     30     MEDIA_CODE
VARCHAR2 c33 EAN_Loc_Del_Addr EAN location no. for your delivery address 100 N   EAN_Loc_Del_Addr EAN location no. for your delivery address 2000 N   EAN_LOCATION_DELIVERY_ADDRESS
VARCHAR2 c34 EAN_Loc_Doc_Addr EAN location no. for your document address 100 N   INTERNAL_DELIVERY_TYPE If order code=4 the value is 'INTERSITE' 2000 N   EAN_LOCATION_DOCUMENT_ADDRESS
VARCHAR2 c35       CUSTOMER_NO_PAY Customer to be invoiced instead of the ordering customer, when the customer order is invoiced to a company other than the customer's        
VARCHAR2 C36           CUSTOMER_NO_PAY_ADDR_NO EAN location number of the customer to be invoiced instead of the ordering customer 2000 C   EAN_LOCATION_PAYER_ADDRESS
VARCHAR2 c37 ORDER_CODE Type of order (Internal direct or transit, etc. Used for MHS) 3 M   3 N   ORDER_CODE
VARCHAR2 c38 CUSTOMER_PO_NO The purchase order number of the customer 50 N If at least one purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line having supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the Customer's PO No of the pegged customer order.

Otherwise if all purchase order lines are pegged to customer order lines having Internal Purchase Transit (IPT), the value is taken from the Customer's PO No of pegged customer order unless NULL then the purchase order number is passed.

VARCHAR2 c39 CONTRACT Used to identify customer when using internal order 5 C Sending value only if supplier_catagery = 'Internal'. Value Purchase_Order_Tab.contract is NOT NULL column INTERNAL_CUSTOMER_SITE Ordering site 5 N   INTERNAL_CUSTOMER_SITE
VARCHAR2 C40 VENDOR_CO_NO CO for supplier (used as reference) 15 N   ORDER_NO The customer order number 15 M   SUPPLIER_CO_NO
VARCHAR2 C41 PAY_TERM_ID Payment term ID 20 C Sends value of Purchase_Order__tab.pay_term_id(NOT NULL) only if PO Order_Code = 1 or 4 PAY_TERM_ID Payment term ID 20 N   PAY_TERM_ID
VARCHAR2 C42 Delivery_terms Delivery term ID 3 C Sends value of Purchase_Order__tab.delivery_terms(NOT NULL) only if PO Order_Code = 1 or 4 Delivery_terms Delivery term ID 3 M   DELIVERY_TERMS
VARCHAR2 C43 Ship_via_code Ship via code 3 C Sends value of Purchase_Order__tab.ship_via_code(NOT NULL) only if PO Order_Code = 1 or 4 Ship_via_code Ship via code 3 M   SHIP_VIA_CODE
VARCHAR2 C44 20     SALESMAN_CODE Salesman identity 20 N   SALESMAN_CODE
VARCHAR2 C47   25     EXTERNAL_REF Reference that is used to refer to the customer's system. 2000 N   EXTERNAL_REF
VARCHAR2 C48 12     Route_id Used in Internal Purch Direct Delivery, route on external CO 12 N   ROUTE_ID
VARCHAR2 C51 INTERNAL_DESTINATION Name of internal destination 2000 N         INTERNAL_DESTINATION
VARCHAR2 C50 BACKORDER_OPTION Backorder option of the pegged customer order 40 C If the purchase order is pegged to a customer order without any customer order lines having supply code Internal Purchase Transit (IPT), the value is taken from the pegged customer order. BACKORDER_OPTION Backorder option of the pegged customer order 40 M Determines how the order will be treated when performing reservations, when creating the pick list and when reporting picking. ALLOW_BACKORDER_DB
VARCHAR2 C52 AUTHORIZER_NAME PO coordinator name 100 M         AUTHORIZE_NAME
VARCHAR2 C54       VAT_NO The tax identity number for the customer 50 N   VAT_NO
VARCHAR2 C55 DEL_TERMS_LOCATION Delivery terms location 100 N   DEL_TERMS_LOCATION Delivery terms location 100 N   DEL_TERMS_LOCATION
VARCHAR2 C56 PRINT_DELIVERED_LINES_DB Show only delivered lines in delivery note   N If the purchase order is pegged to a customer order without any customer order lines having supply code Internal Purchase Transit (IPT), the value is taken from the pegged customer order. PRINT_DELIVERED_LINES_DB Show Only Delivered Lines in Delivery Note   N Determines whether or not already delivered lines should be printed on the customer order delivery note and/or on the shipment delivery note. PRINT_DELIVERED_LINES_DB
VARCHAR2 C61 CUST_REF References of the pegged customer order 30 N If at least one purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line having supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the reference of the pegged customer order header. CUST_REF References of the pegged customer order   30 N   CUST_REF
VARCHAR2 C77 VENDOR_PART_DESC Original Sales Part Description 200 N   VENDOR_PART_DESC The original value for the description of the part on the ordering site or company. This value is not retrieved to the customer order. 200 N   VENDOR_PART_DESC
VARCHAR2 C85 LABEL_NOTE Label note in purchase order 50 N   LABEL_NOTE Label note in purchase order 50 N   INTERNAL_PO_LABEL_NOTE
VARCHAR2 C86 PAY_TERM_DESC Payment terms description 100               PAY_TERM_DESC
DATE d00 ORDER_DATE Creation date of order   M         ORDER_DATE
DATE d01 WANTED_RECEIPT_DATE The desired date of receipt into stock   M   DELIVERY_DATE The date the order should be delivered at the customer's delivery address.   M   WANTED_DELIVERY_DATE
DATE d02 BLANKET_ORDER_DATE Agreement date   C if Purchase_Order_Tab.blanket_Order is NOT NULL then This is mandatory as it contains the value from SUPPLIER_BLANKET_TAB.blanket_order_date is a NOT NULL column       CUSTOMER_BLANKET_ORDER_DATE
NUMBER n00 REVISION Revision of purchase order   M         ORDER_REVISION
NUMBER N10 TRANSIT_DELIVERY_LEAD_TIME Used in Internal Purch Direct Delivery and Transit Delivery leadtime on external CO   C Sends value of vendor_delivery_leadtime_ from Pur_Order_Leadtime_Util_API.Get_Leadtime_Values always returns a value(NVL=0) only if PO Order_Code = 1 or 4 DELIVERY_LEADTIME Used in Internal Purch Direct Delivery and Transit Delivery leadtime on external CO   N   TRANSIT_DELIVERY_LEADTIME
NUMBER N12 PICKING_LEAD_TIME Used in Transit Delivery to send any default picking lead time between the sites.   C If Order_Code = 4 (IPT), sends the default picking lead time between the sites. PICKING_LEAD_TIME Used in Transit Delivery to send any default picking lead time between the sites.       PICKING_LEAD_TIME
NUMBER N20 SEQUENCE_NO ORDCHG message sequence number   M         MESSAGE_SEQUENCE_NO
NUMBER N21 VERSION_NO ORDCHG message version number   M         MESSAGE_VERSION_NO
VARCHAR2 STATE Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity       Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity        

Order Change Request Line Row

Data type COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID (FK) EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity       EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Each message can hold several lines       Row of message Each message can hold several lines        
VARCHAR2 NAME Row Type of message line 200 M   Row Type of message line        
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter       Error message for line Generated by EDI converter        
VARCHAR2 c00 ORDER_NO Order number 12 M   12     CUTOMER_PO_NO
VARCHAR2 c01 LINE_NO PO line number       LINE_NO Line number       ORDER_LINE_NO
VARCHAR2 c02 RELEASE_NO Release number of row 4 M   REL_NO Release number 4 N   RELEASE_NO
VARCHAR2 c03 PART_NO Customer part number 25 M   CUSTOMER_PART_NO The part number of the ordering site 45     PART_NO
VARCHAR2 c04 DESCRIPTION Customer description purchase part 200 M   CATALOG_DESC The part description of the delivering site 200     PART_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 c05 BUY_UNIT_MEAS Buy unit meas. from supplier 10 M         BUY_UNIT_MEASURE
VARCHAR2 c06 UNIT_MEAS Customer unit meas. (inventory) 10 N         CUSTOMER_UNIT_MEASURE
VARCHAR2 c08 CURRENCY_CODE Supplier's currency code 3 M         CURRENCY_CODE
VARCHAR2 c09 VENDOR_PART_NO Supplier part number 80 N   CATALOG_NO The part number of the delivering site 25     VENDOR_PART_NO
VARCHAR2 c10 BLANKET_ORDER Blanket order number 12 N         BLANKET_ORDER_NO
VARCHAR2 c11 DETAIL_NOTE Row document text 2000 N   NOTES Document text entered on purchase order of the ordering site 2000     DETAIL_NOTE
VARCHAR2 c12 BLANKET_DETAIL_NOTE Blanket row document text 2000 N         BLANKET_DETAIL_NOTE
VARCHAR2 c13 SUPPLIER_PART_NOTE Supplier part document text 2000 N         SUPPLIER_PART_NOTE
VARCHAR2 C14 VENDOR_CO_NO CO for supplier (used as reference) 15 N         SUPPLIER_CO_NO
VARCHAR2 C16 Orders_Price_Option_DB Determines whether the price should be handled or not 20 M   SENDING_PRICE_FLAG Determines whether the price should be handled or not 20     ORDERS_PRICE_OPTION_DB
VARCHAR2 C17 LINE_ADDRESS_NAME Receiver's name for delivery address    

If not a single occurrence address, the value is taken from the company delivery address of the purchasing site.

If single occurrence address, the value is taken from the purchase order line. For a purchase order line pegged to a customer order line with supply code Purchase Direct (PD) or Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is replicated from the pegged customer order line to the purchase order line.

Note that for direct deliveries the purchase order line address will always be single occurrence.
DELIVERY_ADDRESS_NAME External customer’s delivery address name when Internal purchase direct        
VARCHAR2 C18 LINE_ADDRESS1 Delivery address 1     Same logic as LINE_ADDRESS_NAME above (C17). SHIP_ADDRESS1 Delivery address 1        
VARCHAR2 C19 LINEADDRESS2 Delivery address 2     Same logic as LINE_ADDRESS_NAME above (C17). SHIP_ADDRESS2 Delivery address 2        
VARCHAR2 C20 LINE_ZIP_CODE Postal code     Same logic as LINE_ADDRESS_NAME above (C17). SHIP_ZIP_CODE Postal code        
VARCHAR2 C21 LINE_CITY City     Same logic as LINE_ADDRESS_NAME above (C17). SHIP_CITY City        
VARCHAR2 C49 LINE_COUNTY County     Same logic as LINE_ADDRESS_NAME above (C17). SHIP_COUNTY County        
VARCHAR2 C22 LINE_ADDR_STATE State     Same logic as LINE_ADDRESS_NAME above (C17). SHIP_STATE State        
VARCHAR2 C23 LINE_COUNTRY_CODE Receiver's country code (ISO)     Same logic as LINE_ADDRESS_NAME above (C17). COUNTRY_CODE Receiver's country code (ISO)        
VARCHAR2 C24 DELIVERY_TERMS Delivery terms ID 3 M The value is taken from the purchase order line. For a purchase order line pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is replicated from the pegged customer order line to the purchase order line. DELIVERY_TERMS Delivery terms ID       DELIVERY_TERMS_CODE
VARCHAR2 C25 DELIVERY_TERMS_DESC Delivery terms description 35 M The value is taken from the purchase order line. For a purchase order line pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is replicated from the pegged customer order line to the purchase order line. DELIVERY_TERMS_DESC Delivery terms description 35     DELIVERY_TERMS_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C26 SHIP_VIA_CODE Ship via ID 3 M The value is taken from the purchase order line. For a purchase order line pegged to a customer order line with supply code Purchase Direct (PD) or Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is replicated from the pegged customer order line to the purchase order line. SHIP_VIA_CODE Ship via ID 3     SHIP_VIA_CODE
VARCHAR2 C27 SHIP_VIA_DESC Ship via description 35 M The value is taken from the purchase order line. For a purchase order line pegged to a customer order line with supply code Purchase Direct (PD) or Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is replicated from the pegged customer order line to the purchase order line. SHIP_VIA_DESC Ship via description 35     SHIP_VIA_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C28 EAN_Location Deliver-to-customer's own identification of the delivery address. 100 N

If not a single occurrence address, the value is taken from the company delivery address of the purchasing site.

If single occurrence address, the value is taken from the purchase order line and there will only be a value if the purchase order is pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD). The value is replicated from the pegged customer order line to the purchase order line based on the delivery address of the customer order line.

Note that for direct deliveries the purchase order line address will always be single occurrence.
EAN_LOCATION_DEL_ADR Deliver-to-customer's own identification of the delivery address. 100   This value is passed to the supplier in order to identify the delivery address as a known address. If correctly configured this means that the address will not be single occurrence on the internal customer order on the the supply site. EAN_LOCATION_DELIVERY_ADDRESS
VARCHAR2 C29 Route_ID Route ID 12 N Only used when a purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line. Route_id  Route ID e ID 12     ROUTE_ID
VARCHAR2 C30 FORWARD_ID Forwarding agent 20 N The value is taken from the purchase order line. For a purchase order line pegged to a customer order line with supply code Purchase Direct (PD) or Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is replicated from the pegged customer order line to the purchase order line. FORWARD_AGENT_ID Forwarding agent 20     FORWARD_AGENT
  C31     10 C condition_code is mandatory for EXCHANGED ITEM s as well as when the part is condition allowed. Refers from Purchase_order_Line_tab.condition_code. Used in both in ORDERS and ORDCHG message     10     CONDITION_CODE
VARCHAR2 C37 ORDER_CODE Type of order (Internal direct or transit etc.) 3 M   INTERNAL_DELIVERY_TYPE_DB Type of order (Internal direct or transit etc.)       ORDER_CODE
VARCHAR2 C44 IPD_VAT_NO Used in an internal direct delivery situation, and refers to the tax ID number of the order taking site's company, in the country where the delivery takes place. 50 N   VAT_NO Used in an internal direct delivery situation, and refers to the tax ID number of the order taking site's company, in the country where the delivery takes place. 50     VAT_NO
VARCHAR2 C45 IPD_VAT_FREE_VAT_CODE Only used in an internal purchase direct situation, for the intra EC tax free trade 20 N   VAT_FREE_VAT_CODE Only used in an internal purchase direct situation, for the intra EC tax free trade 20     VAT_FREE_VAT_CODE
VARCHAR2 C46 IPD_VAT_LIABILITY Pay Tax 20 N   VAT_PAY_TAX Used in an internal direct delivery situation for intra EC trade. It indicates whether the order taking site is liable for tax in the customer's country 20     VAT_LIABILITY
VARCHAR2 C50 INTERNAL_DEST_DESC Internal destination 2000 N         DESTINATION_ID
VARCHAR2 C51 DOCK_CODE Dock 35 N For a purchase order line pegged to a customer order line with supply code Purchase Direct (PD) or Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line.

For other purchase order lines the value is taken from a the purchase order line (technically from a sub-table called pur_ord_line_ext_tab)

VARCHAR2 C52 SUBDOCK_CODE Subdock 35 N For a purchase order line pegged to a customer order line with supply code Purchase Direct (PD) or Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line.

For other purchase order lines the value is taken from a the purchase order line (technically from a sub-table called pur_ord_line_ext_tab)

VARCHAR2 C53 LOCATION_NO Location 35 N For a purchase order line pegged to a customer order line with supply code Purchase Direct (PD) or Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line.

For other purchase order lines the value is taken from a the purchase order line (technically from a sub-table called pur_ord_line_ext_tab)

LOCATION_NO The location number of the destination location for the part at your customer site 35     LOCATION
  C54     1         1     INVENTORY_FLAG_DB
VARCHAR2 C55 CONDITION_CODE condition code       CONDITION_CODE Condition code        
VARCHAR2 C56 DELIVER_TO_CUSTOMER_NO Customer ID to which the order items are delivered 20 N   DELIVER_TO_CUSTOMER_NO Identity of customer  to whom the items on the order line are delivered 20     DELIVER_TO_CUSTOMER_NO
VARCHAR2 C57 DISTRICT_CODE Geographical district to which the goods will be sent 10 N Only used when a purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line. DISTRICT_CODE Geographical district to which the goods will be sent 10     DISTRICT_CODE
VARCHAR2 C58 REGION_CODE Geographical region to which the goods will be sent 10 N Only used when a purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line. REGION_CODE Geographical region to which the goods will be sent 10     REGION_CODE
VARCHAR2 C59 CO_LINE_CONTACT Customer contact 90 N Only used when a purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line. CONTACT Customer contact 90     CO_LINE_CONTACT
VARCHAR2 C60 INTRASTAT_EXEMPT_DB Indicates if the delivery address is exempted from intrastat reporting 20 M   INTRASTAT_EXEMPT_DB Indicates if the delivery address is exempted from intrastat reporting 20     INTRASTAT_EXEMPTION_DB
  C62               5     IN_CITY
VARCHAR2 C63 DEL_TERMS_LOCATION Delivery terms location 200 N The value is taken from the purchase order line. For a purchase order line pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is replicated from the pegged customer order line to the purchase order line. DEL_TERMS_LOCATION Delivery terms location 100     DEL_TERMS_LOCATION
VARCHAR2 C65 CLASSIFICATION_PART_NO Active assortment node's classification part no for a classification standard, when a supplier's classification standard no is equal to intersite-delivery, Classification standard no on ext. CO line. 25 N   CLASSIFICATION_PART_NO   2000 N   CLASSIFICATION_PART_NO
VARCHAR2 C67 GTIN_NO The default GTIN of the part 14 N   GTIN_NO GTIN used for identification of the part 14 N   GTIN_NO
VARCHAR2 C69 PACKING_INSTRUCTION_ID The packing instruction ID   N Only used when a purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line.

It is used so that the external customer order that set the requirement on how parts should be packed on a shipment.

VARCHAR2 C70 ORIGINATING_CO_LANG_CODE Language code 2 N Only used when a purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order. If no value is found on the pegged customer order line, it is taken from the customer order header. ORIGINATING_CO_LANG_CODE Language code 2 N   ORIGINATING_CO_LANG_CODE
VARCHAR2 C71 CUST_CALENDAR_ID Customer calendar 10 N Only used when a purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line. CUST_CALENDAR_ID Customer calendar 10 N   CUST_CALENDAR_ID
VARCHAR2 C72 EXT_TRANS_CALENDAR_ID External transport calendar 10 N Only used when a purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line. EXT_TRANS_CALENDAR_ID External transport calendar 10 N   EXT_TRANS_CALENDAR_ID
VARCHAR2 C73 SHIPMENT_TYPE Customer order shipment type   N Only used when a new customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD) is added as a new purchase order line to an already existing purchase order the value is taken from the pegged customer order line. SHIPMENT_TYPE Customer order shipment type   N   SHIPMENT_TYPE
VARCHAR2 C75 SHIPMENT_CREATION Customer order shipment creation   N Only used when a new customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD) is added as a new purchase order line to an already existing purchase order the value is taken from the pegged customer order line. SHIPMENT_CREATION Customer order shipment creation   N   SHIPMENT_CREATION
VARCHAR2 C76 CHANGED_ATTRIB_NOT_IN_POL A technical field to handle replication of line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD) when more than one supply site involved.   N

This column is set to ‘TRUE’ when replicating a change in customer order line which does not exist in purchase order line e.g. route, customer calendar. This is to trigger a sending of a change request to the next supply site in case the supply code on the first supply site is Internal Purchase Direct (IPD). If the replicated attribute exist in the purchase order line, it is set to 'FALSE' and the change request will be triggered from changing the internal purchase order. If nothing is changed of the field is not relevant i.e. not inter-site, the field is NULL.

DATE d00 WANTED_DELIVERY_DATE Wanted delivery date / part   M   WANTED_DELIVERY_DATE Date on which the customer wants the order to be delivered at the customer's delivery address.       WANTED_DELIVERY_DATE
DATE D05 PLANNED DELIVERY DATE The date on which the goods are to be delivered to the receiver's address   M   ORIGINAL_PLAN_DELIV_DATE The original value for Wanted Delivery Date/Time.       PLANNED_DELIVERY_DATE
DATE D06 PLANNED_RENTAL_START_DATE The date on which the rental period is planned to be started.   C Applicable only for rental lines PLANNED_RENTAL_END_DATE The date on which the rental period is planned to be started.   C Applicable only for rental lines PLANNED_DELIVERY_DATE
DATE D07 PLANNED_RENTAL_END_DATE The end date of the rental   C Applicable only for rental lines PLANNED_RENTAL_END_DATE The end date of the rental   C Applicable only for rental lines PLANNED_RENTAL_END_DATE
NUMBER N00 BUY_QTY_DUE Buy quantity due in supplier unit   M   BUY_QTY_DUE Ordered quantity, expressed in the supplier's unit of measure.       BUY_QUANTITY_DUE
NUMBER N02 FBUY_UNIT_PRICE_INCL_TAX Buying unit price including tax in supplier currency   M   UNIT_PRICE_INCL_TAX Original value for sales price   N   UNIT_PRICE_INCL_TAX_IN_SUPPLIER_CURRENCY
NUMBER N03 BUY_UNIT_PRICE_INCL_TAX Buying unit price including tax in your currency   M             UNIT_PRICE_INCL_TAX_IN_OUR_CURRENCY
NUMBER N07 ADDITIONAL_COST_INCL_TAX Additional cost amount including tax in supplier currency   M         ADDITIONAL_COST_INCL_TAX
NUMBER N08 BLANKET_LINE Blanket order line   N         BLANKET_ORDER_LINE
NUMBER N09 CUSTOMER_SALES_QTY In customer buy unit (empty)       CUSTOMER_QUANTITY Ordered quantity in customer's unit of measure       CUSTOMER_BUY_QUANTITY
VARCHAR2 N10 TRANSIT_Delivery_leadtime Used in Internal Direct Delivery and Transit Delivery leadtime on external CO   C Value is sent only if order_code = 3, 4 and 2. When order_code = 3 the value is taken from Customer_Order_Line_Tab.delivery_leadtime is a NOT NULL column. When order_code = 4 the value is taked from Pur_Order_Leadtime_Util_API.Get_Leadtime_Values is also not null. When order_code = 2 then the value is takedn from Pur_Order_Leadtime_Util_API.Get_Total_Leadtime_For_Part is also NOT NULL. Delivery_leadtime Used in Internal Direct Delivery and Transit Delivery leadtime on external CO       DELIVERY_LEADTIME
NUMBER N11 INPUT_QTY Input Qty from CO when PO is pegged to CO.   N   INPUT_QTY If received GTIN is a GTIN-14 with a connected package, this is the ordered quantity, expressed in this package.       INPUT_QTY
NUMBER N12 PICKING_LEAD_TIME  Picking lead time of external CO   C Only used when a purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line. PICKING_LEAD_TIME Picking lead time of external CO       PICKING_LEAD_TIME
VARCHAR2 STATE Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity       Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity        

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Order Change Request Configuration Line Row

DATA TYPE COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID           message_id Message ID        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE           message_line Message line number        
VARCHAR2 NAME       C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. CHARROW CONFIGROW Name of the line, always Configrow for configuration lines in the message        
VARCHAR2 C01 line_no Purchase line number 4 C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. The value is from Purchase_Order_Line_TAB.Line_No NOT NULL column line_no Purchase line number 2000 N   LINE_NO
VARCHAR2 C02 rel_no Purchase release number 4 C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. Purchase_Order_Line_TAB.Release_no Not Null column rel_no Purchase release number 2000 N   RELEASE_NO
VARCHAR2 C03 CUSTOMER_PART_NO Purchase part number 25 C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. Purchase_Order_Line_TAB.part_no Nullable column but the value is from purchase_order_line_part view where it is Mandatory CUSTOMER_PART_NO Purchase part number 2000 C In ORDERS message the receiving value considered only if a corresponding line exist in external_cust_order_char_tab. The receiving value stored in config_spec_value_tab.part_no and config_char_price_tab.part_no are NOT NULL columns. Not Handled in ORDCHG message BASE_ITEM_NO
VARCHAR2 C04 CATALOG_DESC Purchase part description 200 C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. The value is from INVENTORY_PART_TAB.description (NOT NULL) CATALOG_DESC Purchase part description 2000 N   BASE_ITEM_DESC
  C05     4 C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. The value is from PURCHASE_ORDER_TAB.language_code is a NOT NULL column     2000 N   LANGUAGE_CODE
  C06     25 C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. The value is from CONFIG_SPEC_VALUE_TAB.characteristic_id is a NOT NULL column     2000 C In ORDERS receiving message the receiving value considered only if a corresponding line exist in external_cust_order_char_tab. The receiving values stored in config_spec_value_tab.characteristic_id and config_char_price_tab.characteristic_id are nOT NULL columns. Not Handled in ORDCHG message CHARACTERISTIC_ID
  C07     100 C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. The value is from CONFIG_CHARACTERISTIC_TAB.description is a NOT NULL column     2000 N   CHARACTERISTIC_DESC
  C08     2000 N       2000 N   CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE
VARCHAR2 C09     100 N   CATALOG_NO Configuration characteristic value description (when discrete) 2000 N   CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE_DESC
  C10     30 N       2000 N   CHARACTERISTIC_UOM
VARCHAR2 C11     20 C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. The value is from CONFIG_SPEC_VALUE_TAB.config_value_type is a NOT NULL Column NOTES Document text entered on purchase order of the ordering site 2000 N   CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE_TYPE
  C12     20 C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. The value is from CONFIG_SPEC_VALUE_TAB.config_data_type is a NOT NULL Column     2000 N   CHARACTERISTIC_DATA_TYPE
VARCHAR2 C15           ORD_CHG_STATE State of ORDCHG row        
VARCHAR2 C17           DELIVERY_ADDRESS_NAME Receiver's name for delivery address        
VARCHAR2 C18           SHIP_ADDRESS_1 Delivery address1        
VARCHAR2 C19           SHIP_ADDRESS_2 Delivery address2        
VARCHAR2 C20           SHIP_ZIP_CODE Zip code        
VARCHAR2 C21           SHIP_CITY City        
VARCHAR2 C22           SHIP_STATE State        
VARCHAR2 C49           SHIP_COUNTY County        
VARCHAR2 C23           COUNTRY_CODE Country code        
VARCHAR2 C24           DELIVERY_TERMS Delivery terms        
VARCHAR2 C25           DELIVERY_TERMS_DESC Delivery terms description        
VARCHAR2 C26           SHIP_VIA_CODE Ship via code        
VARCHAR2 C27           SHIP_VIA_DESC Ship via code description        
VARCHAR2 C28           EAN_LOCATION_DEL_ADDR Deliver-to-customer's own identification of the delivery address.        
VARCHAR2 C56           DELIVER_TO_CUSTOMER_NO Identity of customer  to whom the items on the order line are delivered        
VARCHAR2 C59           CONTACT Customer contact        
DATE D00           WANTED_DELIVERY_DATE Date on which the customer wants the order to be delivered at the customer's delivery address.        
DATE D05           ORIGINAL_PLAN_DELIV_DATE The original value for Wanted Delivery Date/Time.        
NUMBER N00     50 C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. The value is from PURCHASE_ORDER_LINE_TAB.configuration_id NULLable column but sends in the message only if it has a value     50 C In ORDERS message, the receiving value considered only if a corresponding line exist in external_cust_order_char_tab. The received value stored in config_spec_value_tab.configuration_id and config_char_price_tab.configuration_id are NOT NULL columns. Not Handled in ORDCHG message CONFIGURATION_ID
  N01       C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. The value is from CONFIG_SPEC_VALUE_TAB.spec_revision_no is a NOT NULL Column       N   SPEC_REVISION_NO
NUMBER N02       N         N   QTY_OF_OPTION
NUMBER N06           DISCOUNT Discount        
NUMBER N09           CUSTOMER_QUANTITY Ordered quantity in customer's unit of measure        

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Data type COLUMN Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID message_id Message ID        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE message_line Message line number        
VARCHAR2 NAME CHARROW Name of the line, always Charrow for characteristic lines in the message        
VARCHAR2 C01 line_no Purchase line number        
VARCHAR2 C02 release_no Purchase release number        
VARCHAR2 C03 BASE_ITEM_NO Purchase part number        
VARCHAR2 C04 base_item_desc Purchase part description        
VARCHAR2 C05 language_code Language code on the purchase order        
VARCHAR2 C06 characteristic_id Configuration characteristic ID        
VARCHAR2 C07 characteristic_id_desc Configuration characteristic description        
VARCHAR2 C08 characteristic_value Configuration characteristic value        
VARCHAR2 C09 characteristic_value_desc Configuration characteristic value description (when discrete)        
VARCHAR2 C10 characteristic_uom Characteristic unit of measure: when variable value        
VARCHAR2 C11 CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE_TYPE Type of option: discrete or variable value        
VARCHAR2 C12 CHARACTERISTIC_DATA_TYPE Numeric or alphanumeric        
NUMBER N00 CONFIGURATION_ID Configuration ID        
NUMBER N01 spec_revision_no Configuration specification number        
NUMBER N02 QTY_OF_OPTION Qty of configuration characteristic, when discrete        

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Purchase Orders [ORDERS]

Purchase Orders [ORDERS] message is used to send a purchase order to the supplier and to receive a customer order from the customer.

This message has three types of rows:

Order Header Row

Data type Column Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID (FK) EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity              
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Header should always be row number 1              
VARCHAR2 NAME Header Type of message line              
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter              
VARCHAR2 c00 ORDER_NO Purchase Order number 12 M   INTERNAL_PO_NO The order number of the corresponding internal purchase order, for internal customer orders. 12 N   ORDER_NO1
VARCHAR2 c01 ACQUISITION_SITE Supplier site (used for internal order) 5 N   CONTRACT Site used for the order 5 C In ORDERS message if receiving contact is null get the value from CUST_ORD_CUSTOMER_TAB.edi_site(nullable) . But insert the value into Customer_Order_Tab.contract which is a not null column. Hence if CUST_ORD_CUSTOMER_TAB.edi_site is null it is required to receive the value from the message. In ORDCHG message this no use for CO hence only stored in ext_cust_order_change_tab.contract is a NULLable column CONTRACT
VARCHAR2 c02 BUYER Customer's buyer 100 M         BUYER
VARCHAR2 c04 VENDOR_NO Supplier's ID (for customer) 20 M   20     VENDOR_NO
VARCHAR2 c05 ADDR_NO Supplier's address number (Document address) 50 M   50     SUPPLIER_ADDRESS_NO
VARCHAR2 c06 CURRENCY_CODE Supplier's currency 3 M   CURRENCY The currency in which the customer is being charged 3 N   CURRENCY_CODE
VARCHAR2 c07 DLY_ADDR_NAME Delivery address Name 100 N   DELIVERY_ADDRESS_NAME Customer’s delivery address name 100 N   RECEIVER_NAME
VARCHAR2 c08 DLY_ADDR1 Address 1 35 N   SHIP_ADDRESS1 Delivery address 1 35 N   ADDRESS_1
VARCHAR2 c09 DLY_ADDR2 Address 2 35 N   SHIP_ADDRESS2 Delivery address 2 35 N   ADDRESS_2
VARCHAR2 c10 DLY_ADDR3 Postal code 35 N   SHIP_ZIP CODE Delivery zip code 35 N   ZIP_CODE
VARCHAR2 c11 DLY_ADDR4 City 35 N   SHIP_CITY Delivery city 25 N   CITY
VARCHAR2 c12 DLY_ADDR5 State 35 N   SHIP_STATE Delivery state 35 N   STATE
VARCHAR2 C49 DLY_ADDR6 County       SHIP_COUNTY Delivery county        
VARCHAR2 c13 COUNTRY_CODE Country code 2 C In Sending header(c13) if single occurance the value is taken from Purchase_Order_tab.country_code is a nullable column but if not single occurance this is mendatory as COMPANY_ADDRESS_TAB.country is a NOT NULL column. In send PO Line (c23) if single occurance the value is from pur_order_line_address_tab.country_code is a nullable column but if not single occurance this is mendatory as COMPANY_ADDRESS_TAB.country is a Not Null column. COUNTRY_CODE Delivery country code 2 N   COUNTRY_CODE
VARCHAR2 c14 PO_REF/CONTACT Company contact person 100 N   INTERNAL_REF Customer's reference 30 N   CONTACT_REFERENCE
VARCHAR2 c15 DELIVERY_TERMS_DESC Delivery terms description 35 M   DELIVERY_TERMS_DESC Delivery terms description 35 N   DELIVERY_TERMS_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 c16 SHIP_VIA_DESC Ship via description 35 M   SHIP_VIA_DESC Ship via description 35 N   SHIP_VIA_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 c17 FORWARDER_ID Forward agent 20 N   FORWARD_AGENT_ID Forward agent 20 N   FORWARD_AGENT
VARCHAR2 c18 LABEL_NOTE External CO label note 50 N

If at least one purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line having supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the external label note of pegged customer order.

If the label note is NULL in the purchase order and any purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line having Purchase Direct (PD) or Purchase Transit (PT), the value is taken from the external label note of pegged customer order.

Otherwise if the header order code does not equal 4, the value is taken from the label note in the purchase order.

LABEL_NOTE External CO label note 50 N   LABEL_NOTE
VARCHAR2 c19 BLANKET_ORDER Customer's blanket number 12 N         CUSTOMER_BLANKET_NO
VARCHAR2 c20 COMPANY_FAX Customer's fax number 200 N         CUSTOMER_FAX_NO
VARCHAR2 c21 COMPANY_PHONE Customer's phone number 200 N         CUSTOMER_PHONE_NO
VARCHAR2 c22 POSTAL_ADDRESS Customer's postal address (Full address) 180 N         CUSTOMER_POSTAL_ADDRESS
VARCHAR2 c23 COMPANY_NAME Customer's company name 100 M         CUSTOMER_COMPANY_NAME
VARCHAR2 c24 COMPANY_COUNTRY Customer's company country 35 N         CUSTOMER_COMPANY_COUNTRY
VARCHAR2 c25 CUSTOMER_NO Customer's ID at supplier 20 N   CUSTOMER_NO Customer who sent PO 20 C In ORDERS message if internal customer site (c39) is not null then take the value for customer_no from CUST_ORD_CUSTOMER_TAB.customer_no where it is a not null column else it should be possible to get a unique customer from the EAN Address Location OUR_CUSTOMER_NO
VARCHAR2 c26 HEADER_NOTE Header document text 2000 N   NOTE_TEXT Document text entered on the purchase order header 2000 N   HEADER_NOTE
VARCHAR2 c27 BLANKET_HEADER_NOTE Supplier Agreement header document text 2000 N         BLANKET_HEADER_NOTE
VARCHAR2 c30 MESSAGE_CLASS In this case, "ORDERS" 30     30     MESSAGE_CLASS
VARCHAR2 c31 MEDIA_CODE Way of communication (EDI, MHS, etc) 30     30     MEDIA_CODE
  C32     100 N             EAN_SUPPLIER_DOCUMENT_ADDRESS
VARCHAR2 c33 EAN_LOCATION_DEL_ADDR EAN location no. for your delivery address 100 N   EAN_LOCATION_DEL_ADDR EAN location no. for customer's delivery address 100 N   EAN_LOCATION_DELIVERY_ADDRESS
VARCHAR2 c34 EAN_LOC_DOC_ADDR EAN location no. for your document address 100 N   EAN_LOC_DOC_ADDR EAN Loc. No for customer's document address 100 N   EAN_LOCATION_DOCUMENT_ADDRESS
VARCHAR2 c35       CUSTOMER_NO_PAY ID of the customer to be invoiced instead of the ordering customer 20 N   CUSTOMER_NO_PAY
VARCHAR2 C36           CUSTOMER_NO_PAY_ADDR_NO EAN location number of the customer to be invoiced instead of the ordering customer. 2000 C   EAN_LOCATION_PAYER_ADDRESS
VARCHAR2 c37 ORDER_CODE Type of order (Internal direct or transit etc.) 3 M   INTERNAL DELIVERY_TYPE Type of order (Internal direct or transit etc.) 3 N   ORDER_CODE
VARCHAR2 c38 CUSTOMER_PO_NO The purchase order number of the customer 50 N

If at least one purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line having supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the Customer's PO No of the pegged customer order.

Otherwise if all purchase order lines are pegged to customer order lines having Internal Purchase Transit (IPT), the value is taken from the Customer's PO No of pegged customer order unless NULL then the purchase order number is passed.

CUSTOMER_PO_NO The purchase order number of the customer 50 N   CUSTOMER_PO_NO
VARCHAR2 c39 CONTRACT Ordering site 5 C Sending value only if supplier_catagery = 'Internal'. Value Purchase_Order_Tab.contract is NOT NULL column INTERNAL_CUSTOMER_SITE Site connected to customer (used for internal order) 5 N   INTERNAL_CUSTOMER_SITE
  C40     15 N       15     SUPPLIER_CO_NO
VARCHAR2 c41 PAY_TERM_ID Payment terms ID 20 C Sends value of Purchase_Order__tab.pay_term_id(NOT NULL) only if PO Order_Code = 1 or 4 PAY_TERM_ID Payment terms ID 20 N   PAY_TERM_ID
VARCHAR2 C42 DELIVERY_TERMS Delivery terms ID 3 C Sends value of Purchase_Order__tab.delivery_terms(NOT NULL) only if PO Order_Code = 1 or 4 DELIVERY_TERMS Delivery terms ID 3 M   DELIVERY_TERMS
VARCHAR2 C43 Ship_via_code Ship via code ID 3 C Sends value of Purchase_Order__tab.ship_via_code(NOT NULL) only if PO Order_Code = 1 or 4 Ship_via_code Ship via code ID 3 N   SHIP_VIA_CODE
VARCHAR2 C44 20     SALESMAN_CODE Salesman identity 20 N   SALESMAN_CODE
VARCHAR2 C45 2     LANGUAGE Language code 2 N   LANGUAGE_CODE
VARCHAR2 C46 15     IMPORT_MODE Default value is ORDER 15 M   IMPORT_MODE
VARCHAR2 C47 25     EXTERNAL_REF A reference that is used to refer to the customer's system. 25 N   EXTERNAL_REF
VARCHAR2 C48 Route_id The ID of the route to be used for the delivery. This is only relevant when the purchase order line has the Internal Customer Direct demand code. 12     ROUTE_ID The ID of the route to be used for the delivery. This is only relevant when the purchase order line has the Internal Customer Direct demand code. 12 N   ROUTE_ID
VARCHAR2 C50 BACKORDER_OPTION_DB Backorder option of the pegged customer order 40 C If the purchase order is pegged to a customer order without any customer order lines having supply code Internal Purchase Transit (IPT), the value is taken from the pegged customer order. BACKORDER_OPTION_DB Backorder option of the pegged customer order 40 M Determines how the order will be treated when performing reservations, when creating the pick list and when reporting picking. ALLOW_BACKORDER_DB
VARCHAR2 C52 AUTHORIZER_NAME PO coordinator name 100 M         AUTHORIZE_NAME
VARCHAR2 C54 VAT_NO Tax identity no       VAT_NO The tax identity number for the customer. 50 N   VAT_NO
VARCHAR2 C55 DEL_TERMS_LOCATION Delivery terms location 100 N   DEL_TERMS_LOCATION Delivery terms location 100 N   DEL_TERMS_LOCATION
VARCHAR2 C56 PRINT_DELIVERED_LINES_DB Show Only Delivered Lines in Delivery Note   N If the purchase order is pegged to a customer order without any customer order lines having supply code Internal Purchase Transit (IPT), the value is taken from the pegged customer order. PRINT_DELIVERED_LINES_DB Show Only Delivered Lines in Delivery Note   N Determines whether or not already delivered lines should be printed on the customer order delivery note and/or shipment delivery note. PRINT_DELIVERED_LINES_DB
VARCHAR2 C61 CONTACT or CUST_REF References of the pegged customer order 30 N If at least one purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line having supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the Reference of the pegged customer order header. CUST_REF References of the pegged customer order 30 N   CUST_REF
VARCHAR2 C73 SHIPMENT_TYPE Used in  Transit Delivery to send any default shipment type between the sites.   N If Order_Code = 4, sends the default shipment type between the sites. SHIPMENT_TYPE Used in  Transit Delivery to send any default shipment type between the sites.   N   SHIPMENT_TYPE
VARCHAR2 C86 PAY_TERM_DESC Payment terms description 100               PAY_TERM_DESC
DATE d00 ORDER_DATE Order creation date   M         ORDER_DATE
DATE d01 WANTED_RECEIPT_DATE Wanted delivery date   M   DELIVERY_DATE Date on which the customer wants the order to be delivered at the customer's delivery address.   M   WANTED_DELIVERY_DATE
DATE d02 BLANKET_ORDER_DATE Blanket date   C if Purchase_Order_Tab.blanket_Order is NOT NULL then This is mandatory as it contains the value from SUPPLIER_BLANKET_TAB.blanket_order_date is a NOT NULL column       CUSTOMER_BLANKET_ORDER_DATE
VARCHAR2 N10 TRANSIT_DELIVERY_LEAD_TIME Used in Internal Purch Direct Delivery and Transit Delivery leadtime on external CO   C Sends value of vendor_delivery_leadtime_ from Pur_Order_Leadtime_Util_API.Get_Leadtime_Values always returns a value(NVL=0) only if PO Order_Code = 1 or 4 DELIVERY_LEADTIME Used in Internal Purch Direct Delivery and Transit Delivery leadtime on external CO   N   TRANSIT_DELIVERY_LEADTIME
NUMBER N12 PICKING_LEAD_TIME Used in Transit Delivery to send any default picking lead time between the sites.   C If Order_Code = 4 (IPT), sends the default picking lead time between the sites. PICKING_LEAD_TIME Used in Transit Delivery to send any default picking lead time between the sites.       PICKING_LEAD_TIME
NUMBER N20 SEQUENCE_NO Orders message sequence number   M         MESSAGE_SEQUENCE_NO
NUMBER N21 VERSION_NO Orders message version number   M         MESSAGE_VERSION_NO
VARCHAR2 STATE Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity       Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity        

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Order Line Row

Data type COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID (FK) EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity       EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Each message can hold several lines       Row of message Each message can hold several lines        
VARCHAR2 NAME Row Type of message line   M   Row Type of message line   M   NAME
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter       Error message for line Generated by EDI converter        
VARCHAR2 C00 ORDER_NO Order number (Customer PO number ) 12 M     12 M   CUTOMER_PO_NO
VARCHAR2 C01 LINE_NO PO line number   M   LINE_NO Customer order line number   M   ORDER_LINE_NO
VARCHAR2 C02 RELEASE_NO PO release number of row 4 M   REL_NO Customer order delivery note number of row 4 N   RELEASE_NO
VARCHAR2 C03 PART_NO Part number of the purchase part 25 M   CUSTOMER_PART_NO Part number of the ordering site 45 C  If no sales part cross reference exist and internal_po_no is NOT NULL then the value received into Customer_Order_Line_Tab.catalog_no is a NOT NULL column. Otherwsie the value received into Customer_Order_Line_Tab.customer_part_no is a nullable column. Used in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages PART_NO
VARCHAR2 C04 DESCRIPTION The description of the part on the ordering site or company. This value may be retrieved from the part description on the purchase order line. 200 M   CATALOG_DESC The original value for the description of the part on the ordering site or company as received in the incoming customer order (ORDERS) message. This value is not retrieved to the customer order. 200 N   PART_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C05 BUY_UNIT_MEAS Supplier sales unit meas. 10 M         BUY_UNIT_MEASURE
VARCHAR2 C06 UNIT_MEAS Customer inventory unit meas. 10 N         CUSTOMER_UNIT_MEASURE
  C08     3 M             CURRENCY_CODE
VARCHAR2 C09 VENDOR_PART_NO Supplier part number 80 N   CATALOG_NO Part number of the delivering site 25 C customer_Order_Line_tab.catalog_no is a NOT NULL column. but the value is taken from Sales_Part_Cross_Reference_API.Get_Catalog_No if it is null only it uses the value from the incoming message. VENDOR_PART_NO
VARCHAR2 C10 BLANKET_ORDER Blanket order number 12 N         BLANKET_ORDER_NO
VARCHAR2 C11 DETAIL_NOTE Row document text 2000 N   NOTES Document text entered on the purchase order line at ordering site 2000 N   DETAIL_NOTE
VARCHAR2 C12 BLANKET_DETAIL_NOTE Blanket row document text 2000 N         BLANKET_DETAIL_NOTE
VARCHAR2 C13 SUPPLIER_PART_NOTE Supplier part document text 2000 N         SUPPLIER_PART_NOTE
  C14     15 N             SUPPLIER_CO_NO
  C15     20 M       20 M   ORDER_LINE_CHANGE_ACTION
VARCHAR2 C16 SENDING_PRICE_FLAG Determines whether the price should be sent 20 M   SENDING_PRICE_FLAG Determines whether the price should be sent 20 C The values for SALE_UNIT_PRICE and CATALOG_DESC are fetched from the receiving message only if sending_price_flag_ = 'SENDPRICE' But this incoming value is not stored. ORDERS_PRICE_OPTION_DB
VARCHAR2 C17 LINE_ADDRESS_NAME Receiver name for delivery address 100 N If not a single occurrence address, the value is taken from the company delivery address of the purchasing site.

If single occurrence address, the value is taken from the purchase order line. For a purchase order line pegged to a customer order line with supply code Purchase Direct (PD) or Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is replicated from the pegged customer order line to the purchase order line.

Note that for direct deliveries the purchase order line address will always be single occurrence.

DELIVERY_ADDRESS_NAME  Delivery address name 100 N   RECEIVER_NAME
VARCHAR2 C18 LINE_ADDRESS_1 Address 1 35 N Same logic as LINE_ADDRESS_NAME above (C17). SHIP_ADDRESS1 Delivery address 1 35 N   ADDRESS_1
VARCHAR2 C19 LINE_ADDRESS_2 Address 2 35 N Same logic as LINE_ADDRESS_NAME above (C17). SHIP_ADDRESS2 Delivery address 2 35 N   ADDRESS_2
VARCHAR2 C20 LINE_ZIP_CODE Postal code 35 N Same logic as LINE_ADDRESS_NAME above (C17). SHIP_ZIP_CODE Delivery zip code 35 N   ZIP_CODE
VARCHAR2 C21 LINE_CITY City 35 N Same logic as LINE_ADDRESS_NAME above (C17). SHIP_CITY Delivery city 35 N   CITY
VARCHAR2 C22 LINE_ADDR_STATE State 35 N Same logic as LINE_ADDRESS_NAME above (C17). SHIP_ STATE Delivery state 35 N   STATE
VARCHAR2 C49 LINE_COUNTY County 35 N Same logic as LINE_ADDRESS_NAME above (C17). SHIP_COUNTY Delivery county 35 N   COUNTY
VARCHAR2 C23 LINE_COUNTRY_CODE Receiver country code (ISO code) 2 C Same as logic as LINE_ADDRESS_NAME above (C17). COUNTRY_CODE Delivery country code 2 N   COUNTRY_CODE
VARCHAR2 C24 DELIVERY_TERMS Delivery terms ID 3 M The value is taken from the purchase order line. For a purchase order line pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is replicated from the pegged customer order line to the purchase order line. DELIVERY_TERMS Delivery terms ID 3 N   DELIVERY_TERMS_CODE
VARCHAR2 C25 DELIVERY_TERMS_DESC Delivery terms description 35 M The value is taken from the purchase order line. For a purchase order line pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is replicated from the pegged customer order line to the purchase order line. DELIVERY_TERMS_DESC Delivery terms description 35 N   DELIVERY_TERMS_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C26 SHIP_VIA_CODE Ship via code ID 3 M The value is taken from the purchase order line. For a purchase order line pegged to a customer order line with supply code Purchase Direct (PD) or Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is replicated from the pegged customer order line to the purchase order line. SHIP_VIA_CODE Ship via code ID 3 N   SHIP_VIA_CODE
VARCHAR2 C27 SHIP_VIA_DESC Ship via description 35 M The value is taken from the purchase order line. For a purchase order line pegged to a customer order line with supply code Purchase Direct (PD) or Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is replicated from the pegged customer order line to the purchase order line. SHIP_VIA_DESC Ship via description 35 N   SHIP_VIA_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C28 EAN_LOCATION Deliver-to-customer's own identification of the delivery address. 100 N If not a single occurrence address, the value is taken from the company delivery address of the purchasing site.

If single occurrence address, the value is taken from the purchase order line and there will only be a value if the purchase order is pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD). The value is replicated from the pegged customer order line to the purchase order line based on the delivery address of the customer order line.

Note that for direct deliveries the purchase order line address will always be single occurrence.

EAN_LOCATION_DEL_ADDR Deliver-to-customer's own identification of the delivery address. 100 N This value is passed to the supplier in order to identify the delivery address as a known address. If correctly configured this means that the address will not be single occurrence on the internal customer order on the the supply site. EAN_LOCATION_DELIVERY_ADDRESS
VARCHAR2 C29 ROUTE_ID Route ID 12 N Only used when a purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line. ROUTE_ID  Route ID 12 N   ROUTE_ID
VARCHAR2 C30 FORWARDER_ID Forwarding Agent 20 N The value is taken from the purchase order line. For a purchase order line pegged to a customer order line with supply code Purchase Direct (PD) or Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is replicated from the pegged customer order line to the purchase order line. FORWARD_AGENT_ID Forwarding Agent 20 N   FORWARD_AGENT
VARCHAR2 C31 CONDITION_CODE Condition code of the part 10 C   CONDITION_CODE Condition code of the part 10 N   CONDITION_CODE
VARCHAR2 C36 SHIPMENT_CREATION Customer order shipment creation method. 25 N Only used when a purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line. SHIPMENT_CREATION Customer order shipment creation method 25 N   SHIPMENT_CREATION
VARCHAR2 C37 ORDER_CODE order line code (for internal flow only) 3 M   INTERNAL_DELIVERY_TYPE order line code (for internal flow only)       INTERNAL_DELIVERY_TYPE
VARCHAR2 C44 IPD_VAT_NO Used in an internal direct delivery situation, and refers to the tax ID number of the order taking site's company, in the country where the delivery takes place. 50 N   VAT_NO Used in an internal direct delivery situation, and refers to the tax ID number of the order taking site's company, in the country where the delivery takes place. 50 N   VAT_NO
VARCHAR2 C45 IPD_VAT_FREE_VAT_CODE Only used in an internal purchase direct situation, for the intra EC tax free trade 20 N   VAT_FREE_VAT_CODE Only used in an internal purchase direct situation, for the intra EC tax free trade 20 N   VAT_FREE_VAT_CODE
VARCHAR2 C46 IPD_VAT_LIABILITY Pay Tax 20 N   VAT_PAY_TAX Used in an internal direct delivery situation for intra EC trade. It indicates whether the order taking site is liable for tax in the customer's country 20 N   VAT_LIABILITY
VARCHAR2 C50 INTERNAL_DEST_DESC Internal destination 2000 N         DESTINATION_ID
VARCHAR2 C51 DOCK_CODE Dock 35 N For a purchase order line pegged to a customer order line with supply code Purchase Direct (PD) or Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line.

For other purchase order lines the value is taken from a the purchase order line (technically from a sub-table called pur_ord_line_ext_tab)

VARCHAR2 C52 SUBDOCK_CODE Subdock 35 N For a purchase order line pegged to a customer order line with supply code Purchase Direct (PD) or Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line.

For other purchase order lines the value is taken from a the purchase order line (technically from a sub-table called pur_ord_line_ext_tab)

VARCHAR2 C53 LOCATION Location where the goods shall be delivered 35 N For a purchase order line pegged to a customer order line with supply code Purchase Direct (PD) or Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line.

For other purchase order lines the value is taken from a the purchase order line (technically from a sub-table called pur_ord_line_ext_tab)

LOCATION Location where the goods shall be delivered 35 N   LOCATION
VARCHAR2 C54 INV_FLAG_DB Indicates if the ordered part is a stocked part in the customer site (for internal flow only, relevant when both sites are in the same company)
1 M   INVENTORY_FLAG_DB Indicates if the ordered part is a stocked part in the customer site (for internal flow only, relevant when both sites are in the same company) 1 N   INVENTORY_FLAG_DB
  C55     100 N       100 N   DEL_TERMS_LOCATION
VARCHAR2 C56 DELIVER_TO_CUSTOMER_NO Customer ID to which the order items are delivered 20 N   DELIVER_TO_CUSTOMER_NO Customer ID to which the order items are delivered 20 N   DELIVER_TO_CUSTOMER_NO
VARCHAR2 C57 DISTRICT_CODE Geographical district to which the goods will be sent 10 N Only used when a purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line. DISTRICT_CODE Geographical district to which the goods will be sent 10 N   DISTRICT_CODE
VARCHAR2 C58 REGION_CODE Geographical region to which the goods will be sent 10 N Only used when a purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line. REGION_CODE Geographical region to which the goods will be sent 10 N   REGION_CODE
VARCHAR2 C59 CONTACT Customer contact 90 N Only used when a purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line. CONTACT Customer contact 90 N   CO_LINE_CONTACT
VARCHAR2 C60 INTRASTAT_EXEMPT_DB Indicates if the delivery address is exempted from intrastat reporting  20 M   INTRASTAT_EXEMPT_DB Indicates if the delivery address is exempted from intrastat reporting  20 N   INTRASTAT_EXEMPTION_DB
VARCHAR2 C63 DEL_TERMS_LOCATION Delivery terms location     The value is taken from the purchase order line. For a purchase order line pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is replicated from the pegged customer order line to the purchase order line. DEL_TERMS_LOCATION Delivery terms location        
VARCHAR2 C65 CLASSIFICATION_PART_NO Active assortment node's classification part no for a classification standard, when a supplier's classification standard no is equal to intersite-delivery, Classification standard no on ext. CO line. 25 N   CLASSIFICATION_PART_NO   2000 N   CLASSIFICATION_PART_NO
VARCHAR2 C66 CLASSIFICATION_UNIT_MEAS Active assortment node's classification unit meas for a classification standard, when a supplier's classification standard no is equal to intersite-delivery, Classification standard no on ext. CO line. 30 N   CLASSIFICATION_UNIT_MEAS   2000 N   CLASSIFICATION_UNIT_MEAS
VARCHAR2 C67 GTIN_NO The default GTIN of the part 14 N   GTIN_NO GTIN used for identification of the part 14 N   GTIN_NO
VARCHAR2 C68 VENDOR_PART_DESCRIPTION The description of the part on the delivering site or company. This value may be retrieved from the supplier part description on the purchase order line. 200 N   VENDOR_PART_DESC The original value for the description of the part on the delivering site or company as received in the incoming customer order (ORDERS) message. This value is only retrieved to the customer order if the Send Order Price check box is selected on the Supplier for Purchase Part window. 200 N   VENDOR_PART_DESC
VARCHAR2 C69 PACKING_INSTRUCTION_ID The packing instruction ID   N Only used when a purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line.

It is used so that the external customer order that set the requirement on how parts should be packed on a shipment.

VARCHAR2 C70 ORIGINATING_CO_LANG_CODE Language code 2 N Only used when a purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order. If no value is found on the pegged customer order line, it is taken from the customer order header. ORIGINATING_CO_LANG_CODE Language code 2 N   ORIGINATING_CO_LANG_CODE
VARCHAR2 C71 CUST_CALENDAR_ID Customer calendar 10 N Only used when a purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line. CUST_CALENDAR_ID Customer calendar 10 N   CUST_CALENDAR_ID
VARCHAR2 C72 EXT_TRANS_CALENDAR_ID External transport calendar 10 N Only used when a purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line. EXT_TRANS_CALENDAR_ID External transport calendar 10 N   EXT_TRANS_CALENDAR_ID
VARCHAR2 C73 SHIPMENT_TYPE Used in Internal Purch Direct Delivery for shipment type of external CO or in Internal Transit Delivery for any default shipment type between the sites.   N If Order_Code = 3 (IPD), sends the shipment type from the external customer order.

If Order_Code = 4 (IPT), sends the default shipment type between the sites.

SHIPMENT_TYPE Used in Internal Purch Direct Delivery for shipment type of external CO or in Internal Transit Delivery for any default shipment type between the sites.   N   SHIPMENT_TYPE
DATE D00 WANTED_DELIVERY_DATE Wanted delivery date / part   M    
DATE D05 PLANNED_DELIVERY_DATE The date on which the goods are planned to be delivered at the receiver's address   M   ORIGINAL_PLAN_DELIV_DATE The original value for Wanted Delivery Date/Time       PLANNED_DELIVERY_DATE
DATE D07 PLANNED_RENTAL_START_DATE The date on which the rental period is planned to be started.   C Applicable only for rental lines PLANNED_RENTAL_START_DATE The date on which the rental period is planned to be started.   C Applicable only for rental lines PLANNED_RENTAL_START_DATE
DATE D08 PLANNED_RENTAL_END_DATE The end date of the rental.   C Applicable only for rental lines PLANNED_RENTAL_END_DATE The end date of the rental.   C Applicable only for rental lines PLANNED_RENTAL_END_DATE
NUMBER N00 BUY_QTY_DUE Buy quantity due in supplier sales unit   M   BUY_QTY_DUE Ordered quantity due in supplier unit of measure   C The value stored in Customer_Order_Line_tab.BUY_QTY_DUE is a NOT NULL column. But if customer_Quantity is null only BUY_QTY_DUE from the message is used. This used in ORDERS messages when order_change_status = CHANGED. BUY_QUANTITY_DUE
NUMBER N02 FBUY_UNIT_PRICE Buy unit price in your currency   M   SALES_UNIT_PRICE Original price received   C If part_ownership IN ('CUSTOMER OWNED','SUPPLIER LOANED') then a default value = 0 is set for SALE_UNIT_PRICE. If c16 sending_price_flag_ = 'SENDPRICE' then only the value for SALE_UNIT_PRICE is received. But in Customer_Order_Line_tab.SALE_UNIT_PRICE is a NOT NULL column. Used in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages UNIT_PRICE_IN_SUPPLIER_CURRENCY
NUMBER N03 BUY_UNIT_PRICE Buy unit price in customer currency   M         UNIT_PRICE_IN_OUR_CURRENCY
NUMBER N07 ADDITIONAL_COST_AMOUNT Additional cost amount in supplier currency   M         ADDITIONAL_COST_AMOUNT
NUMBER N08 BLANKET_LINE Blanket order line   N         BLANKET_ORDER_LINE
NUMBER N09 CUSTOMER_QUANTITY In customer buy unit       CUSTOMER_QUANTITY Quantity ordered in customer unit of measure   N   CUSTOMER_BUY_QUANTITY
VARCHAR2 N10 TRANSIT_DELIVERY_LEAD_TIME Used in Internal Purch Direct Delivery and Transit Delivery leadtime on external CO   C Value is sent only if order_code = 3, 4 and 2. When order_code = 3 the value is taken from Customer_Order_Line_Tab.delivery_leadtime is a NOT NULL column. When order_code = 4 the value is taked from Pur_Order_Leadtime_Util_API.Get_Leadtime_Values is also not null. When order_code = 2 then the value is takedn from Pur_Order_Leadtime_Util_API.Get_Total_Leadtime_For_Part is also NOT NULL. DELIVERY_LEADTIME Used in Internal Purch Direct Delivery and Transit Delivery leadtime on external CO   N   DELIVERY_LEADTIME
NUMBER N11 INPUT_QTY Input Qty from CO when PO is pegged to CO.   N   INPUT_QTY If received GTIN is a GTIN-14 with a connected package, this is the ordered quantity, expressed in this package.   N   INPUT_QTY
NUMBER N12 PICKING_LEAD_TIME Picking lead time of external CO   C Only used when a purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line with supply code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD), the value is taken from the pegged customer order line. PICKING_LEAD_TIME   Picking lead time of external CO       PICKING_LEAD_TIME
NUMBER N13 FBUY_UNIT_PRICE_INCL_TAX Buying unit price including tax in your currency   M   UNIT_PRICE_INCL_TAX  Original price including tax received   C If c16 sending_price_flag_ = 'SENDPRICE' then only the value for UNIT_PRICE_INCL_TAX is received. But in Customer_Order_Line_tab.UNIT_PRICE_INCL_TAX is a NOT NULL column. Used in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages UNIT_PRICE_INCL_TAX_IN_SUPPLIER_CURRENCY
NUMBER N14 BUY_UNIT_PRICE_INCL_TAX Buying unit price including tax in customer currency   M             UNIT_PRICE_INCL_TAX_IN_OUR_CURRENCY
NUMBER N15 ADDITIONAL_COST_INCL_TAX Additional cost amount including tax in supplier currency   M           ADDITIONAL_COST_INCL_TAX
NUMBER N16 REPLACEMENT_RENTAL_NO The rental number to which the replacement purchase order line is connected.   C   REPLACEMENT_RENTAL_NO The rental number to which the replacement purchase order line is connected.       REPLACEMENT_RENTAL_NO
VARCHAR2 STATE Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity       Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity        

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Order Configuration Line Row

Data type COLUMN SEND MESSAGE Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENTS
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID           message_id Message ID        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE           message_line Message line number        
VARCHAR2 NAME       C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. CHARROW CONFIGROW Name of the line, always Configrow for characteristic lines in the message       NAME
NUMBER C01     4 C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. The value is from Purchase_Order_Line_TAB.Line_No NOT NULL column LINE_NO Purchase order line number 2000 N   LINE_NO
NUMBER C02     4 C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. Purchase_Order_Line_TAB.Release_no Not Null column RELEASE_NO Purchase order release number 2000 N   RELEASE_NO
VARCHAR2 C03     25 C   CUSTOMER_PART_NO The part number of the ordering site 2000 C In ORDERS message the receiving value considered only if a corresponding line exist in external_cust_order_char_tab. The receiving value stored in config_spec_value_tab.part_no and config_char_price_tab.part_no are NOT NULL columns. Not Handled in ORDCHG message BASE_ITEM_NO
VARCHAR2 C04     200 C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. The value is from INVENTORY_PART_TAB.description (NOT NULL) CATALOG_DESC Part description of the delivering site 2000 N   BASE_ITEM_DESC
  C05     4 C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. The value is from PURCHASE_ORDER_TAB.language_code is a NOT NULL column     2000 N   LANGUAGE_CODE
  C06     25 C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. The value is from CONFIG_SPEC_VALUE_TAB.characteristic_id is a NOT NULL column     2000 C In ORDERS receiving message the receiving value considered only if a corresponding line exist in external_cust_order_char_tab. The receiving values stored in config_spec_value_tab.characteristic_id and config_char_price_tab.characteristic_id are nOT NULL columns. Not Handled in ORDCHG message CHARACTERISTIC_ID
  C07     100 C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. The value is from CONFIG_CHARACTERISTIC_TAB.description is a NOT NULL column     2000 N   CHARACTERISTIC_DESC
  C08     2000 N       2000 N   CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE
VARCHAR2 C09     100 N   CATALOG_NO Part number of the delivering site 2000 N   CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE_DESC
  C10     30 N       2000 N   CHARACTERISTIC_UOM
  C12     20 C       2000 N   CHARACTERISTIC_DATA_TYPE
VARCHAR2 C11     20 C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. The value is from CONFIG_SPEC_VALUE_TAB.config_value_type is a NOT NULL Column NOTES Document text entered on the purchase order line at ordering site 2000 N   CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE_TYPE
VARCHAR2 C28     100 N   EAN_LOCATION_DEL_ADDR Deliver-to-customer's own identification of the delivery address. 100 N   EAN_LOCATION_DELIVERY_ADDRESS
VARCHAR2 C56           DELIVER_TO_CUSTOMER_NO Customer ID to which the order items are delivered       DELIVER_TO_CUSTOMER_NO
VARCHAR2 C59           CONTACT The contact person for this particular customer address identity.       CO_LINE_CONTACT
NUMBER N00       C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. The value is from PURCHASE_ORDER_LINE_TAB.configuration_id NULLable column but sends in the message only if it has a value BUY_QTY_DUE Ordered quantity due in supplier unit of measure   C In ORDERS message, the receiving value considered only if a corresponding line exist in external_cust_order_char_tab. The received value stored in config_spec_value_tab.configuration_id and config_char_price_tab.configuration_id are NOT NULL columns. Not Handled in ORDCHG message CONFIGURATION_ID
  N01       C The value sends in both ORDERS and ORDCHG messages only if configuration_id_ <> '*'. The value is from CONFIG_SPEC_VALUE_TAB.spec_revision_no is a NOT NULL Column       N   SPEC_REVISION_NO
NUMBER N02       N   SALE_UNIT_PRICE Original sales price   N   QTY_OF_OPTION
NUMBER N06       M   DISCOUNT Discount       DISCOUNT
NUMBER N09           CUSTOMER_QUANTITY Quantity ordered in customer unit of measure   N   CUSTOMER_BUY_QUANTITY
DATE D00       M   WANTED_DELIVERY_DATE Date on which the customer wants the order to be delivered at the customer's delivery address.   M   WANTED_DELIVERY_DATE

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Data type COLUMN Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description      
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID message_id Message ID        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE message_line Message line number        
VARCHAR2 NAME CHARROW Name of the line, always Charrow for characteristic lines in the message        
NUMBER C01 line_no Purchase order line number        
NUMBER C02 RELEASE_NO Purchase order release number        
VARCHAR2 C03 BASE_ITEM_NO Purchase part number        
VARCHAR2 C04 BASE_ITEM_DESC Purchase part description        
VARCHAR2 C05 language_code Language code on the purchase order        
NUMBER C06 characteristic_id Configuration characteristic ID        
VARCHAR2 C07 characteristic_id_desc Configuration characteristic description        
VARCHAR2 C08 characteristic_value Configuration characteristic value        
VARCHAR2 C09 characteristic_value_desc Configuration characteristic value description (when discrete)        
VARCHAR2 C10 characteristic_uom Characteristic unit of measure: when variable value        
VARCHAR2 C11 CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE_TYPE Type of option: discrete or variable value        
VARCHAR2 C12 CHARACTERISTIC_DATA_TYPE Numeric or alphanumeric        
NUMBER N00 CONFIGURATION_ID Configuration ID        
NUMBER N01 spec_revision_no Configuration specification number        
NUMBER N02 QTY_OF_OPTION Qty of configuration characteristic, when discrete        

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Order Confirmation [ORDRSP]

Order Confirmation [ORDRSP] is a customer order confirmation that the supplier sends to its customer.

This message has two types of rows:

Order Confirmation Header Row

Data type COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID (FK) EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity       EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Header should always be row number 1       Row of message Header should always be row number 1        
VARCHAR2 NAME Header Type of message line       Header Type of message line        
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter       Error message for line Generated by EDI converter        
VARCHAR2 c00 ORDER_NO Order number 12 M   SUPPLIER_ORDER_NO The customer order number 15 N   SUPPLIER_ORDER_NO
VARCHAR2 c01 CUSTOMER_PO_NO Customer's PO number 12 N   ORDER_NO Purchase order number 12 M   CUSTOMER_PO_NO
VARCHAR2 c02 CONTRACT Customer's site (used for internal order) 5 N   CONTRACT Site where the purchase order is placed. 2000 N   CONTRACT
VARCHAR2 c03 SALESMAN Supplier's salesperson 100 N   SALESMAN Supplier's salesperson on the ordering site 2000 N   SALESMAN
VARCHAR2 c04 AUTHORIZER Authorizer (Name) 100 M         AUTHORIZER
VARCHAR2 c05 CUSTOMER_NO Supplier's ID of customer 20 M         CUSTOMER_NO
VARCHAR2 c06 VAT VAT (Coded) 50 N         VAT
VARCHAR2 c07 SHIP_ADDR_NO Supplier's address number (Document address) 50 N         ADDRESS_NO
VARCHAR2 c08 CURRENCY_CODE Customer currency 3 M         CURRENCY_CODE
VARCHAR2 c09 DELIVERY ADDRESS Customer's name for delivery address 35 N     35 N ADDRESS_2
VARCHAR2 c10 ADDR1 Delivery address 1 35 N     35 N ADDRESS_1
VARCHAR2 c11 ADDR2 Delivery address 2 35 N     35 N ADDRESS_2
VARCHAR2 c12 ZIP_CODE Delivery zip code 35 N     35 N ZIP_CODE
VARCHAR2 c13 CITY Delivery city 35 N     35 N CITY
VARCHAR2 c14 STATE Delivery state 35 N     35 N STATE
VARCHAR2 c15 COUNTRY CODE Customer's country code 2 N     2 N COUNTY
VARCHAR2 c16 CUSTOMER_NO_PAY Supplier's customer number for payer 20 N         CUSTOMER_NO_FOR_PAYER
VARCHAR2 c17 CUSTOMER_NO_PAY_ADDR_NO Payer address number (Document address) 50 C The value is from customer_order_tab.CUSTOMER_NO_PAY_ADDR_NO which is mandatory when customer_Order_tab.customer_no_pay is having a value. Refer customer_Order_api.Unpack_Check_Insert___ .       PAYER_ADDRESS_NO
VARCHAR2 c18 CUST_REF Customer Reference 30 N         CUSTOMER_REFERENCE
VARCHAR2 c19 PAY_TERM_ID ID of payment terms (Coded) 20 N         PAYMENT_TERMS_ID
VARCHAR2 c21 SHIP_VIA_DESC Ship via description 35 N         SHIP_VIA_DESC
VARCHAR2 c22 FORWARD_AGENT Forward agent 20 N         FORWARD_AGENT
  C24     200               PRICE_LIST_NO
VARCHAR2 c23 LABEL_NOTE Label note (Full text) 50 N   LABEL_NOTE Label note (Full text) 2000 N   LABEL_NOTE
VARCHAR2 c25 FAX Supplier fax number 200 N         FAX_NO
VARCHAR2 c26 PHONE Supplier phone number 200 N         PHONE_NO
VARCHAR2 c27 POSTAL_ADDRESS Supplier postal address 215 N         POSTAL_ADDRESS
VARCHAR2 c28 POST Supplier Postal giro account 200 N         POST_GIRO
VARCHAR2 c29 BANK Supplier bank giro account 200 N         BANK_GIRO
VARCHAR2 c30 COMPANY Supplier's company name 35 M         COMPANY_NAME
VARCHAR2 c31 COMPANY_COUNTRY Supplier's company country 35 N         COMPANY_COUNTRY
VARCHAR2 c32 OUR_SUPPLIER_NO Supplier's ID at customer 20 N   OUR_SUPPLIER_NO Supplier's ID at customer 2000 N   OUR_SUPPLIER_NO
VARCHAR2 c33 NOTE_ID Header document text 2000 N   HEADER_NOTE Header document text 2000 N   HEADER_NOTE
VARCHAR2 c35 CUSTOMER_NOTE Customer document text   N         CUSTOMER_NOTE
VARCHAR2 c36 Receiver address Customer's EDI address 200 M     255   CUSTOMER_COMMUNICATION_ID
VARCHAR2 c37 Message type In this case, "ORDRSP" 6           MESSAGE_TYPE
VARCHAR2 c38 Media code Way of communication (EDI, MHS, etc) 30           MEDIA_CODE
VARCHAR2 c39 EAN_ DOC_ADDR EAN location no. for customer document address 100 N         EAN_LOCATION_DOCUMENT_ADDRESS
VARCHAR2 c40 EAN_ DEL_ADDR EAN location no. for customer delivery address 100 N         EAN_LOCATION_DELIVERY_ADDRESS
VARCHAR2 c41 EAN_ PAY_ADDR EAN location no. for payer document address 100 N         EAN_LOCATION_DOCUMENT_ADDRESS_FOR_PAYER
VARCHAR2 c42 ORDRSP_STATUS Type of order response 30 M         HEADER_STATUS
VARCHAR2 c43 COUNTY Delivery County              
  C49     100 N             DEL_TERMS_LOCATION
VARCHAR2 C86 PAY_TERM_DESC Payment terms description 100               PAYMENT_TERMS_DESC
DATE D00 DATE_ENTERED Creation date of order   M             ORDER_DATE_CREATE
DATE d01 WANTED_DELIVERY_DATE Wanted delivery date   M         WANTED_RECEIPT_DATE
VARCHAR2 STATE Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity       STATE Status of message line        

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Order Confirmation Line Row

Data type COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID (FK) EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity       EDI message ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Each message can hold several lines       Row of message Each message can hold several lines        
VARCHAR2 NAME Row Type of message line       Row Type of message line        
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter       Error message for line Generated by EDI converter        
VARCHAR2 c00 ORDER_NO Supplier's order number (CO) 12 M   SUPPLIER_ORDER_NO Customer order number 2000 N   ORDER_NO
VARCHAR2 c01 CUSTOMER_PO_NO Customer's PO number 12 N   ORDER_NO Purchase order number 12 M   CUSTOMER_PO_NO
VARCHAR2 c02 LINE_NO Customer's PO line number 4 M   LINE_NO Purchase order line number 4 M   CUSTOMER_PO_LINE_NO
VARCHAR2 c03 REL_NO Customer's PO release number of row 4 M   REL_NO Purchase order release number 4 M   RELEASE_NO
VARCHAR2 c04 CATALOG_NO Supplier part number 25 M   SUPPLIER_PART_NO Part number the supplier uses for the purchase part       SUPPLIER_PART_NO
VARCHAR2 c05 CATALOG_DESC Supplier description of sales part 200 N         PART_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 c06 SALES_UNIT_MEAS Supplier sales unit meas.   N   SALES_UNIT_MEAS The purchase unit of measure for this part.   2000 N  
VARCHAR2 c07 PRICE_UNIT_MEAS Supplier price unit meas.   N   PRICE_UNIT_MEAS The price unit of measure used for the part as specified by the supplier.   2000 N PRICE_UNIT_MEASURE
VARCHAR2 c08 CURRENCY_CODE Supplier currency code             CURRENCY_CODE
VARCHAR2 c09 NOTE_ID Row document text 2000 N   DETAIL_NOTE Row document text 2000 N   DETAIL_NOTE
VARCHAR2 c10 BLANKET_DETAIL_NOTE Blanket row document text 3 M         BLANKET_DETAIL_NOTE
VARCHAR2 c11 CUSTOMER_PART_NO Customer ID of sales part 45 N         CUSTOMER_SALES_PART_NO
VARCHAR2 c12 CUSTOMER_PART_UNIT_MEAS Customer unit of measure. 10 N         CUSTOMER_UNIT_MEASURE
VARCHAR2 c13 ORDRSP_STATUS Type of order response line 30 M   SUPPLIER_RESPONSE Type of response 2000 M   ORDER_LINE_RESPONSE_TYPE
VARCHAR2 C15 CLASSIFICATION_PART_NO Classification part no(Supplier Site Internal CO information) 25 N   CLASSIFICATION_PART_NO         CLASSIFICATION_PART_NO
VARCHAR2 C17 GTIN_NO The default GTIN of the part 14 N   GTIN_NO         GTIN_NO
VARCHAR2 C18 SHIP_VIA_CODE Ship via code 3 M Sent for demand code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD) SHIP_VIA_CODE Ship via code     When purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line having supply code Internal Purchase Direct, both the purchase order line and pegged customer order line is updated with this value. SHIP_VIA_CODE
VARCHAR2 C19 FORWARDER_ID Forwarder agent 20 N Sent for demand code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD) FORWARDER_ID Forwarder agent     When purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line having supply code Internal Purchase Direct, both the purchase order line and pegged customer order line is updated with this value. FORWARDER_ID
VARCHAR2 C20 ROUTE_ID Route ID 12 N Sent for demand code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD) ROUTE_ID Route ID     When purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line having supply code Internal Purchase Direct, the pegged customer order line is updated with this value. ROUTE_ID
VARCHAR2 C21 PACKING_INSTRUCTION_ID The packing instruction ID   N Sent for demand code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD) PACKING_INSTRUCTION_ID External transport calendar     When purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line having supply code Internal Purchase Direct, the pegged customer order line is updated with this value.

It is used to confirm to the external customer how parts should be packed on a shipment.

VARCHAR2 C22 EXT_TRANSPORT_CALENDAR_ID External transport calendar 20 N Sent for demand code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD) EXT_TRANSPORT_CALENDAR_ID External transport calendar    

When purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line having supply code Internal Purchase Direct, both the purchase order line and pegged customer order line is updated with this value.

DATE d00 PLANNED_DELIVERY_DATE Planned delivery date / part   M   PLANNED_DELIVERY_DATE The date on which the goods are planned to be delivered at the receivers address, as specified on the purchase order line.   M   PLANNED_DELIVERY_DATE
DATE d01 Wanted Delivery Date Original customer desired delivery date   N   ORIGIN_DESIRED_DATE Original wanted date   N   ORIGIN_DESIRED_DATE
DATE D02 PLANNED_RENTAL_START_DATE     C Applicable only for rental lines PLANNED_RENTAL_START_DATE     C Applicable only for rental lines PLANNED_RENTAL_START_DATE
DATE D03 PLANNED_RENTAL_END_DATE     C Applicable only for rental lines PLANNED_RENTAL_END_DATE     C Applicable only for rental lines PLANNED_RENTAL_END_DATE
DATE D04 ORG_RENTAL_START_DATE     C Applicable only for rental lines ORG_RENTAL_START_DATE     C Applicable only for rental lines ORG_RENTAL_START_DATE
DATE D05 ORG_RENTAL_END_DATE     C Applicable only for rental lines ORG_RENTAL_END_DATE     C Applicable only for rental lines ORG_RENTAL_END_DATE
NUMBER n00 BUY_QTY_DUE Buy quantity due in sales units   M   BUY_QTY_DUE The quantity of parts that could be delivered.   M   BUY_QUANTITY_DUE
NUMBER n01 Origin_sales_quantity Origin buy quantity due in sales units   N   Origin_sales_quantity The quantity of parts originally ordered, expressed in purchase unit of measure.   N   ORIGIN_SALES_QUANTITY
NUMBER n02 SALE_UNIT_PRICE Sale unit price in customer currency   M   SALES_UNIT_PRICE The price per purchase unit in base currency   M   SALE_UNIT_PRICE
NUMBER n03 BASE_SALE_UNIT_PRICE Base sale unit price in supplier currency   M         BASE_SALE_UNIT_PRICE
NUMBER n05 CURRENCY_RATE Currency rate             CURRENCY_RATE
NUMBER n07 CUSTOMER_PART_BUY_QTY Quantity sold, expressed in customer's unit of measure   N         CUSTOMER_SALES_QUANTITY
NUMBER n08 Customer_PRICE_currency Net amount in order currency   N         CURRENCY_RATE
NUMBER N09 GROUP_DISCOUNT Group discount percentage                  
NUMBER N10 ADDITIONAL_DISCOUNT Additional discount percentage                  
NUMBER N11 DISCOUNT_AMOUNT Discount amount in order currency                  
NUMBER N12 TOTAL_DISCOUNT Total discount percentage                  
NUMBER N13 INPUT_QTY Input Qty from CO.   N   INPUT_QTY         INPUT_QTY
NUMBER N14 CUSTOMER_PART_CONV_FACTOR Customer's part conversion factor   N   CUSTOMER_PART_CONV_FACTOR Customer's part conversion factor     Used to calculate price on purchase order. CUSTOMER_PART_CONV_FACTOR
NUMBER N15 DELIVERY_LEADTIME External transport lead time   C Sent for demand code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD) DELIVERY_LEADTIME External transport lead time     When purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line having supply code Internal Purchase Direct, the pegged customer order line is updated with this value. DELIVERY_LEADTIME
NUMBER N16 UNIT_PRICE_INCL_TAX Sale unit price including tax in customer currency   M   SALES_UNIT_PRICE_INCL_TAX   N     SALE_UNIT_PRICE_INCL_TAX
NUMBER N17 BASE_UNIT_PRICE_INCL_TAX Base sale unit price including tax in supplier currency   M           . BASE_SALE_UNIT_PRICE_INCL_TAX
NUMBER N18 GROSS_CURR_AMOUNT Gross Amt/Curr   N     External transport lead time     When purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line having supply code Internal Purchase Direct, the pegged customer order line is updated with this value. DELIVERY_LEADTIME
NUMBER N19 PICKING_LEADTIME Picking lead time   C   Sent for demand code Internal Purchase Direct (IPD) Picking lead time     When purchase order line is pegged to a customer order line having supply code Internal Purchase Direct, the pegged customer order line is updated with this value. PICKING_LEADTIME
VARCHAR2 STATE Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity       Status of message line Handled by IFS Connectivity        

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Price Lists/Agreements [PRICAT]

Since it is possible to send the message from both price lists and customer agreements, there is one specification for price lists and one for customer agreements defined below.

Both the price list message and the customer agreement message contain two types of rows: header and line.

Price List Header Row

Data Type COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID (FK) message_ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity       message_ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS Connectivity        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Header should always be row number 1       Row of message Header should always be row number 1        
VARCHAR2 NAME Line type Identifies the line type of the message;
in this case, HEADER
      Line type Identifies the line type of the message;
in this case, HEADER
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter       Error message for line Generated by EDI converter        
VARCHAR2 C00 PRICE_LIST_NO The customer price list ID 10 M   PRICE_CATALOG_NO Supplier's price catalog number 2000 N   PRICE_CATALOG_NO
VARCHAR2 C01 status Code that indicates if this price catalog
is a original price catalog or
a replacement price catalog
12 M   PRICE_CATALOG_STATUS_DB Code that indicates if this price catalog
is a original price catalog or
a replacement price catalog
VARCHAR2 C02 CUSTOMER'S Customer Agreement Identity Customer's agreement 25 N   AGREEMENT_REF If the message is connected to a supplier agreement, the supplier agreement number 2000 N   CUSTOMER_AGREEMENT_REFERENCE
VARCHAR2 C04 GET_SUPPLIER_ID Your ID at customer 20 N   SUPPLIER_ID Identity of the supplier to whom the price list is being sent 20 N   OUR_ID_AT_CUSTOMER
VARCHAR2 C05 COMPANY Company name 20 M   SUPPLIERS_OWN_ID The company identity used by the supplier for its own address when the supplier participates in EDI communication. 20 N   COMPANY
VARCHAR2 (NUMBER in EDIFACT) C06 GET_EAN_LOCATION 100 N   OUR_ID_EAN Company's identity as the supplier has it entered in EAN format. 100 N   OWN_ID
VARCHAR2 C07 CUSTOMER_NO Customer number 20 M   OUR_ID Your company's identity as the supplier has it entered in text format (if EAN is not used). 2000 N   INTERNAL_ID
VARCHAR2 C08       COMPANY Company name 20 N   SUPPLIER_OWN_ID
VARCHAR2 C09 SUP_PRICE_LIST_NO The number of the price list sent to the customer 10 C Send_Price_List / If the price list is already sent to any customer, for the second time this field will have a value else this could be null. SALES_PRICE_LIST_TAB.sup_price_list_no, corresponding column is nullable or Send by the client. sales_price_list_tab.price_list_no, corresponding column is not nullable Send_Agreement / If the agreement is already sent to any customer, for the second time this field will have a value else this could be null. CUSTOMER_AGREEMENT_TAB
.sup_agreement_id, corresponding column is nullable or Send by the client. customer_Agreement_tab.agreement_id, corresponding column is not nullable
PRICE_CATALOG_REF Price catalog to which this message refers (used when C01 is replacement) 20 N   PRICE_CATALOG_REFERENCE
VARCHAR2 C10 CURRENCY_CODE Currency used for the prices in the list 3 M   CURRENCY_CODE Currency used for the prices in the list 2000 N   CURRENCY_CODE
VARCHAR2 C11 Customer Agreement Identity Our agreement reference 10 M   SUPPLIER_AGREEMENT_REF Reference to the supplier's supplier agreement 20 N   OUR_AGREEMENT_REFERENCE
VARCHAR2 C13 DELIVERY TERMS  CODE Delivery Terms Identity 3 N             DELIVERY_TERMS_CODE
VARCHAR2 C14 DELIVERY TERMS DESCRIPTION Delivery Terms Description 35 C Send_Agreement / If delivery term code exists, this is mandatory. ORDER_DELIVERY_TERM_TAB.description, corresponding column is not nullable           DELIVERY_TERMS_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C15 SHIP VIA CODE Ship Via Code 3 N             SHIP_VIA_CODE
VARCHAR2 C16 SHIP VIA DESCRIPTION Ship Via Code Description 35 C Send_Agreement / If ship via code exists, this is mandatory. MPCCOM_SHIP_VIA_TAB.description, corresponding column is not nullable           SHIP_VIA_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C17 USE_PRICE_INCL_TAX Use Price Including Tax 20 M  


NUMBER N20 MESSAGE SEQUENCE NO Message Sequence Number   M             MESSAGE_SEQUENCE_NO
NUMBER N21 MESSAGE VERSION NO Connectivity Message Version   M             MESSAGE_VERSION_NO
DATE D00 SITE_DATE Date when the price catalog was published, i.e., Sender date   M   DATE_PUBLISHED Date when the price catalog was published by the supplier.   N   PUBLISH_DATE
DATE D01 Valid_from Date from which the price catalog is valid; Fetched from Sender dialog.   M   Valid_ from Date from which the price catalog is valid; Fetched from Sender dialog.   N   PRICE_CATALOG_VALID_FROM
DATE D02 Valid_to Date to which the price catalog is valid
(only used if the prices are not valid until further notice)
  N   Valid_ to Date to which the price catalog is valid
(only used if the prices are not valid until further notice)
VARCHAR2 STATE Status Status of the message line              

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Price List Line Row

Data Type COLUMN Send Message Receive Message XML TAG
Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID Message_ID Generated by IFS/Connectivity       Message_ID Generated by IFS/Connectivity        
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Each message can consist of several lines       Row of message Each message can consist of several lines        
VARCHAR2 NAME Line Type Identifies the line type of the message, in this case LINE       Line Type Identifies the line type of the message, in this case LINE        
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error Message for the line Generated by the EDI converter       Error Message for the line Generated by the EDI converter        
VARCHAR2 C00 Price catalog action code Code that indicates action code for part. Will always be "Added" in IFS Applications. 5 M   ACTION_CODE_DB Code that indicates action code for part. Will always be "Added" in IFS Applications. 7 M   PRICE_CATALOG_ACTION_TYPE
VARCHAR2 C02 CATALOG_NO Part number 25 M   SUPPLIER_PART_NO Supplier's own part number in text format (if EAN code is not used). 2000 N   OUR_PART_NO
VARCHAR2 C03 CUSTOMER_PART_NO Customer part number 45 N   PART_NO The part number of the purchase part 25 N   CUSTOMER_PART_NO
VARCHAR2 C04 CURRENCY_CODE Currency associated with the price list 3 M   CURRENCY_CODE Currency of the price 3 N   SALES_PRICE_CURRENCY_CODE
VARCHAR2 C05 PRICE_UNIT_MEAS The price unit used for this part on price list 10 N   BUY_UNIT_MEAS The price unit of measure used for the part,as specified by the supplier. 30 N   UNIT_CODE
VARCHAR2 C06 AGREEMENT REFERENCE Customer Agreement Identity 10 M   Agreement_reference If the message is connected to a supplier agreement, the number of the supplier agreement 12 N   AGREEMENT_REFERENCE
VARCHAR2 C07 CATALOG_GROUP Sales group ID for sales part 10 M         SALES_GROUP_ID
VARCHAR2 C08 CATALOG_GROUP_DESC Sales group description for sales part 35 M         SALES_GROUP_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C09 SALES_PRICE_GROUP_ID Sales price group ID for sales part 10 M         SALES_PRICE_GROUP_ID
VARCHAR2 C10 SALES_PRICE_GROUP_DESC Sales price group description for sales part 35 M         SALES_PRICE_GROUP_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C11 PRIME_COMMODITY Commodity group1 ID for inventory part 5 N         COMMODITY_GROUP_1_ID
VARCHAR2 C12 PRIME_COMMODITY_DESC Commodity group1 description for inventory part 35 C Send_Price_List / Exists when CommodityGroup1Id is there. COMMODITY_GROUP_TAB.description, corresponding column is not nullable Send_Agreement / Exists when CommodityGroup1Id is there. COMMODITY_GROUP_TAB.description, corresponding column is not nullable       COMMODITY_GROUP_1_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C13 SECOND_COMMODITY Commodity group2 ID for inventory part 5 N         COMMODITY_GROUP_2_ID
VARCHAR2 C14 SECOND_COMMODITY_DESC Commodity group2 description for inventory part 35 C Send_Price_List / Exists when CommodityGroup2Id is there. COMMODITY_GROUP_TAB.description, corresponding column is not nullable Send_Agreement / Exists when CommodityGroup1Id is there. COMMODITY_GROUP_TAB.description, corresponding column is not nullable       COMMODITY_GROUP_2_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C15 PART_PRODUCT_CODE Product code for inventory part 5 N         PRODUCT_CODE_ID
VARCHAR2 C16 PART_PRODUCT_CODE_DESC Product code description for inventory part 35 C Send_Price_List / Exists when ProductCodeId is there. INVENTORY_PRODUCT_CODE_TAB.description, corresponding column is nullable Send_Agreement / Exists when ProductCodeId is there. INVENTORY_PRODUCT_CODE_TAB.description, corresponding column is nullable       PRODUCT_CODE_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C17 PART_PRODUCT_FAMILY Shows product family for inventory part 5 N         PRODUCT_FAMILY_ID
VARCHAR2 C18 PART_PRODUCT_FAMILY_DESC Product family description for inventory part 35 C Send_Price_List / Exists when ProductFamilyId is there. INVENTORY_PRODUCT_FAMILY_TAB.description, corresponding column is not nullable Send_Agreement / Exists when ProductFamilyId is there. INVENTORY_PRODUCT_FAMILY_TAB.description, corresponding column is not nullable       PRODUCT_FAMILY_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C19 GTIN_NO The Default GTIN of the part 14 N   GTIN_NO GTIN used for identification of the part 14 N   GTIN_NO
DATE D00 VALID_FROM_DATE The date from which this price is valid; Can differ from the date on the message header   M   VALID_FROM The date from which this price is valid; Can differ from the date on the message header   N   PRICE_VALID_FROM
DATE D01 VALID_TO_DATE The date until which this price is valid; Fetch date from header as it is not specified per line   N   VALID_UNTIL The date until which this price is valid; Fetch date from header as it is not specified per line   N   PRICE_VALID_TO
DATE D02 LAST_UPDATED Date when the price list line last was updated   M         LAST_UPDATED_DATE
NUMBER N00 SALES_PRICE Sales price of the sales part   M   PRICE Price expressed in the currency of the supplier for purchase part.   N   SALES_PRICE
NUMBER N01 Discount Discount in percent   M   DISCOUNT Discount in percent   N   DISCOUNT
NUMBER N02 MIN_QUANTITY Minimum quantity for a certain price   M   MIN_QUANTITY Minimum quantity for a certain price   N   MINIMUM_QUANTITY
NUMBER N03       Max_Qty Maximum quantity for a certain price; Always set to null   N   MAXIMUM_QUANTITY
NUMBER N05 SALES_PRICE_INCL_TAX Sales price including tax of the sales part   M   PRICE_INCL_TAX Price including tax expressed in the currency of the supplier for purchase part.   N   SALES_PRICE
NUMBER N06       ADDITIONAL_COST_INCL_TAX Additional cost amount including tax   N   ADDITIONAL_COST_AMOUNT
NUMBER N04       Additional_Cost_Amount Additional cost amount   N   ADDITIONAL_COST_AMOUNT
NUMBER N20 SEQUENCE_NO PRICAT message sequence number                  
NUMBER N21 VERSION_NO PRICAT message version number                  
VARCHAR2 STATE Status Status of the message line              

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Agreement Header Row

Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT Value Description SIZE M/N/C* COMMENT
NUMBER MESSAGE_ID (FK) message_ID Unique ID of message generated by IFS ConneESSAGE_LINE Row of message Header should always be row number 1              
VARCHAR2 NAME Line_type Identifies the line type of the message; in this case, HEADER                  
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error message for line Generated by EDI converter                  
VARCHAR2 C01 STATUS Code that indicates if this price catalog is a original price catalog or a replacement price catalog 12 M       2000 N   PRICE_CATALOG_STATUS
DATE D00 AGREEMENT_DATE Date when the price catalog was published, i.e., agreement date   M         N   PUBLISH_DATE
VARCHAR2 C02 CUST_AGREEMENT_ID Reference to customer ID of the agreement 25 N       2000 N   CUSTOMER_AGREEMENT_REFERENCE
C03 EAN_LOCATION Identified by EAN 100 N       2000 N   OUR_EAN_ID
VARCHAR2 C04 GET_SUPPLIER_ID Your ID at customer 20 N       20 N   OUR_ID_AT_CUSTOMER
VARCHAR2 C05 COMPANY Company Identity 20 M       20 N   COMPANY
VARCHAR2 (NUMBER in EDIFACT) C06 Our_customer_ID_ in_EAN Customer's own ID for an address 100 N       100 N   OWN_ID
VARCHAR2 C07 CUSTOMER_NO Customer identity 20 M       2000 N   INTERNAL_ID
DATE D01 VALID_FROM Date from which the customer agreement is valid   M         N   PRICE_CATALOG_VALID_FROM
DATE D02 VALID_TO Date to which the price catalog is valid (only used if the prices are not valid until further notice)   N         N   PRICE_CATALOG_VALID_TO
VARCHAR2 C09 SUP_AGREEMENT_ID The superseded agreement identity (used when C01 is replacement) 10 C Send_Price_List / If the price list is already sent to any customer, for the second time this field will have a value else this could be null. SALES_PRICE_LIST_TAB.sup_price_list_no, corresponding column is nullable or Send by the client. sales_price_list_tab.price_list_no, corresponding column is not nullable Send_Agreement / If the agreement is already sent to any customer, for the second time this field will have a value else this could be null. CUSTOMER_AGREEMENT_TAB.sup_agreement_id, corresponding column is nullable or Send by the client. customer_Agreement_tab.agreement_id, corresponding column is not nullable     20 N   PRICE_CATALOG_REFERENCE
VARCHAR2 C10 CURRENCY_CODE Currency used for the prices in the list 3 M       2000 N   CURRENCY_CODE
VARCHAR2 C11 AGREEMENT_ID Reference to your agreement ID, for which these prices are valid 10 M       20 N   OUR_AGREEMENT_REFERENCE
VARCHAR2 C13 DELIVERY_TERMS Delivery terms code 3 N             DELIVERY_TERMS_CODE
VARCHAR2 C14 DELIVERY_TERMS_DESC Delivery terms description 35 C Send_Agreement / If delivery term code exists, this is mandatory. ORDER_DELIVERY_TERM_TAB.description, corresponding column is not nullable           DELIVERY_TERMS_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C15 SHIP_VIA_CODE Ship via code 3 N             SHIP_VIA_CODE
VARCHAR2 C16 SHIP_VIA_CODE_DESC Ship via description 35 C Send_Agreement / If ship via code exists, this is mandatory. MPCCOM_SHIP_VIA_TAB.description, corresponding column is not nullable           SHIP_VIA_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 STATE Status Status of the message line                  

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

Back to the messages

Agreement Line Row

NUMBER MESSAGE_ID EDI/MHS_Message_ID Generated by IFS/Connectivity                  
NUMBER MESSAGE_LINE Row of message Each message can consist of several lines                  
VARCHAR2 NAME Line_Type Identifies the line type of the message; in this case, LINE                  
VARCHAR2 ERROR_MESSAGE Error Message for the line Generated by the EDI converter                  
VARCHAR2 C00 Price_catalog_action_code Code that indicates action code for part; Will always be "Added" in IFS Applications. 5 M       7 M   PRICE_CATALOG_ACTION_TYPE
VARCHAR2 C02 CATALOG_NO Our part number in text format (if C01 is not used) 25 M       2000 N   OUR_PART_NO
VARCHAR2 C03 CUSTOMER_PART_NO Customer part number 45 N       25 N   CUSTOMER_PART_NO
VARCHAR2 C04 CURRENCY_CODE Currency which the price is stated in 3 M       3 N   SALES_PRICE_CURRENCY_CODE
VARCHAR2 C06 AGREEMENT_ID Reference to the agreement ID for which these prices are valid; Not used for price lists 10 M       12 N   AGREEMENT_REFERENCE
VARCHAR2 C07 CATALOG_GROUP Sales group ID for sales part 10 M             SALES_GROUP_ID
VARCHAR2 C08 CATALOG_GROUP_DESCRIPTION Sales group description for sales part 35 M             SALES_GROUP_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C09 SALES_PRICE_GROUP_ID Sales price group ID for sales part 10 M             SALES_PRICE_GROUP_ID
VARCHAR2 C10 SALES_PRICE_GROUP_DESC Sales price group description for sales part 35 M             SALES_PRICE_GROUP_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C11 PRIME_COMMODITY Commodity group1 ID for inventory part 5 N             COMMODITY_GROUP_1_ID
VARCHAR2 C12 PRIME_COMMODITY_DESC Commodity group1 description for inventory part 35 C Send_Price_List / Exists when CommodityGroup1Id is there. COMMODITY_GROUP_TAB.description, corresponding column is not nullable Send_Agreement / Exists when CommodityGroup1Id is there. COMMODITY_GROUP_TAB.description, corresponding column is not nullable           COMMODITY_GROUP_1_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C13 SECOND_COMMODITY Commodity group2 ID for inventory part 5 N             COMMODITY_GROUP_2_ID
VARCHAR2 C14 SECOND_COMMODITY_DESC Commodity group2 description for inventory part 35 C Send_Price_List / Exists when CommodityGroup2Id is there. COMMODITY_GROUP_TAB.description, corresponding column is not nullable Send_Agreement / Exists when CommodityGroup1Id is there. COMMODITY_GROUP_TAB.description, corresponding column is not nullable           COMMODITY_GROUP_2_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C15 PART_PRODUCT_CODE Product code for inventory part 5 N             PRODUCT_CODE_ID
VARCHAR2 C16 PART_PRODUCT_DESC Product code description for inventory part 35 C             PRODUCT_CODE_DESCRIPTION
VARCHAR2 C17 PART_PRODUCT_FAMILY Product family for inventory part 5 N             PRODUCT_FAMILY_ID
VARCHAR2 C18 PART_PRODUCT_FAMILY_DESC Product family description for inventory part 35 C             PRODUCT_FAMILY_DESCRIPTION


GTIN_NO The Default GTIN of the part 14 N   GTIN_NO GTIN used for identification of the part 14 N   GTIN_NO
DATE D00 Valid_From The date from which this price is valid; Fetch date from header as it is not specified per line   M         N   PRICE_VALID_FROM
DATE D01 Valid_Until The date until this price is valid; Fetch date from header as it is not specified per line   N         N   PRICE_VALID_TO
VARCHAR2 PRICE_UNIT_MEAS Sales_unit The price unit used for this part on customer agreement                  
NUMBER N00 DEAL_PRICE Price for the part   M           N SALES_PRICE
NUMBER N01 Discount Discount in percent   M           N DISCOUNT
VARCHAR2 STATE Status Status of the message line                  

* States whether a value in the field is mandatory (M), non-mandatory (N), or conditional (C).

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