Complete Fixed Assets Physical Count


This activity is used to complete a physical count.


In order to perform this activity, the physical count must not include any object of which the count status is null (i.e. no value entered in the Count Status field) or Missing.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the following system effects would take place.


Object Physical Counts
Register Object Physical Count Result

Related Window Descriptions

Overview FA Physical Counts
Report FA Physical Count
Last Physical Inventory Date


  1. Open the Object Physical Counts window or the Register Object Physical Count Result window and query for the physical count that you want to complete.
  2. Right-click and click Complete FA Physical Count to open the Last Physical Inventory Date dialog box.
  3. In the dialog box, enter the last physical inventory date. The last physical inventory date can be any date that falls between the date on which the physical count was created and the current date. The default date will be based on the latest time stamp for the objects included in the physical count.
  4. Click OK to close the dialog box.