View Revenue Recognition Project Log


This activity is used to view the result of the calculated revenue recognition for each accounting period for a specific project. This activity shows all the applicable revenue recognition periods for a particular project.


The revenue recognition procedure must have the Calculated, Modified, Posted/Closed, or Canceled status.

System Effects

The selected information will be displayed. (The information cannot be modified.) 


Periodical Capitalization and Revenue Recognition
View Revenue Recognition Project Log


Related Window Descriptions

Revenue Recognition Project
View Revenue Recognition Project Log



  1. Open the Periodical Capitalization and Revenue Recognition window. Select a recognition ID, right-click and then click View/Adjust Revenue Recognition.
  2. Select a project ID in the Revenue Recognition Project window, right-click and then click View Project Totals Log.
  3. Select a project ID in the Project window. Right-click and then click View Project Totals Log in any of the following tabs: Project Information, Revenue Recognition Information and Project Totals.