Acquisition Value Adjustment


This activity is used to adjust the acquisition values of a fixed assets object for one or several books.


Before acquisition value adjustments per book can be entered, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

Note: Acquisition value adjustments per book do not update the user-defined base values of the object as user-defined base values are not book-specific.



Related Window Descriptions

Acquisition Value Adjustment per Book


Use the following procedure to make book-specific adjustments for the acquisition value of a fixed asset:

  1. Open the Object window and query for the object for which you want to adjust the acquisition value(s).
  2. Right-click in the background of the window and click Acquisition Value Adjustment per Book to open the Acquisition Value Adjustment per Book window.
  3. Change Voucher Date, User Group and Voucher Type if appropriate. Note: The voucher type will not be used for adjustments in a book which is connected to a specific voucher type.
  4. Create a new record for each adjustment you want to enter in the Adjustment Data table:
  5. Select the relevant book for the Book ID field using the List of Values.
  6. Enter the Event Date of the adjustment. Note that several acquisition value adjustments for the same book must be entered in ascending order of the event date.
  7. Enter the amount in accounting currency in the Adjustment Amount field: Increases must have a positive, decreases must have a negative sign.
  8. Enter the amount in parallel currency in the Adjustment Amount in @EU field. (Note: This field is editable only if the company uses Parallel Currency functionality.)
  9. Change the adjustment type in the Adjustment type field if the adjustment shall not be shown and posted as an addition but as an appreciation.
  10. Double-click on the Notes field if you want to enter an explanation for the adjustment transaction.
  11. Select an appropriate transaction reason for the adjustment using the List of Values.
  12. Repeat steps 5 -10 to enter acquisition value adjustments for several books and/or event dates.
  13. Save. You get an information on the created vouchers.